American comics: Level 5 mutants start with Gojo Satoru

Chapter 108 Princess, you don’t want to see the country destroyed, right?

[Template Fusion Degree: 60%]

[You have acquired a new skill: Unknown Wings·Platinum]

[Unknown Wings·Platinum lv1 (1/100): Manipulate the phase power in space to form the ultimate power of the phase, platinum wings, which greatly enhance the user's all-round power! ]

The platinum wings spread out from behind Su Mu, and a nearly transparent platinum ring slowly formed above his head.

Unlike before, Su Mu clearly felt the growth of power. Whether it was the vector operation ability of the Accelerator template or the various abilities of the Gojo Satoru template, they were all significantly enhanced, even the three skills of lv5 were no exception.

The platinum wings are different from other wings. They are the ultimate power of the phase and the most perfect power. Accelerator can do physical strikes that shock the end of the galaxy in the state of platinum wings, and can even defeat the Great Demon Clone Zun head-on and separate her entity and spirit.

Of course, this is the power of the platinum wings at the lv3 level. The lv1 cannot do this for the time being, but even so, it is a very obvious increase for Su Mu.

According to the judgment, Su Mu's strength at this time is at least 50% stronger than the normal state!

For him now, 50% is not a small number!

This makes Su Mu look forward to the power of the last third tree, the abyss. Accelerator can even confront the attack of the demon god head-on in the abyss state without losing the upper hand. This is already the strength of the single universe limit. If the third tree, the abyss reaches level 3, Su Mu can consider returning to the Marvel world and looking for the gods to solve the past conflicts.

Of course, the solution is a physical solution.

During this period of time, Su Mu continued to improve the pocket space. He moved his sea view villa to the seaside of Paradise Island and stood on a suspended island. In this way, the sea view of the sea view villa is more beautiful.

PS: Paradise Island-Part 2

And he studied the knowledge of many scholars and studied all the abilities of the mother box, combining it with the barrier to make its computing power come in handy and not buried.

Now all climate changes in the pocket space are controlled by the mother box, just like the real world.

The pocket space that Su Mu has been constantly improving can be called a pocket universe!

After sorting out everything, Su Mu's strength was greatly improved again, and he was not short of energy for the time being.

However, there is no end to the road to becoming stronger. Su Mu will not stop until he can punch the author and cross the fourth wall.

So he opened the portal directly and went to Atlantis. He was quite interested in those beautiful mermaids.

In the azure palace with a futuristic sense of technology, a golden portal opened, destroying the tranquility in the palace.

Aquaman's younger brother, King Orm, looked at the suddenly opened portal and the two people who walked out of the portal with a surprised expression, but when he found that the visitors were two land people, his face immediately became ugly.

PS: King Orm

At this time, Orm had already had the idea of ​​invading the land. The land people continued to pollute the ocean and kill marine life, which completely angered him, so he hated all land creatures very much. At this time, Su Mu and Catwoman came and undoubtedly ignited the anger in his heart.

King Orm held a silver trident, with the tip of the trident pointed directly at Su Mu:

"Two damned earthlings, dare to break into the core palace of Atlantis, you deserve to die!

Guards, kill them for me!"

King Orm did not do it himself. They were just two humans. Although they mastered some witchcraft, it was still not worth his hands.

He directly ordered the guards on the side to attack the intruders. The high-tech weapons far superior to those on the ground were enough to easily kill them.

Faced with the attacks of many soldiers, Su Mu did not react at all. Catwoman on the side could help him solve everything.

Sure enough, no matter what form of attack, whether it was energy attack or physical attack, it would be intercepted by the pink tentacles before approaching Su Mu. This was the effect of the symbiote on Catwoman.

Under the continuous strengthening of Su Mu, the nanosymbiote created by Tony Stark has stronger capabilities. While eliminating the will, it has transplanted artificial intelligence to assist the host in attacking.

And under the continuous strengthening of Su Mu, the normal nanosymbiote has extremely powerful values, which can be called a little superman.

Catwoman's body instantly broke through the sound barrier. While helping Su Mu intercept the attack, she also killed the soldiers who were constantly shooting at them. The situation was overwhelming, and the soldiers wearing high-tech armor had no power to resist.

As for Su Mu, he did not pay attention to the battle over there, but focused on the box emitting azure light in front of him.

Maybe Atlantis forgot the mission of protecting the mother box, and even placed the mother box casually in the palace without any additional protection measures.

But even so, the Atlan Core Palace is also one of the safest places in the Kingdom of Atlantis. Except for people like Su Mu who have the ability to teleport, it is difficult for others to break through.

Put your palm close to the mother box, the mother box also trembles, constantly rejecting Su Mu's approach, but its rejection is always in vain. Su Mu's power is much stronger than hers, even if it tries its best to resist, it is still forced by the overlord.

