Qin Wentian raise one’s head, this Golden-Winged Great Peng bird cultivation base is equal to him, not a real existence, and he enters his will directly when he realizes the statue.

He has never faced such a difficult encounter with the expo explorer. In front of him, this big Roc is like a real Saint Beast. It has a perfect pure bloodline and has the innate talent of Golden-Winged Great Peng. There is an amazing pressure, and the eyes are like a sharp blade that can penetrate the heart. His attack and defense are arrogant.

Qin Wentian’s eyes became serious, and the perfect Saint Immortal Stage was released, and the endless glory of the glory was overwhelming.

I saw the Golden-Winged Great Peng of the floats in the air. The bird’s wings flapped slowly, giving Qin Wentian’s feeling that it was not like flapping the wings, but a path of the sharpest immortal weapon in the flow of the unique light.

“Oh…” A Great Peng phantom smashed directly down and rushed to Qin Wentian.

“Destroy.” Qin Wentian, my body is blooming, the treasure portrait is solemn, his mouth spits out the mantra, the ancient character floats and moves, kills it, on the perfect Immortal Stage, the faintly ruined Dualbladed Halberd phantom emerges, the light flows on The ancient character of the extinction makes the ancient character show the destruction of strength, and slams on the fallen Great Peng phantom, and instantly disintegrate together.

Golden-Winged Great Peng The wings are constantly moving, and there is endless Great Peng phantom smashing down, the power is raging, Qin Wentian Immortal Stage is inexhaustible, Qin Wentian lips squirming, the mouth is swiftly spit out, the most important thing is the town, the extinction The two characters, the two Astral Soul comes from the seven-eighth sky, the Immortal Stage is more powerful by the wealthy attribute. In an instant, there is boundless beauty between the vast world, a roar of the great Roc who is terrifying. Next, the endless Buddha Sect ancient character floating void guards the Vault of Heaven, killing the Great Peng phantom, the space has a strong pressure, it seems to destroy everything.

Golden-Winged Great Peng true body The body moved, the wings flickered, his figure disappeared directly into the place to, like across the space, killing down, Qin Wentian closed the eyes, the third eye opened Seeing the illusory, capturing the existence of nothingness, perceiving the trajectory of space, and releasing the natural law from the eyebrows, he perceives that a Golden-Winged Great Peng instantly smashed across the space and did not hesitate to raise a hand to tremble a treasure. Great Monster in cauldron.

A violent shock, the Golden-Winged Great Peng bird disappeared without a shadow, and in another moment appeared in another position, fast, fast to Qin Wentian can only use the imaginary eyes to capture, to perceive his existence.

Hōng lóng lóng The devastating attack sounds in space, Qin Wentian’s perfect Immortal Stage Xianli crazy flow, each strike’s strength is called heaven-shaking, and the Golden-Winged Great Peng bird bombs again and again Back, at this moment, the Golden-Winged Great Peng bird’s body suddenly expanded, opened a fierce sucking, and the wings fluttered fiercely, and suddenly the entire space seemed to be shrouded in it, and a parasitic monster’s might come, everything in this space. It must be destroyed, Qin Wentian mortal body strength to extreme, like a Fiendgod stand proud, void disintegrate he does not collapse, frantic destruction of the air, terrifying golden claws caught Qin Wentian’s body, seemingly huge , smash the entire space, can not escape.

“Boom.” Suddenly, void changed, Qin Wentian’s body turned into incarnation for Peng, his body terrifying, flowing Fiendgod-like brilliance, claws smashed out, actually terrifying Great Peng smashed and killed, annihilated Everything between heaven and earth, two Great Peng claws tog together, borrowed to retreat, their eyes are as unparalleled, fighting intent Ling Tian.

The two Great Monsters continue to fight, fighting the heaven falls and earth rends, Qin Wentian is the Human Race, the Immortal Stage is perfect, the secret skill divine ability, and the upper body, and this Golden-Winged Great Peng Really like the most pure Golden-Winged Great Peng fighting will, like the immortal weapon, is also the perfect mortal body, the speed is unparalleled, his attacking techniques are also the secret of Golden-Winged Great Peng itself. Skill strength, power is endless.

After a long time, Qin Wentian outside the statue opened his eyes, his body floated, and the look at the statue was shocking and fighting for a long time. After all, he was defeated, his will was destroyed, and the battle between the wills was Qin Wentian. The perfect combat form and the perfect form of Golden-Winged Great Peng are in combat, even if he is invincible in the Stellar Martial Cultivator, even if he can play White Tiger Clan Royal Clan Bai Mou across the two realm, but this battle he Still defeated.

This means that he does not have the perfect amount of fighting strength. If he is right now, he has a pure bloodline Golden-Winged Great Peng with a bloodline and a ancestor inheritance. He will still be defeated in the same situation.

But he was not too disappointed, but the perfect Golden-Winged Great Peng battle will, the defeat proved that he still has room for improvement at the level of fighting strength.

Looking at the left and right, Heavenly Peng Clan people are also watching the will of this Golden-Winged Great Peng, this is their Royal Clan, and many of the other experts have revealed decadent expression, it seems to have been hit, if this Each statue has the fighting will of the Great Monster, and there is no doubt that it is a sacred land of tempering power, especially for those Monster Beast.

