An Infinite Dimension Store

349 Time Stop Series

Her father and mother were not so easy to fool as a knight captain.

Even the knight captain just now, may not have completely believed La Furia's words.

The reason why the knight captain still obeyed La Furia's order was not only because of the princess' cautious tone, but also because she was the first in line to the throne, which was an identity suppression.

In the face of their own parents, the oppression of identity is useless.

Even if I tried my best to explain, with the two of them already solid views, it is very likely that they would not believe her daughter's words, but would think that her daughter was deceived by magic.

After all, the structure of this world is very clear to the high-level people. They will not easily believe in the existence of foreign gods. Compared with this kind of fantasy, it is more likely that their daughter has been deceived.

And even with luck, the parents chose to believe her.

The statement that the gods are coming is really too appalling. If you don't show the corresponding strength, there is no way to make people believe it.

However, is it necessary for the gods to show their strength to a group of irrelevant people?

What qualifications do these people have to make demands on the gods?

La Furia is very self-aware.

Although the attitude of the god in front of him seems to be very gentle, and it seems that he doesn't care, but if he really offends this god, whether the Kingdom of Ardikia can continue to exist in the future will be a question mark.

Thinking from another perspective, if you stand from the perspective of this crowned prince, if a bunch of people come and ask him to show his strength, even La Furia himself will feel bored and dissatisfied.

And the dissatisfaction of the gods is mostly accompanied by disasters.

The gods show their strength - in the eyes of many people, this may be a necessary step for the gods to prove their identity and to obtain god-level worship.

But in fact, for those true gods who ask nothing for human kind.

This act represents the mercy of the gods.

For those really powerful gods, human beings are fragile beings who will be swept away by swarms if they wave their hands. If they don't show their strength first, human beings will be like moths to a fire, rushing up to seek their own death.

Therefore, showing strength is both a warning and a love.

- Don't come here to die, that's probably what it means.

Since it is the mercy of the gods, human beings must not ask for this mercy with a natural attitude, otherwise it will inevitably lead to destruction.

That's what La Furia was worried about now.

If his parents really make an arrogant request to prove their strength to the crown in front of him.

She worries that her parents, and even the entire country, will be targeted for proof.

After all, the gods in front of him are not the gods who require faith and also have needs for human beings, and he does not care about the human beings in this country.

La Furia was very anxious in his heart, and even faintly regretted that he had not considered the consequences at the beginning.

Lu Yu glanced at the king and queen of the Kingdom of Ardikia, as well as the large army.

next second--

Time has stopped.

This is just like the literal meaning, no exaggeration.

The armored train stood still, and the airships hovering in the sky also stopped, but they did not fall at all.

Everyone, whether it was the king or queen, or the knights of the Holy Ring Knights, stopped moving at the same moment, and the expressions on their faces also solidified.

Flying dust and dripping water droplets stagnate in place without moving at all.

Even the wind stopped.

With the exception of the three people on Lu Yu's side and La Furia who was the princess, at this moment, the entire country was in a state of stagnation.

"This is a 々..."

La Furia looked at the suddenly quiet world, her eyes were full of brilliance, she sighed convincingly.

"What a mighty force! 35

She never dreamed that the irreversible, irreversible, and untouchable time for human beings, in the eyes of the gods, is just like plasticine that people can rub.

It can be stopped easily.

Shocked by this unparalleled power, it took La Furia a long time to react.

"Thank you for your generosity!""

She bent down and saluted.

Yes, generous.

If Lu Yu didn't use his power to stop his parents, even though La Furia knew that his parents were gentle, he didn't know what would happen.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel good about Lu Yu.

What a generous and tolerant god, who actually considered this step for her.


Lu Yu shook his head and didn't care.

He didn't think about so many things as La Furia had thought, and the reason why he stopped from time to time was because he was too lazy to deal with the king of this country.

Rather than dealing with the country's royal family, he is more inclined to go to Miss Nangong Nayue who released his pigeons now.

Lu Yu, who is familiar with the plot of the original novel, realized this after seeing the message from Nangong that month.

When she went to capture the dead emperor's brother, it was when the No. 12 Familiar Beast of the Fourth Primogenitor on Gozo Island was unearthed.

Coincidentally, the main purpose of Lu Yu's coming to this world this time is to study [Abel's blood].

Whether it is a vampire or a true ancestor, they are all useful materials.

Thinking of this, Lu Yu lowered his head.

He looked at La Furia in front of him and asked.

"Gozo, do you know where it is?"

Although he knew that Gozo Island was the place where the Fourth Primogenitor slept, Lu Yu's information about this place only stayed at the level of a small island in the Mediterranean Sea.

There are many islands in the Mediterranean Sea.

Although it is not impossible to find it if you have to look for it, it is naturally faster to ask someone.

