Even though he was suppressed by kryptonite, his whole body's strength was reduced to ten percent, and he fell into an absolutely weak state, Superman still struggled and said to Su Mu:

"Traveler Bat, what are you going to do? Why don't you prevent the birth of Doomsday?"

Su Mu smiled and then said calmly:

"I think Doomsday is a very durable punching bag, and it's possible that he can test the limits of my strength at this time."

Hearing Su Mu's answer, even Lex Luthor looked shocked, and the symbiote on him even said to him:

"I've said it before, this man is an absolute lunatic. Even though he only inherited a broken memory from Batman's symbiote, I still instinctively fear him.

Run away, stop wandering! "

"No, I must create Doomsday. His arrogance will be the key to my victory!" Lex Luthor rejected the symbiote's proposal. He immediately controlled the symbiote on his body to condense many tentacles and began to attack the symbiote placed behind him. Zod clone conducts experiments.

Under his constant experiments, a monster was rapidly bred in Zod's body.

Seeing this, Superman became more and more nervous and shouted to Su Mu:

"Traveler Bat, stop him quickly. Doomsday is an extremely powerful creature. He can grow almost infinitely and be resurrected unconditionally.

His strong adaptability allows him to adapt to any attack that kills him. No attack of any kind can kill him twice!

It is not a sandbag, but the ultimate biological weapon that can destroy the world! "

Su Mu looked calm and looked forward to what would happen next. He came to Superman and crushed the kryptonite on his body. Superman's superpowers quickly recovered.

However, he is still in a weak state for the time being, even weaker than ordinary people. He can only pray to Su Mu to stop Lex Luthor, but how can Su Mu stop the next fun?

He said calmly:

"Don't worry, it's just a newborn Doomsday. It's easy to deal with. He was even weaker than you when he was just born. He can't reach the strength of the ancient Doomsday at all. I have n ways to kill him!"

Although the Traveler Bat is very powerful, Superman is well aware of the horror of Doomsday. With its immortality and ability to grow, it will sooner or later become the most powerful being in the universe if not restricted.

Even though Traveler Bat can kill Doomsday several times, Doomsday will continue to resurrect and adapt to Traveler Bat's attacks to neutralize his attacks.

If the battle continues for a long time, Doomsday will surely win!

Superman was filled with fear at the thought of the future Doomsday that would destroy the earth, and even the entire universe. He rushed towards Lex Luthor, trying to stop his experiment, but a hand on his body stopped him. The action is none other than Traveler Bat!

Su Mu easily grabbed Superman and stopped his movements.

With his current strength, even the normal Superman can be easily subdued, let alone the current weak Superman.

Facing Superman's angry and puzzled look, Su Mu boasted in a deep tone:

"Clark, you underestimate me too much. How can a newly born Doomsday be my opponent?

While traveling in the multiverse, I killed more than one Destroyer, and the most powerful one even tortured and killed Darkseid, evolving to his final stage.

He has adapted to almost all the powers in the world. His strength can crush Superman, his speed can catch the moving Flash, his regeneration ability has reached the point of immortality, and he has super powers such as space teleportation and control of machinery.

He has even evolved a realm that can be maintained permanently. He will devour all life around him and use their vitality as nourishment to continue to grow.

More importantly, even so, he is still evolving at an extremely fast speed, and even the speed of evolution far exceeds the previous speed of evolution.

But even so, I still killed him. I gathered six Infinity Stones, at the cost of permanently reducing my own strength. I snapped my fingers and sacrificed half of the creatures in the universe to gain strength. Only then did I kill him and prevent the destruction of the universe! "

Hearing his words, Superman and Lex Luthor were stunned. They didn't think Traveler Bat was bragging. The words of a strong man are always convincing.

Unexpectedly, Traveler Bat would have such an experience, killing a Doomsday who had reached the final stage of growth.

Although the cost of killing Doomsday was extremely expensive, not only losing most of his strength but also sacrificing half of the life in the universe, he still saved a universe.

More importantly, Traveler Bat's strength is already extremely powerful, but now it is only half of his peak strength. So what will he reach in full form?

Thinking of this, Superman and Lex Luthor looked at Batman who was fighting the Joker to death. They couldn't help but lament that Batman was better than Batman, which made Batman angry to death.

Perhaps sensing Superman's psychological activities, Su Mu couldn't help but smile:

"You think Batman is just an inferior bat, but you don't know that you are just an inferior superman. In the multiverse, I have seen countless supermen more powerful than you, including golden superman, silver superman, thinking superman, superman supreme, etc. wait……

These are beings far more powerful than you, and the most powerful can even destroy the multiverse! "

The smile on Superman's face disappeared. He didn't expect that he had such a powerful peer, but why was he so weak?

