An Infinite Dimension Store

330 passing shop owner


Lu Yu, who had arrived here long ago, was completely speechless when he heard Reimu's last trick.

So your last trick...that's it?

What about your aura just now—"Even if my Reimu bears Grandma and fights against Izanami, I will still be invincible in the world!—?

The last sentence "Lu Yu save me"?

He sighed slightly.

It should have been thought that this witch had no morals, and she was indeed able to do this operation.

However, in a way, this is also a manifestation of trust in yourself.

Therefore, in order to live up to the trust of the girl, Lu Yu took a step forward and walked to Reimu.

Looking at the huge stone pillar that was about to collapse in front of him, he slightly raised his right hand.

A slender and thin figure is facing a giant pillar that is far more powerful than a mountain range. This disparity of power is millions or even tens of millions of times greater than that of a mantis arm.

It is almost impossible to prop up a collapsed building with a feather.

However, when Lu Yu raised his hand slightly.

An incredible scene happened.

Like a feather supporting the building, the collapsed giant pillar stopped on the spot, contrary to common sense.

Compared with the giant pillar, it can be said to be a small invisible figure, and it can be easily blocked with only one hand.

"It turned out to be the Jade Pillar of Heaven..."

Neither surprised nor sighed, but in a plain tone of describing facts, Lu Yu revealed the origin of this giant pillar.

In the mythology, after Izanaki and Izanami created the island with the Amana spear, the two gods erected the Jade Pillar of the Heavens and the Temple of Eight Searches in the center of the island. It can be said that this pillar is a mythical record. Fuso's earliest artifacts to serve the gods.

Although it is indeed a powerful artifact, it is a pity that...

"I already have this!

Lu Yu muttered softly.

When he killed the gods of the Fusang gods in the world of the godslayer, although Lu Yu basically finished killing them in seconds, the artifacts and the like that came with the gods were all collected by him.

Not to mention the things recorded in myths such as the Jade Pillar of Heaven and the Spear of the Swamp, even if there are few artifacts, he also collected a bunch of them.

However, even if you already have it, this thing is not useless.

"At least there is value in recovering the source of the cost."

Thinking like this, Lu Yu used the power of [Master of Ten Thousand Soldiers], and then with a little touch, he switched the ownership of the Jade Pillar of Heaven to himself, and then directly recovered the cost source.

In the eyes of others, it was purely Lu Yu's light touch, and the jade pillar of the sky disappeared instantly.

As for the means to disappear?

Undetectable and unintelligible.

Reimu was not surprised.

After a brief fight with Izanami, she already had a considerable understanding of Lu Yu's strength.

Therefore, when Lu Yu's figure appeared in front of her, Reimu was completely relieved.

The law of victory has been established.

As long as Lu Yu is here, all is not a problem.

At Reimu's side, from despair to full of hope, the previous shrine maiden, whose emotions were turning like a roller coaster, also noticed the change in her daughter's expression.

- Oh huh?

The talent from women made her feel tricky immediately.

The previous shrine maiden showed some gossip, and glanced back and forth at the youth who appeared in front of her, as well as her own daughter, her mother-in-law's smile began to appear on her face.

My daughter is actually enlightened, and she actually knows that she is looking for a man?!

Among the Hakurei priestesses who have always been lonely and died of old age, this is the first priestess to fall in love!

If it weren't for the emergency now, the previous shrine maiden couldn't hold back her gossip heart.

On the other side, I saw the Jade Pillar of Heaven disappear without a sound.

In the darkness, even Izanami couldn't help but feel jealous.

It is not something that ordinary gods can do to easily erase this divine weapon. Even the main god should not have this level of strength.

"Who are you?"

She couldn't help asking.

In the land of Fusang, someone who dares to defy himself and possesses such a level of power should not be a nameless person!

"I'm just a passing shop owner. 99

Lu Yu smiled (bddb), then negotiated.

"For my sake, can you spare these two witches? 39

Although Lu Yu can overturn the whole hell yes, it is not difficult to solve Izanami.

However, it was Reimu who took the initiative to come to the door first, and although he didn't kill anyone, he beat the hell out of it.

Although Lu Yu has a bad character, but his behavior is not particularly bad, and naturally he can't do anything to kill people.


Izanami repeated in a slightly cold tone.

"If you don't even want to report the origin, how can I give you face?"

Although she said that Reimu's sins cannot be forgiven before, but that was just rhetoric.

Although Reimu overthrew all hell, but did not kill a single person, such behavior can be big or small.

Just as civilians trespassing in prisons are contempt for the court, and the sons of magistrates trespassing in prisons are just acts of justice to prevent grievances from happening.

If it was just the Hakurei priestess who had no background to do this, it would be a heinous crime.

But if there was someone behind her, the nature of the matter would be different.

If someone with enough weight endorses her, this incident can naturally be left alone.

However, the problem now is that Lu Yu has not identified himself.

It's a little difficult to let others give face without revealing your identity.

Izanami said it very clearly, and Lu Yu naturally understood what she meant.

So he nodded knowingly.

"So that's the case, you need a source, so that you can explain the past to the top and the bottom...


Hearing Lu Yu's words, the corners of Izanami's mouth twitched.

Although the truth is true, but you don't say it so nakedly!

They come out to mix, they still need this layer of skin!

Lu Yu didn't care about Izanami's thoughts, he hesitated to choose among his many godheads.

——Should the godhead of that god be used as the vest?

After a little selection, Lu Yu suddenly remembered what Izanami had said before, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Did you just say destiny?"

Lu Yu asked.


Izanami nodded suspiciously, not knowing what he was going to do.

I saw that Lu Yu seemed to have made a decision.

"Then... I am destiny!"

The next second - the mighty divine might burst out instantly!

The vast ancient bell rang, and the coercion of the gods made the whole hell stop.

Shenwei Ruyuan is imprisoned!

This feeling had always been Izanami's coercion against other beings, but at this moment it was completely returned to Izanami.

The goddess of Huangquan was shocked by this powerful and unparalleled pressure, and knelt directly on the ground, trembling all over.

Compared with her trembling body, Izanami's spirit was shaking.

Feeling this unparalleled power, but with unparalleled familiar power, the goddess of Huang Quan shed tears.

Izanami looked at Lu Yu's direction with reverence, her voice trembling.

"Father God! You are...the God of Heaven's Royal Family!!!".

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