Feeling the power of the gods, which is even stronger than that of the main gods, the previous shrine maiden wanted to cry without tears.

"Am I a crow's mouth..."

Beside her, Reimu's first feeling was:

"So strong!

And what followed was a very familiar feeling.

Whether it is divine power or the fluctuation of divine personality, it seems to be what he has seen before.

Thinking back a little, Reimeng immediately remembered that he had indeed seen a very similar wave of divine power.

In the previous world of Godslayers, he had also summoned this god.

"Izana's fate!"

Recognizing the identity of the master of Shenwei, her expression immediately became solemn.

Although it does not belong to the sequence of the gods of creation, Izanami is not comparable to ordinary gods.

This is the god that can give birth to islands and gods, and also has a pivotal position in the Fusang pantheon.

The strength of this goddess is far stronger than that of ordinary gods!

Even if she is in Reimu mode, she still has a feeling of invincibility at this time.

But, just like that, it's not time to give up.

"Even if it is Izanami, as long as there is something like a weakness, there should be hope of victory!"

Reimu thought to himself.

If she hadn't met Lu Yu, Reimu would never have faced a god whose strength was obviously beyond the norm with such a mentality.

However, anyone who followed Lu Yu and saw the scene of him killing gods like killing chickens would find it difficult to raise too much respect for those so-called gods.

She began to recall whether Izanami had exposed any weaknesses in the world of the godslayer before.

However, after thinking hard, Reimeng recalled for a long time, but did not think of any weakness.

——Izanami died too fast. In front of Lu Yu, this god was the same as other main gods and hair gods. He was directly stabbed to death by a sword, without any other episodes.

Dying too fast leads to spiritual dreams and learning experiences, but nothing can be learned.

So, this thread is broken.

Just when Reimu gave up this clue and was about to look for Izanami's weakness in other areas.

The divine might emanating from the depths of hell did not allow her to continue thinking.


There was a thunderous loud noise, and the black thunderbolt from the depths of the ground was like a galloping arrow, hitting the place where the previous shrine maiden and Reimu were.

Izanami, the goddess of Huangquan, had no intention of communicating before the war at all, and her shot was a thunderbolt.

"Yin-yang jade.!"

Reimu let out a soft drink, causing the Yin-Yang Jade surrounding her body to expand into a huge shield.

The sky thunder and the yin and yang jade collided strongly, the divine power and the spiritual power confronted each other, and the breath filled the whole hell.

Although she is the Goddess of Yellow Springs, it is recorded in the myth that when Izanami was found by Izanagi, her whole body was covered with maggots, and eight thunder gods were entrenched on her body.

Therefore, even in the form of an undead, the power of the thunder from Izanami was no less than that of the orthodox Thor.

Even with the strength of Reimu of Calamity, it needs to be taken seriously in order to block this terrifying lightning strike.


The previous shrine maiden looked at her daughter with some worry, but she didn't rush up recklessly. She didn't want to drag Reimu back at this time.

The scene in front of me, although it seems to be evenly matched.

But it was clear that Izanami didn't use all her strength.

It seems that he noticed that his thunder was blocked.

A majestic voice came from the depths of hell.

"Great Thor!"

The ray of light from the sky thundered in an instant, and the god of thunder appeared, and Reimu began to feel a little exhausted.

Immediately afterwards, the voice from the depths of hell became more urgent, and it sounded, and it was getting closer and closer.

"The God of Fire!

"Black Thor!""

"Remove Thor! 35

Three consecutive utterances were uttered, and three thunders that were as majestic and powerful as the previous "big thunder" shot out from the depths of hell, and then slammed into the yin and yang jade in front of Reimu.

Four thunders, each of which contains the corresponding godhead, blasted out like four thunder gods.

Reimu is equivalent to the power of one person, fighting four gods at the same time.

The sudden pressure made Wo Lingmeng go all out to maintain the protective barrier of Yin-Yang Jade, and there was no possibility of counterattack.

"Damn it!

Wo Lingmeng gritted his teeth, and the white and slender hands were already red at the moment.

She didn't expect that the opponent that Lu Yu could easily deal with would push her into a desperate situation before she officially appeared.

However, at this time, the voice of Izanami, the Goddess of Yellow Springs, was getting closer.

The words in her mouth are not over yet!

"If Thunder God!"

"The God of Thor!""

"The Thunder God! 55

"Fur Thor! 35

Among the eight thunder gods, the remaining four thunder gods were all summoned by her.

Treat the enemy without mercy!

Therefore, even though she felt that four Thors were enough to subdue her opponent, Izanami still summoned all the eight Thors.

Looking at the four gods of thunder who came in a short distance not far away, Reimu, who was already overwhelmed, understood at a glance.

Eight Thunder Gods gather together, and it is absolutely impossible to resist hard.

The red sleeves fluttered lightly, and Reimu's whole body burst into spiritual energy.

The black and white yin and yang jade, which had swelled to more than ten meters, swelled into an even larger size again.

This is the profound meaning of the Yin-Yang jade passed down from generation to generation by the priestesses of Hakurei Shrine.

"Yin Yang Ghost Jade! 35

Two huge yin and yang jades, like meteorites, blasted towards the eight thunders.

This is the full blow of the evil spirit dream.


"Bang-! 35


There were eight loud bangs, setting off a violent storm.

The giant yin-yang jade directly smashed the Eight Thunder Gods into pieces, and then slammed into the direction from which the divine might came, that is, where Izanami was.

Hakurei Reimu, who had exhausted all her spiritual power, could no longer maintain the posture of Misfortune Reimu, and returned to the original state of the original red and white witch.

The previous shrine maiden caught Reimu, who had lost her strength and was a little unsteady. The two did not speak, but looked together in the direction where the Yin Yang Jade flew.

Although I don't expect this blow to knock down the opponent, at least it should be able to hurt, right?

Under the expectant eyes of the two.


In the deep darkness, no sound came out, and the Yin-Yang Jade seemed to disappear without a trace.

after a few seconds.


"Boom! 55

The two yin and yang jades that had returned to their original size were thrown out, and their spiritual power had been completely lost.

In the darkness, Izanami's majestic voice sounded like a ruthless, cold-faced judge.

"Breaking into hell and disobeying the mandate of heaven is an unforgivable sin!"

After the verdict was pronounced, an aura of insolence surged from the darkness.

Different from the previous appearance of the Eight Thunder Gods (alright), the whole hell is now shaking.

The earth trembled, and the magma began to spew.

Like a towering peak, a huge pillar emerged from the darkness.

Just like the mountain is about to fall and the sea is about to fall, the feeling of being completely unable to escape and avoid emerged in the hearts of the two of them.

The giant pillar slammed down, with the power that could easily smash the island level, and smashed the two small witches underfoot.

The expression of the previous shrine maiden was a little desperate, and she subconsciously pulled Reimu behind her.

Reimu didn't waver at all.

Neither fearful nor sad, the red and white witch took a step forward, showing a confident expression of victory.

The confidence on this face made Izanami stunned.

——Could it be that this girl has any hidden explosive skills?

Just when Izanami was a little confused.

The giant pillar shattered the ground and fell completely.

And above the earth, Reimu's hands were trumpet-shaped, placed in front of his mouth, and took a deep breath.

Made his last trick.

"Lu - Yu - save - me!"

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