An Infinite Dimension Store

272 Not so innocent maid

After Jishen Qiusha was taken aside by Dolly, Lu Yu looked at Remilia.

"The purpose of your visit this time is for your sister, how about it? Have you figured out which method to use?"

When she mentioned her younger sister, Remilia's expression became serious.

She shook her little head a little distressed, and her small fingers were slightly tangled.

"Well... the second one seems to be fine, but the third one seems to be fine too.""

The second method is to sell her sister's ability to the dimension store, and then buy it back. According to the ability sold by the dimension store, it is fully manipulated by default, so that Flandre can completely control her ability without worrying about losing control.

Of the three options, this is the safest one.

However, Remilia was also quite interested in the third plan.

Although there is no guarantee, it is a jar of pure luck "190", but Remilia, who holds the power of destiny, is very confident in her luck.

If you choose this plan, there may be some surprises.

Choosing one of the two makes Remilia, who is not good at choosing, quite tangled.

Seeing her hesitant look, Lu Yu smiled and suggested.

"Why not choose both?"

"Can you choose both?"

Remilia was stunned for a moment, and then realized that she was on the cusp of a bull's-eye, and it wasn't a matter of choosing one or the other at all.

Her eyes lit up immediately, and she fluttered her little wings and raised her hand.

"Then I want it all!

"Ugh... Miss is so cute!

Seeing Remilia's cheerful appearance, the senior Loli-controlled silver-haired maid Sakuya Izayoi shed a nosebleed silently.

As usual, Sakuya Izayoya, who was about to stop her ability when she activated it, wiped off her nosebleed, and returned to her original ruthless and capable attitude, suddenly found that her ability could no longer be activated.


She just remembered that the use of abilities is now prohibited here.

It's over, the appearance of my nosebleed is going to be seen by the eldest lady!


Seeing Sakuya Izayoi's appearance, Lu Yu thought she didn't bring any paper, so he handed her a pack of napkins.

However, this kind move made Izayoi Sakuya feel that the end was coming.

Remilia was really attracted by Lu Yu's actions, she turned her head and saw Sakuya Izayoi, and the bright red nosebleed.


The silver-haired maid closed her eyes helplessly.

The hidden secret that I often get nosebleeds because of the eldest will be known by the eldest!

It's going to be revealed that he's a pervert.

It's all over!

Sakuya Izayoi could even imagine the expression of disgust and disgust that her eldest young lady Remilia had when she knew the hidden nature of her ability to use time-stop.

"Sakuya, I didn't expect you to be such a pervert with a vicious nature. It's really disgusting to see me have a nosebleed or something!"

"I think I can't take it when people like you are always thinking about me in your head! It's really bad! It's really a hopeless pervert! Go away and never come again. The Scarlet Devil Mansion!""

With a bang, the door of the Scarlet Devil Mansion closed, the eldest lady walked away indifferently, and the silver-haired maid was abandoned forever.

In just a split second, Izayoi Sakuya made up the next plot in her mind, her identity was shaken in her heart, and her body was trembling.

She doesn't want to be kicked out, she still wants to live with the eldest miss!

Fearing such a future, Izayoi Sakuya trembled and closed her eyes, waiting helplessly for the ruthless sentence from the eldest lady.


She felt it.

A piece of cold skin was close to his forehead.

At the same time, her delicate little hands were placed on her shoulders, and her whole face was enveloped by the warmth that exuded a tender fragrance.

This is the scent of the eldest lady, and Sakuya Izayoi is very sure of this.

In addition, the tender and light breath gently hit her eyelashes.

The young lady's slightly confused voice sounded.

"Hey, Sakuya, what's wrong with you, I don't feel a fever, why are you bleeding and your body is still shaking?

He flew a little into the air, and then pressed his forehead against the silver-haired maid's forehead, feeling her body temperature.

Remilia not only did not make the speculation in Sakuya Izayoi's imagination, but looked at her waiter with great concern, and was extremely worried about her physical condition.

Seeing Remilia's innocent eyes, she didn't think about strange things at all...

Izayoi Sakuya first breathed a sigh of relief, and then felt a sense of guilt rising from her heart.

With the level of innocence of the eldest young lady, I am afraid that she does not even have the knowledge in this area, so she trusts herself so unprepared and unsuspecting.

Is such a pure eldest lady really qualified to be by her side?

Izayoi Sakuya couldn't help but ask herself.

"No, it's fine, it's just a moment of excitement.

The silver-haired maid turned her head and whispered.

"Bleeding when excited? Is this a disease? It's better to check it here!"

Remilia said worriedly.

Izayoi Sakuya is a human being, but human beings are very fragile, and she does not want her maid to die because of illness.

Speaking of which, her family already had a witch who was naturally weak.

Thinking of this, she turned her head and looked at Lu Yu expectantly.

"Excuse me, in addition to Fran's problem, Pachi's natural weakness, and Sakuya's problem, can we solve it here?"

Before, because Fran's problem was the most serious, she hadn't thought of other aspects.

Now that Fran's problem has been resolved, Remilia immediately thinks of her friend Patchouli's congenital weakness.

Although it is not fatal in normal times, Paqiuli herself is beyond the limit of human lifespan.

But since it can be solved, of course, it is better to solve it, otherwise, with Pat Qiuli's living habits, 3.1 Remilia is worried that one day she will die suddenly in the underground library.

"Miss Paqiuli's congenital illness is not difficult to solve."

Lu Yu nodded.

Congenital diseases, even the Pokémon such as Happy Egg and Lucky Egg can't solve it, and magic methods are also difficult to work, so Pa Qiuli, a senior witch, can't improve her physical condition.

What magic can't do, however, may be simple for science.

This kind of congenital disease is not a problem for Academy City's medical level, it's just a matter of surgery.


"Miss Sakuya is a little troublesome.

Lu Yu's slightly meaningful gaze met Sakuya Izayoi, which made the silver-haired maid's heart jump rapidly.


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