The palm touches the mother box, a large amount of energy is absorbed by Su Mu, and the resistance of the mother box is gradually weakened. It knows better than humans that since it can't resist, it's better to enjoy it happily.

The next moment, the mother box disappeared from Su Mu's hand and appeared in the pocket universe. Su Mu controlled the mother box to place it on the groove left by the door. As soon as the mother box landed on the groove, it reacted with the surrounding barrier and connected with another mother box in the distance, enhancing the computing power while releasing more powerful energy.

This higher-level and higher-content energy entered Su Mu's body, blended with his body, formed energy points at a faster speed, and then was put into the character template, and the character template fusion degree increased at a faster speed.

And after obtaining another mother box, the area of ​​the pocket universe increased again until it doubled.

Today's Paradise Island will no longer fill the pocket universe. Under the training of more energy, the pocket universe gradually matures.

After communicating with Hippolyta and appeasing the Amazon warriors in the pocket universe, Su Mu took back his consciousness from the pocket universe and placed it on the two people fighting on the side.

With Catwoman's combat power at this time, she quickly solved the many Atlantis soldiers guarding the palace. Their so-called high-tech weapons could not break through Catwoman's defense at all, let alone cause harm to her.

When King Orm saw Catwoman's fighting power, he knew that the Atlantis soldiers around were not her opponents, so he attacked Catwoman himself. However, even with her assistance, Catwoman still defeated all the nearby Atlantis soldiers with her tentacle attack that was in line with Su Mu's essence.

However, perhaps because she was now in the sea, Catwoman's strength was weakened to a certain extent. In addition, King Orm had always lived in the sea and was accustomed to fighting under the sea, so he was suppressed by Catwoman for a while.

While attacking, Orm said arrogantly:

"Damn humans, the Atlantis soldiers are about to arrive, you will definitely die here!"

Finally, he set his sights on Su Mu, and looked at the disappearance of the azure mother box on the pillar, and his face changed slightly:

"I thought your purpose was for the mother box. Are you Darkseid's men? Now Darkseid wants to invade the earth again?

Then we can't let you leave!"

Om waved the trident, and the water condensed on the trident, adding a layer of enchantment to it.

He swung the trident violently, and the violent water flow attacked Catwoman, forcing her back directly.

Then she immediately rushed towards Su Mu. Before, Catwoman had taken action while Su Mu had not, so Om naturally thought that Su Mu's fighting ability was lower and he was a person who needed protection.

And judging from Catwoman's attitude towards Su Mu, Su Mu's status was obviously higher, so he could directly catch Su Mu and threaten Catwoman to stop, and easily win the battle.

Om had a brain, but not much. He made a plan in a short time, but he did not consider that Su Mu was not as harmless as he appeared. The reason why there was no energy fluctuation on his body was that the refined energy control of the six eyes made Su Mu hide all the energy in his body.

Just like the big boss in the immortal novel who looked down on mortals, this is a higher realm.

Seeing King Om rushing towards him, Su Mu grinned and activated the unlimited technique.

The limitless level 5 is about 50 meters around him, and King Orm is only 20 meters away from him at this time. He can manipulate the space around King Orm at will.

Su Mu extended the space around King Orm infinitely and used a special space to wrap him. Even if King Orm was moving at a high speed, because the space around him was infinitely extended, his body was shaking constantly, but he did not move at all, and even his hands and feet could not move.

King Orm was instantly restricted in his freedom, and he looked at Su Mu in shock. He did not expect that his guess was completely wrong. This human who had nothing but handsomeness was actually more powerful than he could imagine.

Su Mu came to his side and said to him with a smile:

"King Orm, relax, I have no hostility. I came to Atlantis for only two purposes. One is to obtain the mother box. This purpose has been completed, and the second purpose is to ask for knowledge from Atlantis. I hope King Orm agrees. After all, there is no violent conflict between us, right?"

King Orm looked at the corpses around him and was speechless. Is this what you call no hostility?

Kill all the soldiers around?

Catwoman, who was standing by, knew what King Orm was thinking from his expression, so she explained:

"They were just restricted by the nano-symbionts, and fell into a state of suspended animation, but they were not really dead."

Catwoman took back the nano-robots attached to the surrounding soldiers, and the soldiers who were in a coma immediately revived. The moment they regained consciousness, they immediately wanted to attack Su Mu, but they were immediately frozen in space.

Om was relieved when he saw this scene. Although he was definitely a tyrant for the land, he was a wise ruler for the people of Atlantis, and he still cared about the lives of the soldiers.

As a result, Orm fell into hesitation. It was obvious that the strength of the two invaders was extremely strong. If they were to be taken down by force, it would cost a huge price, and there was even a high possibility of failure.