Okay, okay, it turns out that Batman is an inferior Batman, and he is also an inferior Superman. Could it be that this universe is also an inferior universe?

The more Superman thought about it, the more possible it was. He felt so choked up that he even forgot about stopping Lex Luthor.

At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in front of Lex Luthor, and a large amount of red energy lightning suddenly burst out in front of him. A heartbeat like thunder sounded, and General Zod's replica continued to expand outward, gradually becoming inhuman!

Lex Luthor immediately abandoned everyone and fled far away, but he stopped after just a few steps, and the whole person fell into a stagnation.

Using the Infinite Void to control Lex Luthor and constantly learn knowledge from his mind, it must be said that Lex Luthor is worthy of being one of the smartest people in the DC universe. The knowledge in his mind provided Su Mu with a lot of ideas for barrier techniques.

Today's barrier art is no longer the barrier art of the Jujutsu Kaisen world, but a new energy application system created by Su Mu based on the barrier art of the Jujutsu Kaisen world, and then based on his own many abilities to break through the limit, and a lot of knowledge from Marvel, Magic Index, and DC universes!

Then he threw Lex Luthor on a desolate floating island in the pocket universe. Su Mu was ready to brainwash him into becoming his slave, and then help him continuously improve the pocket universe.

As for his betrayal, Su Mu didn't care at all, just like what Emperor Huang Tian said:

The enemy who was defeated by me will never be regarded as my opponent. I will give you time to catch up until you can't see it anymore!

General Zod's body gradually expanded to the limit, and a hideous figure successfully hatched out with General Zod's body as the incubator.

Endless blasphemy and tyranny enveloped a large area around, Superman's face changed drastically, and the Joker and Batman who noticed the movement here from a distance stopped and stopped fighting. Only Su Mu smiled at the newly born Doomsday, looking at whether this sandbag could withstand a beating.

(PS: Doomsday)

As soon as he was born, Doomsday released a roar that resounded through the heavens and the earth. This sound seemed to penetrate the space and spread outward until it could be heard anywhere in the United States.

Also in Gotham, a beautiful woman heard this sound when she was worried about not being able to contact Paradise Island. Then a dazzling aura enveloped her, and then she transformed into a powerful female warrior wearing medieval armor.

She quickly rushed to where Su Mu and others were.

Seeing Doomsday fully formed, Superman immediately said to Su Mu:

"Traveler Bat, we must deal with him immediately, don't give him time to evolve, and if we fight for a long time, it is likely to destroy the city!"

Su Mu waved his hand to show that he knew, but he didn't rush to deal with Doomsday. Instead, he tapped the void in front of him, and then the sound of a broken mirror continued to sound, and Superman, Batman and others immediately discovered the changes in the surrounding space.

The surrounding space turned into a dreamlike space without knowing when, and the surrounding buildings were constantly folded to form various strange structures. They immediately realized that this was not Gotham, but a strange space.

Su Mu's voice came:

"As a noble wizard, I have too many ways to limit a crude warrior like Doomsday who fights with physical strength!"

Superman and Batman, who also fight with physical strength, fell silent, and Su Mu's words seemed to include them.

What's going on? Is there a contempt chain in the extraordinary realm?

Su Mu walked towards Doomsday calmly, and said to Batman and the other two:

"Don't bother me, I want to deal with this stupid big guy alone. Since the battle with the gods, I haven't been fully active for a long time. It's really exciting!"

Batman and Superman stopped their activities immediately. They knew Su Mu's temper. If they disobeyed his orders, something extremely bad would definitely happen.

But the Joker didn't know that he hated Su Mu, who pretended to be his sweetheart, so how could he listen to Su Mu?

He immediately bypassed Batman and condensed the energy of the seven deadly sins in his body to attack Su Mu.

Seeing the blasphemous lightning strike Su Mu, the clown laughed:

"This is what happens when you interrupt my tryst with my sweetheart!"

The clown naturally didn't believe what Su Mu said before, thinking that he was bragging. Of course, the clown was right. Su Mu was indeed bragging, but his strength was not bragging!

A figure suddenly crossed the space and came to the clown, pinching his cheek tightly.

The clown was stunned and immediately resisted with all his strength, but with only the power of five fingers, he couldn't break free even if he tried his best!

Su Mu didn't make any extra movements, and directly injected information that needed to be processed for tens of thousands of years into the clown's mind, and then put him into the pocket universe to keep and deal with him slowly.

After no one disturbed him, he looked at Doomsday again.

