American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 427 Lex Luthor's shock: What kind of pervert is he!


What Rorschach didn't expect was that Ares could do much more than just those three abilities.

This is Lex Luthor, a super meteorite monster who combines the abilities of many meteorite monsters!


The next moment.

Ares, who was standing in front of Rorschach, disappeared all of a sudden.

Just like that, he evaporated right under Rorschach's nose.

"Transparency, another new ability."

Rorschach's face showed a slight surprise again.

The meteorite monster in front of him was really beyond Rorschach's expectations.

It made Rorschach a little reluctant to destroy such a talent.

Even in the mutant country of Krako, there is no "super mutant" like Ares with multiple abilities.

Of course, Rorschach is an exception.


Lex Luthor sat behind the scenes and once again gave this order to Ares.


Ares rushed towards Rorschach again.

It is worth mentioning that.

Ares's transparency is different from the usual transparency.

Not only can he be invisible, but even his voice is completely invisible.

His speed of rushing towards Rorschach is obviously very fast, but it no longer causes a very obvious sonic boom like before.

Ares in the invisible state, even his movements are silent!

I have to say, this is indeed a bit of a cheat.

Even for Clark Kent, Ares is very tricky.

But Rorschach, it is even more cheating!

Even if he can't hear Ares's movements, he can directly observe Ares through the perspective eye!

The opponent's invisibility is simply useless to Rorschach.


Rorschach stood still like a mountain, still so calm, but suddenly two heat rays burst out from his eyes.

Ares was shocked and was knocked over by Rorschach.

His body, which was originally invisible, suddenly appeared.

Two blazing holes burned by high temperature appeared on his chest.


He fell to the ground like a dead dog again.


"How could this happen!"

Lex Luthor was shocked again.

Ares' impeccable invisibility was actually seen through!

How did the other party do it?

And his eyes could actually shoot lasers outward?

This is a bit exaggerated!

Lex Luthor, who was originally confident in Ares, suddenly felt a little unsure at this moment.

Ares' biggest trump card is absolute invisibility.

Now that the biggest trump card has been discovered, it may be difficult to catch the perverted young man.

The fact is just as Lex Luthor expected.


The next moment.

Accompanied by a sonic boom, Rorschach's body suddenly disappeared.

In the blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Ares.

Its speed is three times faster than Ares!


Rorschach stretched out his hand and grabbed Ares in his hand.

Ares naturally couldn't just sit there and wait for death, and began to struggle with all his strength.

But Rorschach just grabbed it, and it was like a prison net that bound Ares tightly.

No matter how Ares struggled, he couldn't break free.

In terms of strength, Ares lost miserably!

Although Lex Luthor felt very frustrated, he had to admit this.

In this case...

Lex Luthor had no choice but to order Ares to attack Rorschach.


Ares also grabbed Rorschach with both hands, and another ability was activated.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Ares' body began to spray out extremely blazing flames.

At that moment.

Ares actually turned into a fire man!

"I don't believe I can't do anything to you like this!"

Lex Luthor stared at the screen in front of him, muttering.


Lex Luthor was still disappointed.

Rorschach just stood there without taking any measures.

He neither defended nor attacked Ares.

He just let Ares's flames burn him!

But under the terrible flames, the other party was unscathed and not affected at all!

It was as if Ares's high temperature, which was enough to melt even steel, was just a breeze.


Lex Luthor couldn't help swallowing hard, and was completely shocked by Rorschach.

Who on earth is this young Asian youth?

It's too abnormal!


Rorschach ignored Ares's struggle, resistance and attack, and began to absorb the cosmic energy in his body.

As the cosmic energy on the opponent's body continued to decrease, the flames on Ares' body gradually died down.

His strength to struggle and resist became weaker and weaker...

It only took a few seconds.

Ares, who was previously considered to be a cheat, lost all his strength in Rorschach's hands.

He completely became an ordinary person.


"This is impossible!"

"How is this possible!"

Lex Luthor's face changed, and he stood up suddenly, shocked beyond words.

Ares, was he just disabled like this?

All his abilities disappeared completely?

What a joke!

What did that Asian youth do?

This kind of thing was completely beyond Lex Luthor's imagination and cognition.

He couldn't understand it anyway.

That's why.

In an instant, Lex Luthor was deeply afraid of Rorschach.

"Where am I...?"

"Who are you?"

After all the cosmic energy was absorbed, Ares completely got rid of the shackles of the meteorite's ability, and gradually regained his original consciousness.

He looked at Rorschach in front of him, showing a look of confusion.

Split personality?

Being controlled by someone?

Rorschach understood.

The "super meteorite weirdo" in front of him was nothing more than these two situations.

If that's the case, since Rorschach has turned him into an ordinary person, there's no need to kill him.


After knocking Ares unconscious with a punch, Rorschach stopped talking nonsense and began to slowly load all the kryptonite into the car.

Just as he was about to drive away.

Rorschach's super hearing heard a noise.

After careful analysis, it turned out that a large number of police had surrounded the place.

Rorschach shrugged, and with a slight move of his right hand, the huge telekinesis enveloped the truck full of kryptonite.


Then he flew into the air.

He took a large truck and soared into the sky, knocking a big hole in the laboratory.

He flew into the air and disappeared.

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