Moreover, even if they were successfully taken down, the huge loss would greatly reduce the strength of Atlantis, which was absolutely unacceptable to King Orm who wanted to launch a war against the land in a few years!

If they really came only for the mother box and knowledge, then it would be okay to give these things to them...

A lot of thoughts flashed through King Orm's mind, and the balance gradually tilted. At this moment, a red-haired figure came to the core palace, followed by a large number of soldiers wearing exoskeleton armor.

In the sight of the six eyes, Su Mu even saw the energy light cannon aimed at the core palace, and the huge energy beam could be fired at any time to destroy everything in the core palace.

Seeing this scene, Su Mu was a little speechless. He said to King Orm:

"King Orm, do you have some conflicts with that woman? She doesn't seem to want to save you?

Look at those energy light cannons, but they are also aimed at you!"

King Orm subconsciously retorted:

"Mera is my fiancée, how could she not want to save me, don't try to sow discord!"

But he stopped talking immediately. Although Meila was his fiancée, the two did not get along well, or Meila's attitude towards his fiancé was always lukewarm, as if there was someone else in her heart.

Coupled with Su Mu's words at this time, King Orm's face was slightly gloomy. I don't know if it was Su Mu's illusion, but his hair seemed to be dyed with a layer of green.

Meila came to the core palace and immediately rejected Su Mu's suggestion to King Orm:

"Impossible, the Mother Box cannot be handed over to you. Atlantis has the responsibility to protect the Mother Box from generation to generation. It is impossible to hand over the Mother Box to an outsider!

Om, the Mother Box is related to the crisis of the entire earth. If the Mother Box is handed over to this human, then perhaps Darkseid will occupy the earth later. In this way, even Atlantis cannot stay out of it!

This is a disaster that can easily destroy the race!"

King Orm immediately made up his mind after being told by Meila. He could ignore the life and death of humans, but it was his responsibility to protect the people of Atlantis!

"Shoot, defeat the invaders!" He shouted to the Atlantis soldiers.

A bunch of energy beams that could easily melt steel shot at Su Mu, but stopped fifty meters away from him and could no longer move forward.

Even Superman's thermal vision could not move forward a point in the unlimited technique, let alone these energy beams in front of him.

Seeing this picture, Su Mu was a little helpless. He seemed to have no talent for negotiation. He always had to use violence to solve problems in the end. He might be a yellow person, but he must not be a violent person!

But for now, let's calm down these people in front of us!

Make a pre-seal, wrap the middle finger around the index finger, and the energy boils in Su Mu's body and rushes out!

In addition, the platinum wings will open from behind Su Mu, providing him with a powerful increase. The domain that could not completely cover Atlantis will expand again until it can easily cover the entire Atlantis!

Domain expansion, infinite space!

All Atlanteans were pulled into the inner side of the limitless, and a large amount of disordered information was constantly generated in the brain, making them stagnant in place and unable to move.

Su Mu did not use the ability of consciousness transmission to transform the Atlanteans into his slaves, because the transformed slaves were connected to him and needed to consume his power all the time to maintain control.

Controlling the Amazons is not a burden for him, but if he controls more people, it will gradually become a burden for him, which will undoubtedly reduce the speed of template fusion, which is something Su Mu does not want to see.

Of course, he can also abandon the Amazons and control the Atlanteans, but who would give up the sweet little sister and control the salty and wet man!

The Amazon female warriors in this universe are different from those in the movie. They look as delicate as the elves. Even the oldest one looks like a mature woman in her thirties, which looks unique.

All the people in Atlantis fell into stiffness, and only four people could still move.

Two of them are of course Su Mu and Catwoman, and the other two are Om and Mera.

Seeing that many soldiers around her suddenly stopped and stopped moving, Mera looked at Su Mu in horror and asked:

"Human, what did you do?"

"Nothing, just to prevent them from getting hurt, so let them be quiet for a while." Seeing the doubtful look on Mera's face, Su Mu picked up the strange fruit on the table and took a bite, then continued, "If you hadn't suddenly barged in, then King Orm and I would have reached a condition, and these poor soldiers wouldn't have to fall into a coma for hundreds of years!"

"What, hundreds of years?!" King Orm screamed. Even though the lifespan of Atlanteans is higher than that of humans, they will still turn into dust and die after hundreds of years.

Even the longest-lived Atlantean civilians only live for 300 years, which means that even if these soldiers are alive, they are actually no different from dead.

Su Mu nodded seriously, eating the strange fruit fed by Catwoman, and said vaguely:

"Yes, but now it has changed again. The infinite space lasted for tens of seconds. This time has been thousands of years. The entire Atlantean people will sleep for thousands of years. It is believed that Atlantis, as the orthodox ancient Atlantis, will be destroyed soon.