Qin Wentian Before going to another statue, this is a true urgency. The squad is arrogant, ah, 庑┐笱 庑┐笱 庑┐笱 逦虬舜蟊 逦虬舜蟊 逦虬舜蟊 氡啬芄桓 氡啬芄桓 氡啬芄桓 缤 缤 缤 缤 缤鸪岽笈舳哉 芄 芄 逦 逦 逦 笈舯 笈舯 笈舯 笈舯 醯 醯 醯 芴嵘

Monster Dragon, Great Peng, Black Tortoise, God Form, Vermillion Bird, Qilin, Shinji 11.煦纾

Eight Great Monsters, Qin Wentian found their statues to fight. Like the first battle, these Great Monsters are like the most pure bloodline. The perfect Great Monster, which contains the innate talent, terrifying is extremely good, although Qin Wentian can Fight against them, but the final outcome is still a losing streak.

After the battle, Qin Wentian realized the practice and made a little progress.

After that, Qin Wentian fought with the rest of the Great Monster. Even if it wasn’t the powerful Saint Beast, it still had Transcendent’s ability to subvert Qin Wentian’s cognition. For example, even the wolf and black eagle, when they have the most pure bloodline, are equally powerful. To the amazing, terrifying strength, this also seems to prove that any Monster Beast practice to extreme, will be very terrifying.

However, Qin Wentian has finally achieved a successful record. Although it is the Great Blood of pure blood, Saint Beast is born with an advantage. This innate talent is incomprehensible in the Monster Beast world.

At this time, Qin Wentian came to the end of these statues. There was a bright red blood river in front of it. There were thousands of Demon phantoms and terrifying. When they first entered, there was a Great Monster trying to step into it. The bloody Great Monster was swallowed up, and the bones were gone, confirming the sounds that appeared in the mind when they first stepped into the sacred land. They couldn’t fight each other, but they were killed and killed. Can engulf life.

Among the bloody rivers, there are already several figures.

For example, Demonic Lion, Fiery-Eyed Violent Ape and other tyrannical Monster Beast are struggling in the bloody river.

Qin Wentian saw an expression that was as painful as Demonic Lion, as if it could be swallowed at any time, bloody brilliance shrouded them, a little blood light penetrated into the body, and even a lot of Monster Beast made a miserable beast. The snoring, even if it turned into a body, the skin on them was a little bit eroded. Qin Wentian saw that in the bloody river, a tyrannical Great Monster gradually became a bone, and then his bones were drowned by the blood river.

“Call…” Qin Wentian spit out the gas, the fear in his heart was born, the great crisis, that is, the great opportunity, he stepped into the bloody river, and bathed in the light of Saint Sunlight. They have persisted, and now his body is terrifying, and he will be afraid of this place.

In an instant, Qin Wentian was drowned by the blood river. In a moment, he felt that his body had to be torn away. The little blood light penetrated into the body, replacing his blood and eroding his original bloodline. .

“Hey, hehe…” Qin Wentian made a deep snoring, showing an extremely painful expression. In this bloody river, any strength seems to be useless. Even the perfect mortal body is easily eroded. The world of blood, accompanied by the erosion of blood at every point, Qin Wentian seems to feel the bloody Great Monster swallowed and swallowed him in.

Qin Wentian only feels that the doomsday is coming, will it really die?

“Ah…” A painful scream came out. Qin Wentian felt that his body was not under his own control. His consciousness drifted away and he could not feel the existence of the body. He could only feel the boundless Blood Sea. And the Great Monster in the Blood Sea, this is the world of blood.

“I am dead?” Qin Wentian thought, both conscious, naturally undead, and he could not die, thinking that the tearing terrifying pain was still there, and the bloody Great Monster continued to swallow it. To ruin his will, but Qin Wentian knows what to do at this time, and this will cannot be extinguished.

This pain lasted for a long time. Qin Wentian had forgotten the time. The resistance of his willers was so painful. As long as the consciousness is not extinguished, it is not dead. Those who are swallowed up must be unable to hold this will. .

I don’t know how long it took, the power of this will seems to grow stronger. He wants to use the true meaning of seeing the illusory, this moment he has a wonderful feeling. There is no Blood Sea between the heavens and the earth, there is no bloody Great Monster, only a drop of blood. Dropped there, every drop of blood contains a fearful strength.

The gradual return of consciousness, the pain of a heartbreaking pain, Qin Wentian screamed, the bloodline in the body rolled and moved, he suddenly found that in the body, there are two terrifying blood’s strength in confrontation When his blood was eaten a little bit, some magical and terrifying strength in the body seemed to wake up.

His body seems to have turned into a Blood Sea, the bloody Great Monster, and wants to swallow his bloodline, but at this time it is all quiet. In the middle of the Blood Sea, a group of blood lights are suspended. Then, the surrounding blood color Great Monster showed a faint fear and did not dare to move forward.

“It turns out that there is strength in my body, I have never really been excavated!” Qin Wentian murmured, breaking the shackles again and again felt the strongness of the bloodline, but it seems that the blood light suspended in the Blood Sea only needs A drop, you can swallow the entire Blood Sea!

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