An Infinite Dimension Store

328 The Miko and the God of Hell

After successively defeating Yakumo Zi, Onozuka Komachi, Shiki Yinghi, and several Enma, Reimu finally found the spirit body of Mama Hakure among the ghosts in hell.

Reimu looked at the scene in front of her, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly.

"Apart from Yan Mo, are there other strong people?"

"That lord has been staying here in the Yellow Springs of Hell since the Age of God, and has never left..."

The previous Miko said nervously.

After the resurrection, the former witch is the living, and the living is outside the jurisdiction of hell!

In this regard, the former Miko nodded in agreement.

Hakurei Reimu said frankly.

So she didn't believe it.

If it were any other place, it was not impossible for the Hakuli witch to visit, but the depths of hell where she was now had never been allowed to enter by unrelated persons.


When her daughter came to save her, she naturally wanted to follow her.

"But the current situation is not that simple... Do you think the strongest in hell are those Yan Mo?! 35

As long as I take the opportunity to bring Grandma back to Gensokyo, and then ask Lu Yu to revive Grandma, it will be a foregone conclusion.

The power of the gods, in a time without breathing, filled the entire hell, pressing on the previous shrine maiden who was about to escape, and the evil spirit dream.

While criticizing herself, the previous Miko suddenly remembered something.

Reimu was mercilessly complaining.

Reimu asked with some doubts.

"I don't remember teaching you to be bad, and you still have tattoos on your face?

If it wasn't for that face being confirmed, she wouldn't even believe that this woman was the Boli Grandma in her memory.

"I'm already dead, and the education behind should be done by that guy Yakumo Zi... That idiot actually taught my well-behaved little daughter to be a bad girl in the second grade?!

After coming out of the depths of hell, the former witch looked at the gods of death and various hell workers outside, and her heart gradually cooled down.

She thought Reimu was joking, but the more she heard it, the more real it became?

Reimu is full of momentum and does not lose to the opponent.

However, I don't know if it's because of the crow's mouth or just a coincidence.

"Of course I'm not someone who obeys the rules! If you can turn your car through hell, Reimu, let alone go back to Gensokyo, even if you want to rule hell! 35

"What's up with your outfit now?"

However, the former Hakurei priestess was definitely not included in this list.

"But they refused to agree to my request, so this is the only way.

Being pulled away by Reimu, more and more question marks appeared on the head of the previous shrine maiden.


I came to save this idiot grandma. When I met you, you idiot didn't even say "It's hard work", and then you labeled yourself a bad girl and a middle-aged girl.

After being complained about by Reimeng, the former priestess realized that something was wrong.

"Hurry up when you move bricks! Don't be lazy, if you guys don't continue to work hard, I'll apply to you and add another hundred years to your sentence!"

"Yayunzi, how dare you take my daughter bad... Next time I see you, I will crush you once! 35

"Even Cirno should know that snitching is the most unbearable behavior!

The woman in front of her took a sip of wine, and then fiercely rebuked the evil spirits under her.

She called all the way, and did not encounter a particularly strong obstacle!

"Reimu has grown up!"

Then, with a "poof", both of them burst out laughing.

"Mom, you haven't changed, you're still an idiot.

"How dare you talk to me just like you?

Saying something she didn't quite believe in herself, the previous shrine maiden laughed dryly and held hands with Kaoru Lingmeng, quietly preparing to leave hell in a hurry.

"Of course there is! 35

Reimu said angrily.

Hearing this answer, the former Miko was a little speechless.

"Reimu... are you kidding me?! 35

Reimu didn't have time to explain to her.

Looking at the catastrophe in front of her eyes, the previous shrine maiden had a look of regret for her failure to educate herself.


Looking at the very peaceful hell in front of her, she said with some luck.

The former priestess sighed with some sadness and relief.

"Before the other Yan Mos from hell come, we must go back to Gensokyo first, just to let Lu Yu resurrect you first, hell can't control the living!

It seems that the Hakurei priestess, no matter which generation, is the type of big nerve.

"I don't remember you being such a well-behaved mama!"

Reimu scratched her head when she heard her words.

At present, the Yan Mos in this area have all rushed to the streets, and the whole hell is not hindered.

About ten seconds after the 13th, the red and white priestess of the 1st stature finally confirmed something from her eyes.

When the previous shrine maiden heard this evaluation from her daughter, she panicked for a while.