She is worthy of being Princess Mera of the Kingdom of Nereus. She destroyed the most powerful enemy of the Kingdom of Nereus with a breeze!"

"What? The whole Atlantis?" King Orm stared at Su Mu in disbelief.

Su Mu shook his head, and then teased: "No, King Orm, you underestimated me too much. My domain covers the whole Atlantis, and even covers more distant areas!

Now you still want to think about what to do after the destruction of Atlantis. If I were you, I would definitely take revenge. However, I am too powerful and you are no match for me. So I will take revenge on Mera who tempted you to attack me. Undoubtedly a right choice. "

After Su Mu continued to fire, King Om suddenly turned his head, stared at Mera, gritted his teeth and said:

"You bitch, you just showed up and wanted to kill me with an energy light cannon, and now you've even destroyed the kingdom of Atlantis!"

Everything that happened suddenly put Mera into panic. She kept shaking her head when faced with King Om's questions:

"No, no, the energy light cannon is just a deterrent. If I hadn't discovered that the enemy's defense was too strong, I wouldn't have been able to order the launch. And with your physique, even if you were affected by the energy light cannon, you would only be seriously injured and not die at all.

I just want to protect the earth..."

"Hmm, Earth is not Atlantis, and she is not an Atlantean. Even if Atlantis is destroyed, what does it have to do with her?" Su Mu interrupted Mera's words and continued to fight.

"No, shut up!" Mera yelled at Su Mu, but was interrupted by King Om, who frantically said to Mera:

"Bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

However, King Om was still restrained by Su Mu at this time and could not move at all. Seeing this, Su Mu knew that the time was ripe, so he said to King Om with a warm and contagious smile:

"King Orm, our previous deal still works. If you bring the most outstanding scholar in Atlantis to me, I will remove my ability and wake up all Atlanteans!

And I will also help you deal with this woman! "

The situation suddenly reversed and hope emerged. After learning that Atlantis would not be destroyed, King Aum immediately grabbed Su Mu's olive branch and said respectfully:

"My lord, as long as you are willing to let Atlantis go, Atlantis will be at your disposal in the future!

As for this woman..."

King Aum looked at Mera with hatred:

"She will be your slave from now on, do whatever you want with her!"

Mera looked at King Om in disbelief: "Om, I am your fiancée!"

"The fiancée? The fiancée who caused the destruction of Atlantis?

I declare that our engagement is completely cancelled, and there will no longer be any contact between us! "

Ignoring the spoiled expression on her future maid's face, Su Mu released her control over King Aum, came to him, patted his shoulder, and then said in a bullish tone:

"Very good, I will be the one covering Atlantis from now on!"

King Om said with great joy: "Thank you very much, boss!

After using the Infinite Space to clear up the messy information in the minds of the Atlanteans, and with the help of King Aum, Su Mu gathered all the scholars in Atlantis in front of him without searching one by one.

Use the Infinite Space to search for the information in the minds of these scholars and copy them in their minds. Even Su Mu felt dizzy after absorbing so much information in one go.

However, under the influence of the reversal technique, this negative state was immediately restored.

In the end, Su Mu and King Aum reached several principles of friendly coexistence and prevented King Aum from launching a war on land a few years later, which was a great merit.

Immediately afterwards, Su Mu was given an infinite energy suit by King Orm. The infinite energy suit can absorb sunlight to generate endless energy. It is as unscientific as the Kryptonians. This kind of suit is only available even in Atlantis. There are two sets, one is in use and the other is a spare set, and the spare set was given to Su Mu by King Aum.

And, in addition, King Aum also gave Su Mu dozens of mermaids. According to King Aum:

"Boss, as a powerful warrior and great leader, how can you not have maids? These people are the elites of Atlantis. They have strong fighting power and can also help you with various household chores and take care of you. daily, please don’t refuse.”

But how could Su Mu be a person who was greedy for pleasure? He immediately rejected King Aum's proposal, but King Aum was brave enough to dare to hand over these beauties to Su Mu forcibly, and threatened that he could not be raped. The boss saw these mermaids as worthy and wanted to kill them.

So the kind-hearted Su Mu couldn't bear to see the river of blood, so she had no choice but to accept it.

However, he plans to punish King Aum well in the future and put an end to all evil tendencies. He will punish him with eternal life and continue to live and suffer!

Afterwards, Su Mu returned to the pocket universe, and a beautiful red-haired woman accompanied her, who was the captured Princess Mera.

Facing Mera who refused to obey, Su Mu did not use the Infinite Space to directly control her, but whispered in her ear:

"Your Highness, you don't want to see your country become a river of blood, do you?"

PS: Princess Mera-Part One

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