American comics: Level 5 mutants start with Gojo Satoru

Chapter 109: Collect the three mother boxes!

Hearing Su Mu's kind reminder with a smile, Mera's expression changed drastically. She turned pale. She obviously understood the meaning of Su Mu's words and hurriedly asked him:

"What do you want to do?"

Compared with the panicked Mera, Su Mu still kept smiling, but this handsome smiling face was extremely hateful in Mera's eyes. Su Mu said slowly:

"Be my maid, or I will destroy the Kingdom of Nereus. You know, I have this power!"

Mera's expression changed drastically. Su Mu could easily destroy Atlantis, and he could also easily destroy the Kingdom of Nereus, which was even weaker than Atlantis.

Her whole body continued to tremble, and various thoughts kept emerging in her mind. Finally, her body suddenly softened, and she almost fell to the ground. She finally recognized the reality, and then slowly said:

"I agree to be your maid...boss..."

Su Mu was obviously dissatisfied with her words and hummed softly:


Mera was silent for a moment, and finally bowed respectfully to Su Mu:


"That's right, be good~"

PS: Mera-Part 2

After regaining Mera, Su Mu stabilized the barrier in the pocket universe and placed infinite energy in the middle of Paradise Island.

Through the barrier, outside sunlight is thrown into the pocket universe, and endless energy is continuously generated from the endless energy device. However, because this energy is not lasting and cannot remain stable, Su Mu does not allow it to join the energy cycle of the pocket universe. Rather, it serves as energy for daily use on the island.

A complete set of unlimited energy devices is enough to support a country, more than enough to power Paradise Island.

A few days later, Su Mu continued to absorb energy and train skills, and the level of the mirror space was improved.

[Mirror Space lv2 (1/300): Create a temporary space latitude, isolated from reality, and anything that happens within it will not affect reality! 】

Compared with lv1, the huge range of lv2's mirror space has been improved several times, and now it can form a mirror space of about five kilometers.

Su Mu has high expectations for the mirror space. She wonders whether an independent space can be created when the level of the mirror space exceeds lv3 and reaches lv4, or whether it can be integrated with the pocket universe to complete the pocket universe when the level is higher. , making it a real world.

As time passed, the template fusion degree increased in an orderly manner, reaching 67%. After the template fusion degree reached 80%, Accelerator's last skill of the template, the third tree - Abyss, will be unlocked. Presumably this skill will improve Su Mu even more. huge.

Floating on the small floating island above Paradise Island, Su Mu finished his exercise and was sweating all over his body. The same was true for Catwoman and Mera who were exercising with him.

After taking a shower, Su Mu walked outside, then opened the portal and located directly at Cyborg's location.

Some time ago, because he needed to continuously improve the pocket universe, he had no extra time, and considering that the three mother boxes might mutate when they came together, Su Mu did not immediately look for Cyborg and get the third mother box.

However, the barrier was strengthened during this period, giving Su Mu enough confidence to control the three mother boxes to prevent them from merging together, so it was now time to obtain the third mother box.

Cutting open the space in front of him, a portal was formed in an instant, and a room full of future technology appeared in front of Su Mu.

Without hesitation, he stepped out into the room.

As soon as he walked into the room, a scorching energy ray flew towards him at high speed. However, facing this level of attack, Su Mu did not even open the unlimited spell. The energy ray came to Su Mu and was manipulated by him. , forming a small glowing spot on his fingertips.

Without looking back, Su Mu controlled the luminous point to fly behind him. The condensed energy exploded with even more powerful force, directly knocking away the steel frame that was charging towards Su Mu.

He reached out and grasped the metal wall on the side. Under the strong gravity, the mother box passed through the metal wall and was held in Su Mu's hand.

Looking back, Cyborg, who had been knocked away, came again, aimed the energy cannon at Su Mu, and issued a warning:

"Put down the Mother Box. It's dangerous and not something you can hold?"

Su Mu didn't talk nonsense with Cyborg, but walked straight towards Cyborg. His move undoubtedly touched Cyborg's sensitive nerves, and he immediately tried to fire a laser at Su Mu. However, when he was about to release the laser, he suddenly found that there was a laser under his feet. The gravity increased dozens of times, and he was crushed by the terrifying gravity and fell to the ground.

Su Mu came to Cyborg, touched his hand, and obtained the specific information of Cyborg under the analysis of six eyes. After that, she couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Cyborg was created by the Mother Box, but the complexity within its body is obviously not as good as the Mother Box, only one-third of the level of the Mother Box. Although this is still very powerful, it is far from enough for Su Mu.