In front of the previous shrine maiden, Reimu couldn't help but burst out.

This large red-and-white witch was holding a whip in her hand. She didn't look like a devout cleric, but rather like a vicious landlord bully, or rather the lackey of the landlord bully.

As Reimu had guessed, the former Hakurei priestess did not get the chance to be reincarnated.

Yakumo Zi, who was observing the situation in the gap, felt an arrow in her heart and an inexplicable black cauldron on her back.

So the previous shrine maiden gritted her teeth and uttered harsh words.

A powerful and extremely evil aura erupted from the depths of hell in an instant!

"Hey, this is hell, how did you get in, Reimu?"

"That's not the problem!


She looked at Lingmeng's clothes with grief, like an old mother who saw her daughter in high school didn't want to study and wanted to go to society. (The picture in this chapter is a dream of evil spirits)

After the two menacing red and white witches finished speaking, they looked at each other for a few seconds.

As a result, her tone was somewhat hateful.

"...Do you mean to say that we should abide by the rules of hell, that the living cannot interfere in the affairs of the dead?

It has to be said that the calamity dream mode is really strong, and it is not a problem at all to clear the whole hell by one person.

"The undead who are also hell, didn't expect you to force other people to obey you in such a violent way, and also threatened them to report to hell?""

"Well, I don't want that either."

With a very worried look, the previous shrine maiden looked at the hell around her with some unease.

A huge sound resounded like a drum of war and like a torrent.

The voice of the previous shrine maiden just fell.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the "Illustration" button in the lower right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)

She said something very outrageous with a normal face.

Reimu looked at her suspiciously.

Relying on the gods and the young spirit dream mode is enough to solve most problems.

She was beaten to the ground by Reimu, and there are still people who want to throw the pot on her?!

"What bad witch, this is a sign of the manifestation of the sin mode under the 'big sin form', it's not a tattoo at all! And I'm not a bad girl, if it wasn't to save you, I wouldn't use this mode rush here!

"You're completely flattering to the top and rude to the bottom. You're purely a bastard of the evil forces. You are so embarrassed to mock your tattoos? After all, the tattoos didn't hurt anyone!"

"I came all the way in!

Hearing that Reimu was a little careless, and even faintly underestimated Hell, the former witch was a little anxious.

In the end, because of being besieged by other Yan Mo, Reimu switched to the mode of the sinful witch, and did not encounter too difficult existences.

"Eh?! I have something to say!

So she immediately took a few steps forward and grabbed the former witch.

But now it seems that "getting through" is indeed getting through, but it's not a relationship, but a physical method.

"Don't make such an impossible joke."

However, she is not suffering in hell as she imagined.

"I'm not a jerk! I'm just helping the hell side a little bit, these evil ghosts are all sinful murderers, robbers and the like, and they won't listen to you if you talk nicely!

In many storybooks, there are often young people struggling to break the shackles and trying to save the old man, but at the last moment of success, they are rejected by the stubborn old man.

"Called in..."

Reimu pointed at the leather whip in the hand of the previous shrine maiden, and said with a look of contempt.

Under her urging, those evil spirits shivered and moved bricks a little faster.


"But under normal circumstances, that adult shouldn't appear. Although Reimu, your car overturned hell... but we didn't plan to do any damage, so that person shouldn't come out because of this trivial matter?! Ha ~Ha~Ha!

A little hesitant, the woman looked at the evil spirit dream in front of her, and saw the traces of her own child in the eyebrows of the girl in front of her.

When she looked back, the former Hakurei Miko and the current Hakurei Miko fell into each other's eyes.

Not to mention the Yan Mos who can't beat Reimu, even Yakumo Zi alone wouldn't allow her to do such a thing.

As he walked, Reimu talked about his plan.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Then I have a reason here too!"

However, even if she didn't say a word, the woman inside felt the strange atmosphere here.

What do you think, this cauldron is all on the body of Wannian Shady Yayunzi.

"I don't have time to joke with you! By the way, grandma, come with me quickly!

It seems that the ghost dream mode also has a slight influence on her character.

The tone of the former priestess began to tremble. She originally thought that Reimu was able to come to the depths of hell to see her only because she had established a relationship.

When Reimu, to be precise, it should be Reimu, broke into the location of Bo Li's mother, what she saw was a woman wearing a red and white shrine maiden dress, who looked no more than 18 years old.

Simply unbearable!

The whip hit the ground hard.

This turned the whole hell over!


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