American comics: The beginning of the fusion of the motherland

Chapter 428 Homelander: You have no choice in front of me

"Those people who have disappeared in Smallville for so many years are actually being imprisoned in Smallville? Just under our noses?"

"This is really shocking. I can't believe who is behind this."

"This is the day all of Smallville is waiting for an answer."

Returning to his "new home" quietly, Rorschach carefully moved all the kryptonite into the basement.

In order not to leave any clues, he even used his mind power to crush the truck that came over him into a discus.

Then thrown into the river hundreds of kilometers away.

After doing all this, Rorschach just paid attention to the news on the TV.

The result was not beyond his expectation.

That secret underground laboratory completely detonated the entire Smallville and caused an uproar in Smallville.

But in this matter, there shouldn't be any trouble on his head.

The people in the secret laboratory didn't even see Rorschach's face, so Rorschach put them all in immediately.

All the surveillance inside was destroyed by Rorschach.

Those rescued meteorite monsters have never seen Rorschach, and they are even less likely to know that their abilities were sucked away by Rorschach.

The only person who knew Rorschach was involved was Clark Kent.

But there was no way Clark Kent would leak this anyway.

So after some simple calculations, Rorschach found that he was "safe".

He never imagined that every move he made would be watched by Lex Luthor, the DC supervillain.

Of course.

Rorschach doesn't care about this kind of thing.

With his strength, what if he is really exposed?

How can anyone get Rorschach?

Rorschach didn't take this kind of thing to heart at all. He glanced at the news on the TV absentmindedly, but he was deep in thought.

"Ok, deal!"


Rorschach made a decision.

He stopped talking nonsense and instantly activated his super hearing.

All of Smallville and even the entire Metropolis were monitored.

In just a moment, Luo Xia's eyes flashed with light.

"found it!"

"It's you, Lex Luthor!"

Seeing that the man behind the scenes was actually Lex Luthor, Rorschach was not surprised at all.

This guy is one of the most famous and charismatic super villains in DC.

Also one of Superman's old enemies.

——Yes, Rorschach is indeed looking for the person behind the underground laboratory.

This is still very easy for Rorschach.

After all, after such a basement is exposed, the person behind the scenes will definitely take corresponding measures and means.

There was no way it could be hidden from Rorschach's ears.

Rorschach's purpose in finding the mastermind behind the scenes is also very simple: to cooperate with the other party.

Now the two paths before Rorschach are obvious:

1. Looking for more meteorite weirdos.

2. Find a way to remove kryptonite toxins.

And who could be more suitable for this kind of thing than the person behind the underground laboratory?

"Ok, deal!"

Rorschach made the decision very happily.


He swayed and the person suddenly disappeared.

Luther Mansion.

Lex Luthor sat on the recliner in front of his desk and couldn't help but rub his temples.

no way.

The underground laboratory was exposed too suddenly, and there were too many messes for Lex Luthor to deal with.

He didn't know how much time he wasted and how many connections he used to cover up the matter.

Picking up the coffee in front of him and taking a sip, Lex Luthor cheered up again.

His eyes fell on the Asian face on the computer screen.

It was precisely because of this person who suddenly appeared that he, Lex Luthor, suffered huge losses.

Not only was the most important base exposed, but even Ares got involved.

But Lex Luthor was not discouraged or angry, but more excited.

There is no doubt that the Asian young man in front of him is the strongest extraordinary human being he has ever seen.

This means that Lex Luthor's upper limit has been raised.

"Who are you anyway?"

Lex Luthor stared blankly at the face on the screen and murmured.

"I never expected that someone would miss me so much."

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded from behind.


Lex Luthor was startled.

This is his base camp, so the security level goes without saying.

Someone can actually invade my side silently!

And what did the other person mean?

Lex Luthor subconsciously turned his head to look.

Then he saw an extremely familiar face come into his eyes.


It's him!

Lex Luthor was shocked.

Fortunately, he planned to find out who this person was, but the other party came to the door in a blink of an eye.

But Lex Luthor is not an ordinary person after all.

After being subconsciously surprised, he quickly calmed down.

"First, my years of hard work went to waste, and now it's in front of me. It seems that all this is premeditated."

"I'm curious, have I offended you in any way? Why are you so deliberate against me?"

Lex Luthor stared at Rorschach and asked the doubts in his heart.


Rorschach laughed. Luthor thought too highly of himself.

But Rorschach didn't explain anything more. He just directly put forward his request to Lex Luthor.

"I came to you for only two purposes."

"First, I want you to use all your resources to help me find other meteorite monsters."

"Second, I want you to help me study kryptonite."

"This is exactly what I have been doing." Lex Luthor shrugged, "It seems that our goals are the same, and we should cooperate."

"No, our goals are not the same."

Rorschach emphasized, "I just want you to find the meteorite monster, that's all."

"You are only responsible for finding people! The experiments you conducted on the meteorite monster before are not allowed here."

"Second, I asked you to study kryptonite, not to find a way to use kryptonite to make meteorite monsters, but to solve my problem."

"Well, this is indeed a little different from what I imagined."

Lex Luthor was still calm, and he spread his hands again, "I guess you won't give me any choice, right?"

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