This caused him to abandon the idea of ​​using Cyborg as a humanoid energy source.

He squatted down, smiled and said to Cyborg:

"Although the Mother Box is not your property, for the sake of helping me keep the Mother Box, I can help you restore your original human body. Are you willing?"

"What?" Cyborg's real name was Victor Stone. He was seriously injured in an accident and was about to die. However, he was saved by the Mother Box and became a half-human, half-machine cyborg.

For a long time afterwards, he kept wandering between machines and humans, not understanding where he belonged, and because of the huge changes in his appearance, he was out of touch with society, and the strong loneliness and confusion made him fall into pain.

In the original book, he had no choice, but at this time Su Mu gave him a chance, a chance to start a new life.

Steel Bone looked at the man in front of him in confusion, and a portal suddenly opened in front of him, and then the system instinctively issued a warning and automatically attacked the visitor.

Just when he was worried about the visitor, he suddenly found that the visitor easily resolved the attack and used the energy he released to knock him away.

When he saw the visitor get the mother box, he fell into panic, because his father warned him that the mother box was an important treasure related to the survival of the earth and could not be obtained by others.

So he united with the will of the system, his strength increased significantly, and attacked the visitor, but the visitor easily suppressed him without any action, which made him feel incredible.

Especially now that the visitor said that he could help him become a human again, he was shocked. Is this true?

He subconsciously asked, "Who are you?"

Su Mu did not answer. He did not know why the first thing many people said to him was "Who are you?"

Did you collude?

He said directly, "Hurry up, I'm in a hurry. Tell me your request. Do you want to become a human?"

After being reminded by Su Mu again, Cyborg finally reacted. He hesitated for a moment and finally made a decision:

"I want to become a human!"

Although he has gained powerful strength now, he is out of touch with society. He will never forget the strange look his friends gave him before.

If he has a choice, he would rather become a human.

Su Mu nodded, "Why not just say it like that? Come, let your uncle treat you!"

Touching his hand with Cyborg's head, the power of the reversal technique acts on Cyborg's body.

The lv4 reversal technique can act on non-living things and restore them to their original state.

Under the effect of the reversal technique, the machinery on Cyborg's body gradually transformed into a physical form. During this process, the mechanical intelligence on Cyborg's body kept issuing warnings, but in the face of the increasingly amazing gravity, it had no power to resist and could only let Su Mu do it.

After a moment, all the mechanical structures on Cyborg's body were transformed into flesh and blood, and he became a human again!

Su Mu nodded, and then suddenly thought of something, so he casually took out a group of symbiotes whose will had not been erased from the pocket universe and threw it on Cyborg's face.

The symbiote and Cyborg quickly merged, but in the end it was not the symbiote-dominated appearance, nor the human-dominated appearance, but the hybrid state formed by the fusion of symbiotes and humans, which was somewhat similar to Cyborg's original appearance.

Su Mu looked at this appearance and nodded: "As expected of a superhero, even the fused symbiote has its own appearance.

For the sake of your good mood, this is a gift for you."

After that, he opened the portal again and returned to Paradise Island.

Cyborg, who was at the original place, looked at Su Mu who was leaving at a loss, sensing the powerful force that continued to surge in his body, and another consciousness that kept talking, with a complicated expression.

He seemed to have not only become a human, but also did not lose his identity as a superhero, this needle did not poke!

Returning to Paradise Island, Su Mu placed the last mother box in the energy hub that had been prepared long ago.

The mother box is connected to the energy hub, and huge energy is released from the mother box, and then it blends with the energy of the other two mother boxes, and merges with the energy of the Eternal Fire and the Frost Box into a higher-level energy.

In this process, the three mother boxes interact with each other, generating huge gravitational forces on each other, trying to merge together, but they did not completely merge under the suppression of the barrier, but the energy completed the initial fusion and released more powerful power.

The area of ​​the pocket universe is rapidly expanding, and the border is constantly expanding outward. When all the abnormal movements stop, the area of ​​the pocket universe has reached the size of dozens of cities.

At this time, the energy released by the pocket universe finally exceeds the limit of lv5. Before the energy absorption reaches lv6, Su Mu does not have to worry about energy.

In this way, the most important things he did in the DC universe are completely completed. He can only continuously improve the skill level and template fusion degree. After the portal reaches lv5, he can try to go to other worlds.

As for the DC world, according to the plot, the famous scene of Batman vs. Superman will happen later, and General Zod's body will be transformed into Doomsday.