"Are you going to Gozo?"

La Furia clearly knew about this island.

"This place is a tourist attraction, a famous place known for its ruins and scenery.

She took out her mobile phone, tapped twice on the phone screen, and quickly pulled out a map and showed it to Lu Yu.

"The island is right near the center of the Mediterranean.

"Well, is this place..."

Lu Yu clicked on the screen and learned the specific latitude and longitude. Through the calculation of celestial knowledge, he immediately calculated the location of Gozo Island.

Then, he felt Nangong's current position that month, not far from Gozo Island.

"If that's the case, let's find Miss Witch first.

Lu Yu made a decision to.

Anyway, the fourth primogenitor is still in the coffin and will not run.

After hearing Lu Yu's words, La Furia blinked, showing a lost expression.

"Are you leaving now?

she asked slightly reluctantly.

"Well, there is indeed a small experiment to be done this time, and now I have to leave."

Lu Yu touched the little head of the little princess in front of him and nodded.

"Can you take me with you?"

La Furia's eyes lit up.

Going out to play with the gods must be the hardest reason to stay home in history!

Lu Yu saw that La Furia just wanted to hang out.

After thinking for two seconds, he shook his head and refused.

"Let's not talk about what your parents are going to do on my side, and children can't watch it.


Hearing this, La Furia was immediately shocked.

She took two steps back with a flushed face, looked at Erica and Liliana beside Lu Yu, and her face turned even redder for a while.

Things that children can't see... Could it be that?

"Hug hug, sorry, yes yes, it's my rudeness! I'm still young now, and I really can't do this kind of thing, I wish you a good time!""

Quite incoherent, the still young La Furia still felt a little irritated to talk about this kind of thing.


Liliana and Erica, who were misunderstood, fell silent.

This kid is only thirteen years old...

What the hell is going on with royal education in this country?!

Although Erica, who is also precocious, is not qualified to say this.

Lu Yu directly gave this little princess who was thinking crooked a knife.

"It's definitely not the same thing as what's in your head."

His original intention was to experiment with vampires, and the experiment process would definitely be bloody, not suitable for children to watch.

".々 That's it..."

La Furia covered her knocked head and nodded obediently.

I don't know whether to believe it or not.

"Then can I meet you again in the future?

She asked the question she cared about most.

It only took a few minutes to meet this god, but La Furia really felt a very strange situation.

Like Alice in Wonderland, let her linger.

So, she wanted to see this god again, she thought so.

"See you later?"

Lu Yu paused and suddenly realized that the princess seemed to have an aunt younger than her.

"Probably meet on Itogami Island, I will contact you when the time comes.

Anyway, the time when you came to this world can be adjusted, so even if you don't call the other party this time, contacting again next time is not a breach of credibility.

"Itogami Island...that Demon Special Zone?"

After hearing Lu Yu's reply, La Furia showed a surprised expression.

She didn't expect that this god would actually make an appointment with her to meet again, which is amazing!

"Then we have an appointment! 35

Her Royal Highness the little princess looked up at Lu Yu, her eyes filled with expectant stars.

"Well, no problem.""

Lu Yu nodded.

Immediately, he looked at the country that had been stationary.

"Your parents will explain it to you! I'll give you five minutes, and be careful not to overdo the prank!

Saying that, Lu Yu snapped his fingers.

"Dah!" There was a soft sound.

Time still stood still, but on the armored vehicle not far away, the king and queen of the Kingdom of Ardikia, their consciousness got rid of interference.

Although they can no longer move, the two of them can observe the situation that all the places are still.

Naturally, he was also keenly aware of the four people in front of him who were still able to move in this still world.

Three are strangers, and one is their most beloved daughter.

La Furia looked in the direction Lu Yu knew, and immediately noticed the changes in the eyes of her father and mother, and understood what Lu Yu meant.

——In the next five minutes, she is the only one who can move in this time-stop area.

But her parents can perceive her movements and language normally.

"I understand!"

La Furia nodded, a dark smile appeared on her face.

Although it is said that the god-sama told him not to go too far into mischief, the subtext of this sentence is that it does not matter if it is a slight mischief.

If you want your parents to know the power of gods, isn't it the best way to let them experience it?

"See you next time then! 95

Lu Yu waved goodbye, then took the two maiden knights and disappeared.

"Goodbye, Lord God!"

La Furia said goodbye respectfully.

After that, turn around.

Facing this still world, Her Royal Highness the little princess approached her parents with a wicked smile.

"My daughter, what do you want to do to your mother?!"

"La Fulia, am I not your beloved father?!"

The two tried to signal with their eyes, but nothing was conveyed.

The parents, who knew their child's temperament well, began to regret educating the child into such a black-bellied character.

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