An Infinite Dimension Store

271 Becoming a Magical Girl

After recovering the ability of Himeshen Qiusha in the Dimension Shop.

Remilia's frenzy was quickly lifted.

"What was that just now?"

Remilia patted her chest with lingering fears, and asked with a look of fear~.

If it is just some kind of ability that can affect people's spiritual-intelligence, that's all.

But what Remilia felt was the emotion that burst out of her own blood.

——You have to suck that blood!

Even now, that urge has disappeared, but in Remilia's heart, there is still a faint reluctance, and it seems that she is still longing for the blood.

Just like the instinct of a vampire.

Made her feel a little chilly.

"[Abel's blood], something that you're bound to die if you drink it.

Lu Yu introduced in a relaxed tone.

"However, if you can survive without dying, you should be able to become a level stronger! Do you want to try?"

Having said that, he wickedly invited Remilia to do an experiment.

That look at the guinea pig made Remilia shudder.

"No no no, no need!"

Remilia shook her head at the speed of light.

She is not a brainless person. Since the temptation of [Abel's blood] is something she can't resist, then the result after taking it is naturally something she can't interfere with.

She still has her sister and the entire family of the Scarlet Devil Mansion to take care of, but she can't die here.

"Really... no more?!""

Seeing Remilia jumping around, Jishen Ayusha covered her mouth with her hands and wept with joy.

The curse that haunted her since childhood has really disappeared!

For Lu Yu, it might just be a small thing.

For Jishen Qiusha, it is indeed a big event enough to change fate!

"Director Lu Yu...really, thank you so much!"

She bowed deeply to Lu Yu, her expression never wavered, and she was full of gratitude at this moment.

"It's just an exchange of equal value, but I did receive your gratitude.

Lu Yu nodded, accepting Jishen Qiusha's thanks.

Although it is said that the words are equivalently exchanged, it is simply not his turn to say it.

At this time, seeing that Lu Yu and Remilia still have things to talk about, Taoli took the initiative to approach and talk to the grateful Jishen Ayusha.

"What are your plans for the future, Miss Jishen? If you lose the original stone ability, will there be trouble at the research institute?

"...I didn't research anything at first. They don't believe that there are vampires in this world, should it be fine?"

Jishen Qiusha said in a daze, and involuntarily was led away by Taoli.

"Then, does Jishen Qiusha have any abilities you want? I have a lot of superpowers here, whether it's electrical, psychic, or vector, it's more convenient to master superpowers in Academy City! When the time comes, you can directly say that your ability is awakened."

Taoli continued to introduce, and it seemed that she had taken a fancy to the origins of Jishen Qiusha.

However, in this world, it is indeed safe to master some power, and Taoli is also considering the safety of Jishen Qiusha.

After all, although she lost her ability as a vampire slayer, her name is still somewhat famous on the magical side.

If there is someone who covets the vampire killer and wants to hurt her, it is very possible.

You must have at least the strength to defend yourself.

"Buy superpowers?"

Jishen Qiusha was a little less interested in this, she asked a little curiously.

"Can I buy magic, I want to be a magician!"

In a lifeless tone, when he mentioned magic, there was only a trace of turbulence.

Although she is a little middle-aged for a child of this age, she does want to be a magical girl.

"Magic... It's not impossible, but in Academy City, it is very difficult for a magician to survive!

Dolly reminded enthusiastically.

She learned a lot from Lu Yu about the situation in this world.

Academy City is a city of science after all. It belongs to the base camp of the science side, which is opposed to the magic side. If you become a magician, although you won't be caught, at least you will be closely monitored.

"Um...then Director Lu Yu?"

Jishen Qiusha tilted his head in confusion.

If it is difficult to survive on the magic side, how did someone like Lu Yu who deal with vampire witches become a director?

"Manager Lu Yu is special!

Taoli said as a matter of course: "Academy City has no jurisdiction over Manager Lu Yu.

・・・ Flowers・・

This is true. Others became directors because Academy City chose them, and Lu Yu became director because he chose Academy City.

There is a qualitative difference between the two.

"Lu Yu...special..."

Jishen Qiusha chewed this sentence again, and then his eyes lit up.

"Then I want to join you, can't I?!"

As long as you join Director Lu Yu's subordinates, can't you become a magician?

Suddenly, Jishen Qiusha's brain became flexible and easy to use, and he came up with a two-way solution.

"Join us here?"

Taoli was stunned for a moment, then looked at Jishen Qiusha meaningfully, the meaning in her eyes made Jishen Qiusha a little uneasy.


After a few seconds, Taoli sighed helplessly.

"It's not impossible to join, I'll ask the store manager later, but based on what I know about the store manager, I shouldn't refuse.

Hearing this, Jishen Qiusha clearly showed a happy expression.

Then, I heard Taoli's faint voice.

"But... did you choose to join, really to become a magician, or to get close to someone? 35

Jishen Qiusha suddenly froze, like a child who was found playing with a computer.


Taoli immediately understood, sighed slightly, and didn't say anything more.

"The store manager is also true, how many girls' fortunes have to be changed before he is willing to give up! 35

She whispered in her heart.

Taoli, who was also rescued from a heavy fate by Lu Yu, could understand Jishen Qiusha's feelings, but her resentment towards Lu Yu was a little more.

"Forget it, don't talk about that."

She shook her head, sorted out her mood, and introduced Jishen Qiusha.

"If you want to become a magician, I suggest you choose the Bible system. Although you don't have [Abel's blood], but as a vessel for this blood all the year round, you should have a good affinity for the Bible system."5


Although Jishen Qiusha didn't understand, he still nodded.

Although I don't understand it at all, she is really handsome, she chose magic right! Inch.

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