However, the timeline of this universe has changed significantly because of Su Mu's existence. General Zod did not die, and it is unknown how Doomsday will be formed, or whether a monster like Doomsday will appear.

And because Su Mu collected all three mother boxes, it is unknown whether Steppenwolf will invade the earth.

The plot of the entire DC universe has changed beyond recognition because of his intrusion, but Su Mu does not care too much about it. The timeline of the DC universe is always disordered and chaotic, and the movie universe is like this, not to mention that the universe he is currently in is just an unknown parallel universe close to the movie universe.

Sure enough, as Su Mu expected, even though the timeline has changed greatly because of his existence, the villains' ability to make trouble has not decreased at all, and is even stronger.

After a while, when Su Mu was constantly using the portal and trying to upgrade the portal as soon as possible, a figure appeared in front of him.

I saw a figure staggering out of the portal connecting to Gotham, and then fell to the ground.

This figure's body was covered with injuries of all sizes, and even one of his eyeballs had disappeared, leaving only a terrifying eye socket that was constantly bleeding. Although the symbiote on his body was constantly helping him recover from his injuries, he didn't know Is it because too much energy is consumed that the recovery speed of the injury is extremely slow?

And this person is Batman.

Su Mu was very curious as to why he was in such a miserable state. Batman with the symbiote was extremely powerful. Even if the energy enhancement Su Mu applied to him had disappeared, he could still punch and kick Arkham Asylum. Court of Owls.

Without Su Mu asking, Batman vomited blood and said:

"Traveler Bat, help us, the Joker obtained the power of the Seven Deadly Sins from the Rock of Eternity, and his twisted spirit completely covered the will of the Seven Deadly Sins, becoming the true incarnation of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Lex Luthor sneaked into me and obtained part of the symbiote from me, giving him a brand new symbiote.

Somehow he is stronger than me, even if my fighting skills are better than his, I am still no match for him.

More importantly, Lex Luthor teamed up with the Joker to use the flesh and blood tissue of General Zod obtained from the Black Zero incident to spawn a clone of General Zod, and tried to create a monster called Doomsday! "

"Wait, please speak slowly..." Su Mu was confused by too much information, and even he had to speak slowly.

"You mean the Joker became the Seven Deadly Sins, Lex Luthor got the symbiote, and teamed up with the Joker to create Doomsday!"

Su Mu was shocked. Good guy, these super villains are really capable of causing trouble, especially the Joker. He is truly a madman. His thinking is even filthier than the Seven Deadly Sins, directly overriding the will of the Seven Deadly Sins.

"So the injuries on your body were caused by them? What about Superman? Where is he now?" Su Mu continued to ask.

Batman kept coughing, trying to answer Su Mu's question but was stuck in the coughing. The coughing didn't stop until Su Mu once again provided energy for the symbiote on him and used the reversal technique to repair the injury on his body.

Batman exhaled a deep breath and continued:

"Yes, I was injured by them, and Superman was restrained by kryptonite when fighting with me, was easily defeated by Lex Luthor, and is now in crisis."

Tsk tsk tsk, isn’t there some new fun coming!

Su Mu directly put his hand on Batman's shoulder, and then said to him seriously:

"Don't worry, no matter who we are, as your peer, I will definitely help you!"

Su Mu is extremely looking forward to the birth of Doomsday. Such good sandbags are rare!

Directly cutting open the space, Su Mu pulled Batman in. At the same time, the costume on his body continued to squirm, turning into a bat suit.

At this moment, Batman suddenly realized something and asked Su Mu:

"By the way, aren't you my peer? Why do you look different from me?"

Su Mu explained without changing his expression:

"Although they are the same person, there are still some differences. After all, no one is exactly the same even in the multiverse."

Batman thought thoughtfully: "I see...but why are you an Asian?"

Su Mu turned around, looked at Batman with disdain, and then said matter-of-factly:

"Wayne, your ideas are too superficial. Parallel universes are full of wonders and represent infinite possibilities.

Not to mention just Batmans of other skin colors, there are even Batmans of different races.

For example, the vampire Batman, or the female Batwoman, or the Doomsday Batman who becomes Doomsday.

Don't make a fuss and affect Batman's character. You must know that the legion of Batman in the multiverse is an existence that makes all universes fearful! "

Batman is silent, is Batman so stupid?

Why am I constantly being beaten every day, and only at the last moment can I fight back and win.

Batman suddenly felt that he had really failed as a Batman. If he encountered other Batmans besides the Traveler Bat in the future, he would not even bother to tell his past deeds.

At this moment, Batman suddenly thought of something, and asked Su Mu:

"Traveler Bat, who is the strongest Batman in the multiverse that you know?"

