An Infinite Dimension Store

273 Scarlet Devil Mansion Paradise Project

Only then did Izayoi Sakuya realize.

"Lord Lu Yu, you..."

Outside Gensokyo, Izayoi Sakuya is also someone who has experienced many battles, big and small, and has a lot of battle experience.

Only then did she remember that the Dimension Store has no ability, even if it is time ability, it is just something that can be easily obtained.

As soon as the voice changed, Lu Yu made his own request.

Seeing this iceberg maid, her expression suddenly became richer.

But Lu Yu, who was on the sidelines, was not so fooled. Needless to say, by looking at Lu Yu's eyes, he knew that he had seen something.

She should use such a dirty thought to speculate on the kind-hearted Lord Lu Yu who helped her, it's not right!

Then added.

Although Liliana's current strength has reached the level of a divine beast and has become a paladin, she is still a little too weak for Lu Yu.

He was planning to train Liliana in the Godslayer world.

She thought of something bad.

"However, the fighting styles I'm good at are all related to my abilities, so the training effect may not be very good.

"Then the deal is done, and then I'll trouble you."

Of course, Lu Yu was not included.

Lu Yu, who has always had a fixed impression of Sakuya Izayoi, was a little surprised.

- Index belongs to the pet category.

However, there are not many subordinates who are proficient in combat, and they need to be trained well.

Izayoi Sakuya hesitated.

"Lord Lu, Lu Yu!"

Only in this way can she be taken out, even if it is another world, she can be sent to perform tasks.

Rarely, the silver-haired maid blushed a little.

"What are you thinking about every day? You paranoid maid!"

If he really wanted to do this, he could have done it when he defeated the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion, and there was no need for a roundabout plan at all.

Then, he left from the time stop field.

"It seems that you don't want Remilia to know about this, although I have no habit of concealing the guests, and I will never hide it from Remilia for you. But you are not bad news that will harm the guests. , at best it's just a lot of personal feelings, so I can handle it flexibly for you."

A few days ago, the scene of Lu Yu defeating the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion by himself still lingered in her mind, and she really had no right to ask for such an existence.

This made Izayoi Sakuya a little flustered.

After all, Lu Yu had no reason to hide it for her.

"No problem at all!"

This guy actually has a rather surprising side, he actually cares about these things.

"However, are you willing to agree to this request?"


Maybe other people may have this idea, but Lord Lu Yu doesn't.

"I'm not a delusional maid.""

"It's okay, I just want you to give her how to train her time ability!"

He looked at the silver-haired maid who usually didn't seem to speak much with a speechless expression on his face.

There are not many subordinates of Lu Yu, and pets are barely available.

The time-related energy is 190 force, so naturally it suits her very well.

Izayoi Sakuya stopped him.

Izayoi Sakuya was a little surprised, and her expression was a little hesitant.

She immediately realized that she thought too much.

Obviously it seems to be indifferent and abstinence, how can the psychological activities be so rich.

The silver-haired maid, who had always been cold and expressionless on weekdays, blushed again, and apologized in embarrassment.

Just when she was extremely uneasy, she suddenly discovered that the forbidden magic domain had been revoked.

Thinking of this, her expression became more determined, and she would not hand over the eldest lady to anyone else, not even men or women!

Lu Yu waved his hand and said he didn't care about it.

Liliana's fighting style is a light sword, agile thrust type, and the more agile and powerful her movements are, the more powerful she is.

"Okay, I get it now.

"Forget it, loyalty is also a good thing..."

Although she left peacefully, it gave the impression of fleeing, not like a maid who looked indifferent on weekdays, but like a rabbit.

"However, there is something I want to ask you to do for me.

She wants to ask Lu Yu to hide this, but has no good bargaining chips.

"It's exactly the same as that child, and my mind is full of messy things. I asked you for help because it had nothing to do with Remilia, and I wanted to ask you to help train my subordinates."

Although Lu Yu didn't know what she was thinking, she probably guessed that it wasn't serious business.

After all, the eldest lady is so cute, even if it is the sun god, there is the possibility of falling in love with her.

Izayoi Sakuya agreed immediately.

Therefore, Lu Yu intends to strengthen Liliana's ability in terms of time, and raise her strength to at least the orange level.

So, she immediately activated the time stop and isolated herself from the timeline.

"Sorry! It's my rudeness!

It's not because of Lu Yu, but because of her personality being discovered by others. Even if Lu Yu chooses to cover herself up, for her, there is a feeling that her shady privacy has been exposed.

When she heard the front and would not hide it, Izayoi Sakuya's face turned pale, and she was relieved when she heard the back.

Izayoi Sakuya bowed her knees and saluted.

she said firmly.

- It's really interesting.

However, her combat style is closely related to her ability to control time. For those who do not have the ability to control time, the training effect is not great.


The silver-haired maid gathered her courage and announced in a very calm voice.

Perhaps because of her innocence, the eldest miss didn't see the real reason for her nosebleed.

The world is fixed from now on.

Izayoi Sakuya was stunned, just help with training?

Izayoi Sakuya nodded.

Izayoi Sakuya was not that simple. After hearing Lu Yu's request, she immediately thought about whether Lu Yu wanted her to help capture the eldest lady or something.

Lu Yu said without hesitation.

Just when she was a little distressed, Lu Yu was very understanding and took the initiative to speak.

After the small transaction was completed, Lu Yu nodded, and then he was about to exit the realm.

After all, not all opponents are worthy of their own shot.

However, one second before the exit.

"Thank you for your generosity and kindness!


She is good at association and immediately thinks of a possibility, that is, Lu Yu wants to use her to attack the eldest lady, and even attack the entire Scarlet Devil Mansion, and achieve the Scarlet Devil Mansion Paradise plan.

"If it is about the eldest lady, please forgive me for refusing!

Then, she reminded:

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