An Infinite Dimension Store

350 Nangong was motionless that month

After a strong mental struggle, Nangong chose to deal with the dead emperor's younger brother first.

She wasn't betting that Lu Yu wouldn't destroy the world because of her missed appointment, but she simply couldn't let go of the terrorist attack that was bound to happen here.

Nangong Nayue is a very responsible magician, and people like her will choose to have both sides as long as they are not forced into a desperate situation.

The dissatisfaction on the side of Her Majesty Lu Yu will be resolved by her own apology in the future, and what Nangong should do now that month is to bring the dead emperor to the lock of discipline!

Since you paid such a huge price, if you can't catch people, you will lose a lot!

Just when Nangong remembered this in his heart that month, the extremist terrorist, the dead emperor's younger brother, the plane arrived in Rome.

If you change planes here, you can go to Malta, a Mediterranean country, which is the area where the remnants of the Black Death Royal faction are active in the report.

As soon as Nangong got off the plane that month, he saw the three people waiting for her in the passage.

A mysterious handsome man with black hair and black pupils, and a pair of blond and silver-haired girl knights.

For a time, the demon attacking master, "Witch of the Void" Nangong, who made many demon clans terrified, couldn't help but feel the urge to flee in that month.

In any case, 240 her whole person was temporarily stiff.

"HI! Miss Witch, isn't it very touching that I came to pick up the plane in person?"

Lu Yu greeted her with a smile like a spring breeze.

"I'm moved! Thank you, Your Majesty, I'm very moved!""

Nangong showed a smile that was more ugly than crying that month.

She was moved but did not dare to move.

Although she knew that the other party was at the level of gods, or even above, she never imagined that the other party was so good at the way of space that she could directly cross several countries to her side.

As expected of a god.

But in this case, wouldn't he be blocked by the other party as soon as he announced that he was going to release the pigeons?

Even if Nangong was a witch beyond ordinary people that month, he couldn't help but feel a sense of embarrassment that someone in debt blocked the door.

If the target is one's own students, it is not difficult to fool the past with the majesty of the teacher.

But the key is that the target is a god whose strength cannot be estimated, so Nangong inevitably felt a sense of doom and gloom that month.

"It's good to be moved. Then Miss Nangong... No, that Yuejiang, we should leave."

Seeing Nangong Nayue's expected reaction, Lu Yu chuckled, turned around and walked out.

"Don't use the word "sauce" to address the teacher—"

Nangong Nayue's conditioned reflex was against the name, and he immediately realized that it was Lu Yu who said it.

"Uh—whatever you want, please!

She immediately changed her mind.

If she was just a powerful god, she wouldn't give in so easily.

But in any case, it was her who let go of the pigeons, and this sense of injustice made her a little bit unable to straighten her back.

Miss Witch sighed and followed Lu Yu honestly.

When a few people walked near the immigration hall.

"Damn it!

A roar caught the attention of the passengers.

An ordinary-looking man was holding a few pieces of luggage and was escaping outside at a very fast speed.

Behind the man, a little boy was chasing him.

The little boy seems to have a good physique, and his running speed is slightly faster than the man in front, but because of the distance, he may not be able to catch up.

"It's a pickpocket..."

The blonde girl knight sighed.

"It seems that no matter what kind of world Rome is, there is such a disgusting atmosphere! 35

Erica grew up in Rome in the Godkiller world, and is naturally familiar with Roman thieves, pickpockets, and even worse organizations.

However, she did not expect that she could see this familiar scene in Rome in Otherworld.

What a shame to throw it home.

She looked at Lu Yu and saw that Lu Yu had no objection, Erica immediately stepped forward and blocked the pickpocket's path.

"(bddb) Get out of the way!"

The pickpocket had no intention of detouring, but he took out the dagger from his arms and waved it in the air, seemingly trying to frighten Erica away.

"Is it possible to eat in Rome just like this..."

Lu Yu looked at the ordinary human being in front of him, and looked at Nangong Nayue curiously.

"If there is no mysterious world, it doesn't matter. You dare to rob without even a little fighting skills. Are you not afraid of bad luck and encounter the demons?"

Most demons in this world are physically stronger than humans.

Even vampires, known for their fragile constitutions, are no worse than humans.

Moreover, the strength of their physique cannot be seen visually and intuitively, even thin children or weak women, there is no shortage of existences that can erupt with giant elephant-level arm strength.

If these pickpockets provoked the demons, as long as they were a little bit irritable, it would be easy to be beaten with hemiplegia, and it was not impossible for them to die on the spot.

Hearing Lu Yu's words, Nangong Nayue shook his head.

"These pickpockets are very smart."

She casually pointed to not far away, a woman who looked very normal.

"The demons have registration bracelets on their hands, and those pickpockets and thieves have sharp eyes, and they only attack humans, not dangerous demons!

Lu Yu looked in the direction of Nangong Nayue's fingers, and sure enough, he observed the bracelet on the woman's wrist.

If you look closely, you will find that although there are not many bracelets in the airport, there are definitely a lot of them.

"Is it the bracelet of the demon registration..."

Lu Yu looked at the style of the bracelet with great interest.

"The shape of the collar is more to my taste, but I guess you don't do that.""

Hearing this, Nangong Nayue showed a helpless expression.

"Please let us go, if we do it so blatantly, it will definitely start a war!"

She doesn't deny that the bracelet and the collar are actually the same thing.

While the two were talking, the pickpocket had approached Erica.

Perhaps because Erica didn't have a bracelet on her hand, pickpockets didn't see her as much of a threat.

However, he seems to have forgotten one point.

Demons are dangerous, but the human beings in this world who can make demons wear bracelets obediently are not all good people!

Although Erica is not a human being in this world.

So—he paid the price for it.


Erica took the scabbard and flipped the dagger-wielding pickpocket with a single blow, knocking him to the ground and rolling on his knees.

The dagger also fell to the ground with a "bang" and slid into the distance.

The pickpocket covered his almost broken calf and made a painful sound, but no one at the scene offered any extra sympathy for the knife-wielding criminal.


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