And Doomsday just shook off the mucus on his face at this time, and also looked at Su Mu, who had the highest energy index among the people present!

Seeing this, Su Mu's smile became more and more joyful. He didn't need to suppress himself in the mirror space.

Black and red lightning bloomed around his body, and the terrifying energy fluctuations enveloped him like air waves.

He instantly disappeared from his original position and appeared in front of Doomsday, carrying a red and white sphere and heading towards his face!

Reversal of the technique "Huh!"

The newly born Doomsday was completely unable to resist this attack, his head instantly shattered into pieces, and the remaining flesh and blood turned into powder in the twisted force field.

Su Mu had already expected this. The newly born Doomsday was even weaker than Superman. The reason why he was strong was his immortality and adaptability. These two characteristics allowed him to grow almost infinitely!

Sure enough, the next moment, Doomsday's head was visibly repaired, and his resurrection was completed immediately after.

After it was resurrected, Su Mu hit his head with another "He" spell, but the attack that could easily kill him before could only cause him some minor injuries, and these injuries were still getting worse. Fast recovery.

With just one death, Doomsday adapted to the repulsive force of the "H" technique and improved his recovery ability.

Su Mu nodded with satisfaction. This sandbag has the ability to repair itself, which is good, but he is still not satisfied. This sandbag is too fragile and cannot be fucked!

He used energy to enhance his physical fitness, then held Doomsday's head in his hands and slammed it onto his knees.

Doomsday's head shattered again.

In just a few seconds, he killed Doomsday twice, and Doomsday quickly recovered. His strength became even stronger, but Su Mu was still not satisfied.

He made a knife and slashed at Doomsday, and the two instantly crossed each other. Doomsday's arm was cut off by the roots, and only half of his head was left. He died again.

After this death, Doomsday's physical fitness increased again in all aspects, and he was already stronger than Superman. He could even defeat Su Mu with a few moves.

However, as Su Mu's twisted gravitational field of blue and black was forced into the back yard of Doomsday, his body, which was harder than steel, immediately twisted inwards. In the end, most of the flesh and blood in his body was torn to pieces. Under the twisting force, The field turned into nothingness.

Afterwards, he used black and red lightning attacks, space attacks, and killed Doomsday several times again. Doomsday's strength increased significantly again.

At this time, Doomsday was finally able to compete head-on with Su Mu without Su Mu relying solely on his body to fight without immediately falling into a disadvantage. This made Su Mu even more excited.

It is indeed a monster created by combining all the cutting-edge technologies of Krypton. What a good punching bag!

As the intensity of the battle between the two continued to increase, even Superman and Batman in the distance were unable to clearly see their movements. Su Mu's speed was about to exceed the limit of their dynamic vision.

And for the two fighting people, the five-kilometer range of the mirror space was too small. Even if Superman and Batman tried their best to resist the aftermath of their attacks, their bodies were still gradually injured and damaged.

Batman discovers that if the two do not leave the mirror space, they may be killed alive by the aftermath of the battle between the two.

After finally being almost cut in half by Doomsday's heat sight, Batman and Superman immediately shouted to Su Mu:

"Traveler Bat, let us out!"

The two screamed with all their strength, and finally caught Su Mu's attention. Seeing the tragic situation of Batman and Superman oozing blood, Su Mu felt a little embarrassed. After knocking the sandbag away with force, he opened the portal and let the two of them leave.

Leaving the mirror space, Batman and Superman breathed a sigh of relief, and the life-and-death crisis was resolved.

But then the two immediately became worried again. Doomsday was growing too fast. What if Traveler Bat lost its ability and was no longer its opponent?

If Doomsday defeats the Traveler Bat, leaves the mirror space, and returns to the real world, then no one will be its opponent anymore, and the entire universe will even be torn apart by him!

Batman thought for a moment and then said:

"Probably not. If what Traveler Bat said is true, then even the most powerful Doomsday is no match for him, let alone the newly born Doomsday."

After hearing Batman's words, Superman's heart gradually relaxed, but he suddenly thought of something, and then asked Batman:

"Did Traveler Bat ever tell you who Batman's most powerful peer is?"

Batman was stunned for a moment, then said:

"I said that the strongest Batman is a being more powerful than a god, and can even travel through the timeline at will."

Superman heard this with a proud look on his face:

"I see, but the strongest Superman can destroy the multiverse!"

Only then did Batman know what Superman was talking about, but he shattered Superman's pride with just one sentence:

"What's the use? It's not you, you're just an inferior superman!"

Superman: "..."

Families, your defenses are broken!

