I saw that Ye Qi's summoning machine turned golden yellow, and the cloak behind him was dyed as if it were made of gold. His whole person's temperament was like that of a true king!

The dark invader also changed further. In addition to its wings, the middle body turned golden.

The whole body is constantly entangled with three completely different energies: golden light, flames and wind. From a distance, it doesn't look like a bat, but a bit like a phoenix.

"So strong. Is this the power of three survival cards?"

Bruce Wayne was quite surprised by his own enhancement.

Then he looked at the several unclean ones in front of him who were trying to climb in.

"You are not welcome in this world!"

After Bruce Wayne roared, he took out the final card.

"Finally comes."

I saw the body of the dark intruder changed and reorganized, turning into a huge and handsome motorcycle.

Then Bruce Wayne jumped up and rode the motorcycle as if he had a telepathic connection.

A golden cloak appeared around the motorcycle, wrapping the entire vehicle.

Then the power of whirlwinds and flames swirled around, rushing towards the group of unclean people like drills!

The dark invader who turned into a motorcycle moved at an astonishing speed, far exceeding the speed of sound many times.

It can be said that it disappeared the moment it was activated.

“Bang bang bang bang bang!!!”

The next second, the heads and arms of the unclean ones that were sticking their heads out suddenly exploded.

The force of the explosion caused their remaining bodies to fall backwards.

Then the motorcycle transformed by the dark intruder reappeared, its surface covered with blood.

"Crack! Click!"

Then the motorcycle changed into the state of a bat. If you look closely, the bat's head seems to be feasting on something.

Then there was some grumbling sound.

"Isn't the unclean person's meat hard to eat? After all, it is a mutated monster, so bear with it."

Bruce Wayne said indifferently, no matter what, it temporarily appeased the protesting stomach of the Dark Winged Bat, which could temporarily interrupt its desire to eat people.


Bruce Wayne looked at the Red Sea disc hanging in the corner of the mirror and immediately ran over to take it off.

But just when he was about to touch the Red Sea disc, a big unclean hand stretched out from the side.


Bruce Wayne was about to react.

The big hand slammed down, pressing Bruce Wayne to the ground, and then grabbed him tightly.


Now Bruce Wayne feels extremely painful, and his body seems to be constantly breaking apart, if it were not for the protection of the triple survival-enhanced Night Rider Armor.

The unclean one's grasp is enough to turn him into a pulp!

Bruce Wayne endured the pain and looked at the world of the Red Sea, and saw that a bunch of unclean people had gathered around him at some point.

"You're so careless. I was blocked by those few and didn't see the ones behind me!"

Only then did Bruce Wayne realize his recklessness and stupidity, and had to regret it.

If he had paid more attention, he wouldn't have been tricked.

Now I'm fine. I'm so tightly held that I can't escape.


At this time, the dark invader immediately flew over to rescue Bruce Wayne.


But the next second, another unclean person's big hand stretched out, and punched the dark intruder away, smashing through the wall. He didn't know where he could stop before he could fly.

I saw that all the contracted beasts were blown away, and there was no rescue.

No matter how calm Bruce Wayne was, he couldn't help but panic at this moment.

"I should have told Alfred to prepare the fighter plane and wait outside."

Bruce Wayne thought with a slight regret that he was so anxious that he forgot his past habit of keeping a hand.

Sure enough, if he made a mistake, he would pay the price with his life now.

The Unholy One slowly withdrew his hand to throw Bruce Wayne into his mouth.

He struggled hard and tried his best to get rid of it, but it was all in vain. The power of the unclean one was really too great.

"Damn it, is it over like this? Didn't that person named Diana say she was coming to support? It's better not to come, lest she die here too, I just don't know what to do next."

Bruce Wayne couldn't help but want to accept the truth and face his own death calmly.

"Don't speak ill of others when you die."

Just then a strange female voice came.


The next second, the ceiling suddenly shattered and a figure fell from the sky.

The visitor is none other than Wonder Woman Diana!

Wearing her unique armor, her heroic demeanor is clearly revealed.

Then Diana burst out with astonishing speed, disappeared into an afterimage, and instantly came to Bruce Wayne's side. She wielded the sword of Vulcan and directly cut off the unclean man's wrist like cutting tofu, saving Bruce. Wayne!

"Are you Diana?"

Bruce Wayne asked, looking at Diana in shock.

"Now is not the time to ask such things."

After Diana finished speaking, she looked at the group of unclean people next to her who were eager to make some move.


Diana struck the silver bracelets on her hands hard, and dazzling light and shock waves erupted.

Directly and forcefully, all these unclean people were knocked backwards.

After doing this, Diana immediately took off the disc attached to the mirror, and the door to the Red Sea world was completely closed.

"Hoo ho ho"

Seeing the Unclean Ones and that world disappear, Bruce Wayne let out a heavy breath.

"Are you ok?"

Diana came over and held out her hand to Bruce Wayne.

"Thank you."

Bruce Wayne grabbed Diana's hand and stood up, feeling like his whole body was falling apart now.

"It's a very handsome armor, but you haven't fully mastered it yet. Please train yourself."

Diana said with a bad smile and shook the disc in her hand.

"Leave this thing to me for safekeeping. The monster inside is too dangerous."

Diana will leave here after finishing speaking.

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, Bruce Wayne quickly grabbed Diana's shoulders and refused to let her go.

Diana immediately pressed down, then instantly grabbed Bruce Wayne's arm, threw him to the ground, and locked him in turn.

"Hey little boy, do you think I'm going to do this to you?"

Diana said slightly unhappy.

"You misunderstood me."

Bruce Wayne had to be shocked. He thought he was very powerful now, but he couldn't last a round in Diana's hands.

Who is this woman!

"Who are you? Human beings can't be as powerful as you!"

Bruce Wayne yelled out the question that was most important to him.

"I am indeed not a human being, but I have to tell you that humans in this world are not as simple as you see. People with super powers do exist."

After Diana finished speaking, she let go of Bruce Wayne and strode away from here.

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