Bruce Wayne: "Then you have to be prepared. Although Leo is your team member, there will be trouble if he does something detrimental to the earth."

Nobita: "Uncle! Why do you say that! Leo is a hero, how can he do harm to the earth!"

Bruce Wayne: "Kid, you are still young, people will change. Even if Leo will not become a villain, what if he is brainwashed and controlled by the evil space people, or he cannot control his power and cause destruction? Woolen cloth."

Nobita Nobita: "This."

Warring States: "I have to say that Bruce Wayne's concerns are very correct. People's hearts cannot be controlled, let alone"

Piccolo: "Not to mention not being from Earth, right? Hum, it does fit in with what you humans think."

Bruce Wayne: "Whatever you say, I just think that powerful forces need to be controlled."

Bruce Wayne believes that there is nothing wrong with him. He has seen too many examples of good people turning into bad people. How many people besides him can unswervingly maintain their beliefs in an environment like Gotham?

Therefore, whether it is an earthling or an alien, as long as the power is too strong, it must be restrained and the plan to become an enemy must be planned.

Therefore, in Bruce Wayne's eyes, it would be best if Leo and the star clusters could form mutual constraints.

And those people from the Dragon Ball universe.

But since it's not from the same universe, it's useless for him to worry so much. The top priority now is to deal with the Red Sea Disc on his side.

At this time Leo Universe.

Zhu Hoshidan looked at Bruce Wayne's speech seriously.

"Indeed, some aliens have the ability to control other people's thoughts. It seems that they should be given targeted training."

The stars murmured to themselves thoughtfully.

"team leader!"

Just when Zhuxingtuan was thinking, Fengyuan's voice came.

Fengyuan was seen crawling out of the stone, looking exhausted, but he still smiled and shook the Red Sea disc in his hand.


Seeing that Fengyuan was safe, the team members went over to dig him out.

"The Red Sea Disc in Leo World was successfully contained, and Fengyuan was rewarded with unlimited energy."

"Ultraman's energy is limited, especially when the earth is active, the time is greatly shortened to three minutes, and this screen can make Ultraman Leo's energy unlimited and inexhaustible, but it is too large. It will still put a strain on the body.”

When the sound ended, Fengyuan's lion pupil ring flashed, and he looked at the ring in confusion.

He actually got unlimited energy!

This is extremely good news!

Unlike other Ultraman, Leo didn't even have three minutes of activity time.

Now that he has unlimited energy, there is no limit to his activity time and he can fight for as long as he wants!

Fengyuan couldn't help laughing happily when she thought of this.

"Fengyuan, are you stupid? How can you still laugh after being hit all over?"

The teammates were quite puzzled when they saw Fengyuan like this.

"No, no, nothing happened."

Fengyuan immediately shook his head, but still couldn't help but giggle.

Seeing this, the stars nearby shook their heads helplessly.

Just then a message from Sun Wukong popped up on the screen.

Sun Wukong: "That person named Fengyuan, I felt a very huge power just now. It was you who did it! You can actually perform the Kaio Fist ten times! I can only do it twice. It seems that I can still do it twice." You need to practice more."

Piccolo: "Goku, what are you doing, are you fighting?"

Sun Wukong: "Yes, I am fighting the unclean ones. These monsters can be said to be very suitable opponents for practicing!"

Tony Stark: "What? Practicing?"

Sun Wukong: "Yes! Piccolo and the others are stronger than me now. Even if I return to Earth, I can only be a burden. I must become stronger as soon as possible!"

Piccolo: "It's really not like your style to say that you are a burden, but judging from the current situation, I'm afraid it is true. Just practice hard and let me destroy the Saiyans."

Sun Wufan: "Dad, you must work hard!"

Nick Fury: "This is too risky, what if something goes wrong!"

Sun Wukong: "Don't worry! It's no problem, I won't tell you anymore!"

At this time, Sun Wukong is fighting the unclean ones in the Red Sea world.

As soon as he arrived at Snake Girl's castle, he saw the unclean man's fingers sticking out of the mirror and grabbing Snake Girl into it. Fortunately, he arrived in time to save Snake Girl.

Although people wanted to eat him before, the big-hearted Sun Wukong didn't care about this.

"Twice the Kame style Qigong of Kaioken!"

At this time, Sun Wukong entered the Double Kaio Fist state and used the turtle style Qigong to penetrate the brains of the two unclean ones.

As a result, the next second, an unclean person jumped from the other side and knocked him to the ground.

"Oh my, it's hard to deal with so many."

Sun Wukong stood up with wounds all over his body and helplessly looked at more and more unclean people around him.

Just now he said that practicing Qigong sounds so good, but in fact he is being beaten very badly now.

After all, there are too many unclean people, and each one of them is not under his normal self.

"If I can do it ten times as well as Leo, then let's challenge it three times."

Son Goku gets ready to use Triple Kaioken.

"No! Wukong, that's too forced!"

At this time, the voice of King Kai appeared in Sun Wukong's mind.

Sun Wukong was temporarily distracted, so he could only avoid the unclean people and talk to the king at the same time.

"Although I don't know how this monster appeared, it seems like it can't live in our world. You should come back now!"

Kaio shouted anxiously.

"Kaiou-sama, I also know this, but I must become stronger now, otherwise it will be terrible if I encounter more troublesome enemies in the future!"

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he looked at the unclean people approaching around him, immediately closed his eyes and raised his hands.

"Sun Fist!"

The dazzling sunlight burst out, causing all the unclean ones to feel their eyes sting and close their eyes.

Sun Wukong took this opportunity to fly up.

"But you will die if you act too recklessly! Dragon Ball has already resurrected you once, and it cannot resurrect you a second time!"

Kaio reminds you of the most important question.

If Sun Wukong dies here, he will really die, and he will be in another world. Whether his soul can survive or not is a problem.

"Don't worry, I won't die. I'm very excited now!"

Sun Wukong is now very motivated to fight. He has no intention of backing down even in the face of so many unclean people. The fighting blood of the Saiyans is boiling!

"Quadruple! Quadruple the Kaio Fist!"

Sun Wukong directly challenged the Quadruple Kaiowen. Leo's Tenfold Kaiowen stimulated him, and he must become stronger!

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