Su Mu was silent, then slowly said:

"There are too many Batmans in the multiverse, and the most powerful among them are the White Lantern Batman. He obtained the White Lantern Ring, and the White Lantern Ring is the embodiment of life, and he has therefore become a god-like existence.

Among them is Batman, the god of knowledge. He sits on the Mobius Chair and becomes the omnipotent god of knowledge. He constantly travels through time and repeatedly tortures Joe Chill, the murderer of his parents.

In addition, there is the evil god Batman, who became the judge of the night. As an ancient evil god, he conquered everything together with Superman and Wonder Woman, who also became evil gods! "

Hearing Su Mu's words, Batman's eyes flashed. He had an inexplicable impulse. He also wanted to become a powerful Batman, and no longer wanted to be an inferior bat who knew nothing.

Finally he asked the traveler bat:

"What about you? What level are you at?"

When asked by Batman, Su Mu was stunned for a moment. After all, he was just Batman in disguise, so he hadn't thought about this question.

After a brief thought, he slowly said:

"I can probably be ranked in the top ten, but unlike other Batmans, I am in a quantum superposition state and can travel through parallel universes or other worlds at will.

So my potential is higher, their upper limit has already been determined, but I can reach a higher realm, even surpassing the Supreme God! "

Batman seems to understand. He doesn't know what quantum superposition state means, and he also doesn't know what the Supreme God represents. However, he knows that the Batman next to him is definitely a special being, even the most special among Batman. A special one.

Using the Infinite Space to sense what the master was thinking, Su Mu suppressed a smile.

Not the most special one, because not only does he come from another universe, he's not a real Batman.

Walking out of the portal, Su Mu and the two came to a remote warehouse. In front of them were the clown who kept laughing maniacally and Lex Luthor, who was covered by the symbiote. The portal directly teleported Su Mu to the nearest place to them. Area.

When the clown saw Su Mu arriving through the portal, he burst out laughing:

"Hahahahahahahaha... Two Batmans, it's even more fun!"

But when he saw Su Mu's appearance clearly, the smile on his face suddenly stopped, and then gradually became more ferocious:

"No, you are not Batman, who are you?" He was shrouded in the sudden black mist, one eye glowed ominously blue, and he said ferociously to Su Mu.

Batman said from the side:

"The Traveler Bat comes from other parallel universes..."

Before he could finish speaking, the clown continued:

"No, he's not Batman, he's a liar, a pretender!

Damn it, you filthy bug, you ruined my expectations of double the pleasure! "

After hearing the clown's words, Su Mu understood what the clown meant and couldn't help but sigh at the bond between him and Batman. It was obvious at a glance that he was pretending to be Batman.

Could it be that the Joker really has a Batman detector on him?

Facing the Joker's question, before Su Mu could say anything, Batman looked at the Joker with a look of disdain that was very familiar to Su Mu, and then said something that was also very familiar to Su Mu:

"Joker, your vision is too narrow. The multiverse is full of wonders and represents endless possibilities. There are too many Batmans besides me.

There are even bats that are more powerful than the gods! "

Batman said seriously while despising the Joker.

However, although his tone was very serious, Su Mu could still feel the pride in his words.

It was obvious that the master had always suffered at the hands of the clown, and was even nearly killed by him some time ago. He would never miss the opportunity to ridicule the clown.

He's a bit high-spirited!

The Joker obviously didn't believe what Batman said, he laughed loudly and said:

"My little bat, you were deceived by him. No matter which universe I am, I will be your sweetheart. We understand each other heart to heart. Even in parallel universes, we can easily tell the difference!"

After all, the Joker's affectionate confession could not move Batman's heart. He only felt cold in his heart, so he rushed towards the Joker and said loudly:

"We have never been friends, not now, and not in the future!"

The two collided together and received an increase in Su Mu's energy. Batman gained the power he had when defeating General Zod. Even if he faced off against the Joker who had obtained the power of the Seven Deadly Sins, he was not at a disadvantage.

Su Mu watched the young couple loving each other for a while, then looked towards Lex Luthor, smiled under his vigilant gaze and said:

"Hurry up and create the day of destruction, I can't wait any longer!"

Lex Luthor: "???"

Superman being stepped on by Lex Luthor: "???"

This is different from what the two imagined. They thought that the Traveler Bat came to prevent Lex Luthor from creating the Day of Doom, but why was it to urge Lex Luthor to create the Day of Doom?

And it looks like he's looking forward to it even more than Lex Luthor!

PS: Mera-Part 3

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