American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 71 First use of the survival card, Survival Night Ride!

"Quadruple Kaiju's Turtle Style Qigong Wave!!!"

Sun Wukong concentrated all his strength in his hands and erupted blue light waves, sweeping the unclean ones around him and vaporizing most of their bodies.

Most of the body was destroyed, and these unclean people were unable to recover themselves. The remaining bodies were scattered on the ground.

However, this was not enough. There were still many unclean people. After killing one group, the next group came up and attacked Sun Wukong crazily.

"Oops, you used up your strength too early!"

Sun Wukong quickly flew to a higher place, keeping as far away as possible. He was a little anxious and had consumed so much energy in advance.

"Forget it, there's no point in thinking so much, just leave alive anyway!"

After Sun Wukong thought of this, he changed his strategy and rushed towards the impure one, attacking first!

Seeing Sun Wukong's fierce battle, some strong men couldn't help but stare, wanting to learn something.

Of course, some people think this is stupid.

The Marvel Universe, S.H.I.E.L.D.

"You actually said you want to practice. Please, this is not a joke."

Nick Fury couldn't help but roll his eyes. If he were to do this, he would never allow this kind of thing. He should keep the lens immediately after taking it off, instead of entering the Red Sea world to fight.

"Why do you care so much? It's not from our world anyway."

Tony Stark said disdainfully, and then looked at the brand new energy ark on his chest.

After some hard work, he finally cracked the legacy left by his father and found a new element to replace palladium.

This element is really amazing. Not only is it incredibly powerful, it also cured his palladium poisoning.

This made Tony Stark, who claimed to be a genius, couldn't help but admire his father.

"But there is something that Sun Wukong said just now that really concerns me."

Tony Stark suddenly said this.

"He felt Leo's energy? Did he feel it through the screen? Or..."

When he thought of this, Tonysta couldn't help but widen his eyes and thought of something very crazy.

DC Universe, a department store in Gotham City.

“Bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

A huge rotten hand appeared almost out of thin air on the floors of this shopping mall. It simply stretched out and destroyed countless things. Everything it touched would be crushed into pieces.

The good wall was directly smashed into a big hole.

Fortunately it was late at night, otherwise it would have caused a huge stir.



The robber was so frightened that he ran away quickly, but with just a flick of his hand, he crushed them to the ground and rubbed them into pulp.

Then the hand retracted and grabbed the meat paste in his hand.

Looking along the arm, it turned out to be sticking out of a mirror that covered the entire wall.

In other words, the owner of this arm is the arm of the unclean one.

It notices the Arkham Asylum patients being robbed and eliminates them.


The Unclean One stared blankly at the world outside this huge mirror. The strange world made it very curious and a little nostalgic. Then it saw its head trying to squeeze into this world.

This caused cracks to appear on the wall around the mirror.

In the mirror world, Bruce Wayne looked at the monster with an ugly expression.

"Damn it! Why was that disc moved there? Those crazy people must have taken it down and pasted it there somehow!"

Bruce Wayne cursed angrily, those lunatics will really cause trouble for themselves.


At this time, the unclean one's head stretched out from the Red Sea world, and then his arms were stretched out from the side.

It's so good that this mirror covers a wall dozens of meters long, which means it's enough for an unclean person to crawl out!


Bruce Wayne can't let this happen, let such a terrifying monster crawl into his world, so what the hell!

"The final arrival!"

So he immediately jumped out of the Mirror World and used Final Arrival.

The dark-winged bat turned into a cloak and wrapped around Ye Qi's body, turned into a black drill, and pierced the unclean one's head!

After the flying slash filled with huge power hit the unclean one, it forcefully forced the unclean person's head back.

"Ho ho ho!"

However this doesn't have much effect at all.

The power of the Night Rider is too small compared to the power of the Unclean One. It can only shake it, but it cannot do any real damage.

"Ho ho ho!"

The unclean one shook his head hard and knocked Ye Qi back.


The Dark Winged Bat was so shaken that it got rid of Bruce Wayne and hit the other side.

Bruce Wayne, on the other hand, almost fell out of the hole made by the Unholy One.

"Damn, this is too powerful!"

Bruce Wayne stood up with difficulty and looked at the tall and terrifying Unclean One in front of him.

The Unclean One stared at Bruce Wayne and kept roaring, with terrifying murderous intent exuding from his twisted facial features.

Then it sped up its movements to crawl out. At the same time, several unclean ones emerged from both sides, trying to crawl out of this spacious mirror.

"Try this trick!"

Bruce Wayne took out three survival cards, which were the rewards he got for defeating the Sound Beast. They were further strengthened by Night Rider, and three cards could be stacked and swiped.

"Let me try it. The power of the survival card and my will to survive are so strong. For the sake of humanity, I must not let these monsters in!"

Bruce Wayne is so determined that he will never back down even when facing terrible monsters.

"Whoosh whoosh!!"

The whirlwind image on the Gale Survival Card began to rotate continuously, and a fierce wind blew around.

The Long Sword Card Summoner was echoed and turned blue. The card summoner, which was like a shield but with a sword, was pinned on Night Rider's right arm.

Then Bruce Wayne inserted the Gale Survival Card into the brand new card summoner.

"Survive, Shippu."

Night Rider was wrapped in the gale. When the gale dissipated, Night Rider's armor turned blue, and the dark winged bat next to him turned into a dark invader with gale wings covered with blue mecha.

This is not over yet. The Fiery Survival Card continued to be inserted into the card summoner.

"Survive, Fire."

The next second, extremely fierce flames burst out from all around and wrapped around the Night Rider's armor. When the flames dissipated, flame patterns appeared on the Night Rider's blue armor.

It was like a swimming dragon.

At the same time, the wings of the Dark Invader's left mecha instantly turned red and burned with flames, forming a contrast with the blue wings on the right that released the wind.

The next survival card, Infinity, was also inserted into the card summoning machine.

"Survive, Mugen."

The last survival card effect was activated, which not only further enhanced the power, but also allowed the survival form to be maintained permanently!

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