[Blood of Abel] showed the ability of a vampire slayer, it has been figured out, because of Abel's curse and resentment towards Cain who killed himself.

Naturally, Remilia's state as a vampire is easy to understand.

However, there is more than one way of understanding.

"Following the myth, as a descendant of Cain, want to continue to kill the descendants of Abel? 35

This is very common in mythology.

Many races that were originally enemies in mythology are still enemies even in modern times.

Among them, there is not only the problem of the influence of the stereotyped spread of the myth itself, but also because the deep blood feud accumulated in the age of myth is really not so easy to resolve.

Although it was Cain who did evil, it is not impossible to hate Abel because of the idea of ​​a wicked person.

After all, for Cain, if Abel hadn't gotten in the way, he wouldn't have been abandoned by God.

Therefore, the possibility of resentment towards Abel who was murdered by himself, and the possibility of wanting to kill Abel's descendants, is not impossible, and it is still very high.

Besides, there is another possibility.

The corners of Lu Yu's mouth drew an interesting arc.

"Or, as a descendant of Cain, seeking forgiveness from the descendant of Abel and wanting to return to God's embrace?"

After all, though committed murder.

However, Cain never turned away from God. With his loyalty to God, he wanted to return to God's embrace, so it was very possible to seek Abel's forgiveness.

The level of [Abel's Blood] is orange.

But if he exerts his full power, even a bronze-level vampire can be killed by it!

After all, sometimes, it is possible to cross the gap of strength when it comes to the issue of affinity.

"Your power is exactly this, are you sure you want to sell it?"

After giving Jishen Qiusha popular science skills, Lu Yu asked again.


Jishen Qiusha nodded firmly.

Even if he knew the meaning of power, the fact that he would kill a vampire would not change.

She is not willing to continue to carry such power.

"Yes, although it is special, it is still an orange-level ability, and the recovery price is only 10,000 origin points, right? 35


Lu Yu put the source point on Jishen Qiusha's account, and recovered the ability to the dimension store.

Having fulfilled her long-cherished wish for many years, and was able to get 10,000 Origin Points, for Jishen Qiusha, she was a little embarrassed to take her membership card.

How can anyone ask for help, and let them pay for it.

However, Lu Yu was not stingy in this regard, and forcibly shoved the origin point she deserved to Jishen Qiusha.

——You may earn blood, but I will never lose.

For Lu Yu, recycling this ability, let alone 10,000 Origin Points, is worth 50,000.

Not to mention the slaying attribute against vampires.

[Abel's blood] itself is also a very important part of the magic base of the Bible (bddb).

"The fire on the right side, the seat on the right side of God, the blood of Abel... In addition to those treasures of the Pope, the power of the Bible system seems to have been completed for the most part!

Lu Yu muttered.

His current ability mainly uses the original Zoroastrian classic "Avista".

It is only one step away from completing the ceremony and stepping into the silver level, that is, the level of the devil.

Originally, he thought that the Zoroastrianism's [Dualism of Good and Evil] was the first cosmology he completed.

But now it seems that the biblical system has come to the fore, and the degree of completion is not much lower than the [dualism of good and evil].

In addition to the completion of the biblical system.

[Blood of Abel] actually has a hidden effect.

Lu Yu didn't tell Jishen Qiusha, but it wasn't because he wanted to hide something.

After all, no matter what the effect is, according to the recycling rules of the dimensional store, the origin of recycling will not change.

It's just that he himself is not too sure about this effect, and the dimensional store system does not have a definite conclusion about it.

——If the descendants of Cain, that is, those blood-sucking species, the reason for the fanatical pursuit of [Abel's blood] is not because of revenge, but because they want to seek Abel's forgiveness.

-Then, if [Blood of Abel] no longer kills vampires because of hatred, but actually forgives the descendants of Cain.

- What will happen then?

——If vampires are cursed creatures, what will they look like when the curse is lifted?

Lu Yu is very curious about this.

However, there is no room for experimentation for the time being.

He can't always use Remilia for experiments, if one operation is not good, it will be a real death for vampires.

For creatures like vampires, the soul and blood are together.

If it turns into ashes, the power of the underworld cannot revive it.

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