
Clark Kent breathed a sigh of relief.

It was as if his body, which had been soaked in poison, had finally recovered.

The first thing he did when he got up from the ground was to check on the townspeople who had been "touched" by Rorschach.

Seeing that everyone was safe and sound, he immediately felt relieved.

At the same time, he was even more confused.

Why did Homelander "touch" these people one by one with his hands?

What was the point of doing this?

But now it was obvious that this was not the time to dwell on these issues.

Clark Kent suppressed his doubts and walked to the operating table.

After a simple study, Clark Kent pressed several switches one after another.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Each "single room" where the meteorite monsters were imprisoned began to eject the corresponding gas.

Of course.

The "single room" was also completely opened, needless to say.


The sleeping meteorite monsters began to wake up one after another.

"What's going on?"

"What happened?"

"We are free!"


One after another, voices of surprise rang out.

Although they didn't know what was going on, the meteorite monsters were so excited when they saw that they seemed to be released.


A sonic boom sounded.

Clark Kent shook his body and left directly with his super speed.

During this period of time, Clark Kent was not Superman, but just Clark Kent.

His father Jonathan Kent, who was a bit stupid, taught him not to show his superpowers in front of others.

So unless he had to, Clark Kent would usually act secretly and would not show up easily.

Of course.

Clark Kent left on the surface, but he was still paying attention to this place secretly.

And he had also called the police.

The police would arrive soon, and by then, the rescued meteorite monsters would be completely safe.

And only until then would Clark Kent really leave.

As for Rorschach?

He still stayed in this secret research base, because Rorschach still had trophies to collect: kryptonite.

And it was a lot of kryptonite in piles!

Without paying attention to what the meteorite monsters who had lost their abilities were going to do next, Rorschach also shook his body and disappeared.

Appeared in another laboratory.

There were boxes and boxes of kryptonite.

"A big harvest this time!"

Rorschach was very satisfied.

Without any nonsense, he violently broke open all the safe deposit boxes and moved out all the kryptonite stored in them.

He was about to find another car to move the kryptonite to the car.

Rorschach's movements paused slightly.

Because he heard a sound of breaking through the air.


Sure enough.

The next moment.

A strong man who looked about 40 years old left a residual shadow on the spot and appeared in front of Rorschach like a ghost.

This guy?

Rorschach glanced at the burly man in front of him, and a very playful and interested look appeared on the corner of his mouth.

He could clearly feel a great cosmic energy from the burly man.

That's right, it was the energy emitted by kryptonite, exactly the same as those other meteorite monsters.


The one in front of him was a "super meteorite monster".

That's right.

The burly man was the product of Lex Luthor's "Ares Experiment".

It was a "man-made meteorite monster" copied after a lot of research on those other meteorite monsters.

Codename Ares.

But Ares was not as conscious as those other meteorite monsters.

His every move was controlled by Lex Luthor in the Luthor Mansion.

"Who is this guy?"

While Rorschach was looking at Ares, Lex Luthor was also looking at Rorschach through Ares' eyes.

In front of him was a surveillance screen.

What is shown on the surveillance screen is what Ares sees.

Lex Luthor looked at the strange face on the screen, with surprise on his face, but more of excitement.

New superhuman!

It has been a long time since Smallville has seen a new superhuman!

"Ares, take him down! Pay attention, catch him alive!"

Lex Luthor immediately gave Ares an order.


At that moment.

Ares, who was opposite Rorschach, immediately shook his body.

He turned into a shadow that ordinary people could not see at all, and rushed towards Rorschach.

That speed.

It was not inferior to the Superhuman in this time period!

It can only be said that Lex Luthor is indeed not an ordinary person. Ares's combat power in this time period is definitely a hang-up.

But it's a pity.

Ares met Rorschach.


Rorschach didn't even move his feet, his shoulders shook slightly, and he punched Ares.

Accompanied by a dull sound of flesh and blood hitting each other.

Ares was shaken violently, as if he was hit by a high-speed train.

He flew backwards in an instant.

Not only that.


The sound of bones breaking rang out at the same time, and a large part of Ares' chest suddenly sunk down.

The ribs and organs inside were all smashed by Rorschach.


"How is it possible!"

Lex Luthor, who was controlling everything behind the scenes, immediately showed a look of shock on his face.

This strange guy actually crushed Ares with one punch?

He has been studying superhumans for so many years, and has never seen such a terrifying superhuman.


"I didn't expect such a surprise this time!"

But soon.

Lex Luthor became more and more excited.

If such a perverted superhuman is caught, what kind of results will he achieve?

Just thinking about it, Lex Luthor can't stay calm.


There was a loud noise.

A pile of debris in the laboratory exploded, and Ares, who was buried in it, stood up again.



The sound of blood and flesh surging was heard.

The big hole on Ares' chest healed in the blink of an eye at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was as if he had never been hit by Rorschach's hammer!

"Super self-healing ability!?"

Now it was Rorschach's turn to be surprised.

The self-healing ability of this guy in front of him was exactly the same as Wolverine's!

And counting the previous super speed, and the abnormal body that survived Rorschach's heavy punch, plus the self-healing ability, the opponent had at least three abilities.

This was completely different from the meteorite monsters Rorschach had encountered.

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