In the mirror space, Su Mu collided with Doomsday again, and the surrounding area of ​​tens of meters was instantly destroyed. Whether it was the buildings intertwined in the sky or the floating concrete ground, they were all turned into powder by the terrifying power.

But these things were formed as soon as they were destroyed.

In the mirror space, as long as there is still energy in Su Mu's body, he can infinitely repair everything in the mirror space.

And with a constant supply of energy from the pocket universe, the last thing he lacks is energy!

Within five kilometers, everything is constantly reversed, the rules are twisted here, so the performance goes against the attempt.

At this time, Su Mu had killed Doomsday dozens of times. He used almost all his abilities to kill Doomsday in turn.

Facts have proved that Doomsday's adaptation speed has its limits. After Su Mu used slashes to kill Doomsday, he died five times before adapting to space slashes. Vector operations and the virtual "茈" attack, Even though he died a dozen times, he still didn't adapt.

Although Doomsday's speed and power are still increasing, he no longer poses a threat to Su Mu.

Doomsday's methods are too simple, and he is still just a crude warrior. Su Mu has too many ways to kill him.

Manipulating the mirror space, controlling a building to rush towards Doomsday with a multiple factor. The building hits Doomsday like a huge pillar, but he easily tore it apart and could not cause him any harm!

Fighting Doomsday for a few minutes again, the system sent a prompt for skill upgrade:

[Mirror Space Experience +1]

[Congratulations, your skill Mirror Space is upgraded! ]

[Mirror Space lv3 (1/1000): Create a temporary space dimension, isolated from reality, and anything that happens inside will not affect reality! ]

A large amount of information poured into Su Mu's mind, and then he digested it instantly. After the mirror space was upgraded, the area continued to expand. In a short moment, it grew from five kilometers to tens of kilometers, and then stopped at fifty kilometers.

In addition to the increase in area, Su Mu's control over the mirror space was improved. During this time, he gently waved his hands, and a building continued to compress, and finally formed a short spear several tens of centimeters long.

Under Su Mu's control, the short spear stabbed at Doomsday at hundreds of times the speed of sound. Facing the same mass of attack, Doomsday could not do it as easily as Doomsday, and even if he blocked it, he still received some injuries.

Seeing the short spear stabbing Doomsday, Su Mu nodded with satisfaction. This power has exceeded his expectations.

Seeing the changes after the mirror space was upgraded, Su Mu couldn't help but look forward to its future.

Only the lv3 mirror space can reach such a level, so can the lv4 mirror space create objects in the mirror space like a creator, and can the lv5 or higher level mirror space directly create a latitude called mirror?

Seeing Doomsday rushing towards him again, Su Mu kicked it in the face with ease, and black and red lightning burst out from Su Mu's feet. Doomsday's face immediately deformed, and then flew back at a faster speed.

Then Su Mu made a preparatory move, interlaced his middle finger and index finger, and slowly said:

"Domain expansion, infinite space!"

Destruction Day, who had struggled to get up from the ruins in the distance, just rushed towards Su Mu, but immediately fell into stiffness. However, because the infinite space had poured a lot of memories into his mind before, causing brain death, Destruction Day had a strong resistance to the infinite space.

After a few seconds, he broke free and rushed towards Su Mu again.

However, for Su Mu, the most powerful ability of the infinite space has never been to pull the enemy into the inner side of the infinite limit, making the enemy lose the ability to resist.

The characteristic of being sure to hit in the domain is its most powerful ability!

He slid his fingers slightly, and the endless powerful space slash enveloped Destruction Day. Destruction Day's body immediately repeated in the cycle of breaking and repairing.

Seeing this, Su Mu yawned, and then came to the side of Destruction Day, which was in stiffness due to the continuous repair of his body, and covered his head with his hand. Energy absorption was fully running, and a large amount of energy flowed out of Destruction Day's body and was then absorbed by him.

However, Su Mu stopped immediately. The energy of Doomsday was too disgusting, like a filthy polymer. Although the rank was not high, the disgusting power was extremely amazing.

If the energy of the mother box was as delicious as a high-quality cake, the energy of Doomsday was as disgusting as shit.

Su Mu was disgusted. Red, white, blue and black intertwined in front of him, and then formed a fist-sized purple sphere.

He suddenly stuffed the sphere into Doomsday's other mouth, and then used space teleportation to teleport Doomsday to dozens of kilometers away.

The next moment, the imaginary sphere suddenly exploded, starting from Doomsday's lower body, completely annihilating him!

Under the effect of the imaginary sphere, Doomsday, who had no cells left, could never be resurrected!

(PS: Paradise Island-Part 3)

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