The gangster with the knife lay on the ground in pain, and the luggage he just grabbed was scattered on the ground.

"No, just to do something.

"Besides, with the help of this gentleman and eldest sister, I have not encountered any danger!

"It's nothing, it's good for children to have energy. 35

Erica nodded.

Xiao Gucheng stopped his sister's chatter.

"Hey, I'm speaking in Japanese and they shouldn't understand, what should I do?! Come and translate for me, Gu Gucheng! 35

Xiao Nagisa was indeed a child, and her attention immediately turned to the petite Nangong Nayue.

"Don't thank me, I'm just following the orders of the lord.

"Thank you for your help, so Gu Chengjun was not stabbed to death by the gangster, I am really grateful!

"Doing business? It's a coincidence that Gu Gucheng-kun and I are also here to do business, Yacheng-kun... That is, my father called us here from so far away, and he didn't tell us why!"

"That moon sauce?"

The innocent and lively little girl put her hands on her hips and taught her brother mercilessly.

Although he has a certain degree of precaution, he does not think that Lu Yu and his party who will help him will be bad people.

"Nagisa, I'll be really pissed if you keep talking."

The slightly old-fashioned words from the enthusiastic big sister in front of him also made him a little concerned.

He looked suspiciously and noticed the mysterious man with black hair and black pupils walking behind Erica.

"Don't need to translate, this blond big sister can speak Japanese, and you speak too much, who will be stabbed to death!

"I'm not a kid like you!"

"Nagisa! You are too long-winded!

"Thank you big brother and big sister for helping Guchengjun! Are you also traveling?

For some reason, when he saw this man, he subconsciously judged that this was the "lord" in the mouth of the zealous elder sister. The man surrounded by silver-haired knights and young girls indeed exuded an awe-inspiring and inviolable temperament.

The little girl was very happy after knowing that these people in front of her could understand her words.

She immediately urged her brother.

"Xiao Nagisa, I remember it. My name is Lu Yu, this is Erica, Liliana... and Nayuki-chan!"

"Gu Gucheng-kun, really, don't mess around! What should I do if I get hurt in this place?!

Looking at Nangong Nayue wearing a black Gothic Loli dress in front of her, Xiao Nagisa looked like she saw some delicate doll, her eyes lit up, and she looked like she wanted to go and hug her.

She, who was familiar, looked at the man in front of her curiously.

For some reason, she felt that the aura of the man in front of her was very special.

After being reminded by the little boy, the little girl called Nagisa realized that there are good people to help.

——Another psychic witch!

Lu Yu nodded and introduced his name politely, but when it was Miss Witch's turn, he deliberately called out his nickname.

Erica recognized his accent and immediately switched to Japanese, which is better understood by children.

Nangong finally couldn't hold back that month, the folding fan gently knocked on Xiao Nagisa's head, her delicate and pretty face was like ice.

In a country of vampires and a country where knight culture prevails, such a title is indeed not uncommon, but it is not often heard by him.

She is obviously a petite little girl who looks a little younger than Nangong that month, but she talks like a barrage of cannons without stopping.

A few seconds later, the little boy chasing the pickpocket came over.

The little boy worked tirelessly to pack his luggage, while complaining about his unspeakable sister.

The lively Akinagisa began to introduce herself.

"Thank you so much for your help!"

It was rare to meet someone who could speak this language in a foreign country, and the little boy's eyes lit up.

Lu Yu looked at the lively little girl in front of him and shook his head.

Lu Yu gave a gentle smile that didn't mind.

"Although salute is very important, but are you an idiot to work hard for these things? Even if these passports are lost, you can reissue them. If you are stabbed to death by a pickpocket in this place, have you ever thought about what to do with Yacheng and your mother? Although as their lively and lovely little daughter, I can definitely comfort them and make them less sad, but wouldn’t Gu Gucheng-kun’s words make no sense to die, wouldn’t they be very angry?!”

"Don't use the word 'sauce' for teachers!

The reason why he stopped his sister was because he felt that the content of her complaint was not wanted by outsiders, and the length was too long, which would be impolite.


At this time, his sister also came over.

The little boy bowed to Erica in unskilled Italian.

She immediately bowed to Lu Yu and Erica who had come over, and Chen Ken thanked him.

Xiao Nagisa unpreparedly revealed his origins.

"Huh, Japanese?!"

The little boy seemed to be used to his sister's talkative behavior.

Just when he was a little curious.



The protagonist Xiao Gucheng in the original work, and the protagonist's sister Xiao Nagisa... The moment he saw the little girl, he recognized the identities of the two children.

After speaking, she suddenly realized the problem.

・・・・Seeking flowers・・

Could it be a prince or aristocrat from somewhere?

Although they don't have the talent of the godslayer's [Thousands of Languages], as the two geniuses of the Magic Society, they have learned a lot of languages.

While packing up the scattered salute, he explained to his sister.

"A Fusang man?"

Her indifferent expression is very dignified, but Loli's stature really makes people feel scared.

"Yes, we can understand Japanese too.

"Oh! That would be great! 35

He didn't judge it from the little girl's title, but from the little girl's physique.

"It looks as small as me, it's as cute as a doll, and the name Tsuki-chan is so cute!"

"Aha! Gucheng-kun, the big brother said he doesn't mind! By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Xiao Nagisa, and I'm still in elementary school!"

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