American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 52 Shock from all walks of life, but luckily it didn’t happen

"How could such a thing happen!"

Vegeta looked at the numbers on the detector in disbelief. The combat power had reached hundreds of thousands, but it was still soaring. He had only seen such terrifying combat power from Frieza!


Vegeta was enveloped in a huge fear when he thought of Frieza.

The terrifying number of over half a million was enough to keep Vegeta looking up, unable to get even closer.

"Hey! Vegeta, did you see it?"

Just then Nappa's voice sounded from the detector.

"There is something approaching the earth from the sun, and its combat power is almost as strong as Lord Frieza! What's going on!"

Naba's voice was extremely frightened.

How could such a terrifying monster suddenly appear? Then should they continue to get closer to the earth?

Vegeta didn't know how to answer right now. He, who had always been proud, felt extremely fearful at this moment.

Shy guy, what kind of terrifying creature is this?

on the earth.

After Piccolo and the others landed, they all noticed Shy Guy's anger and looked at the sky with frightened expressions.

"Oh my god, what kind of monster is that? Why isn't that guy dead yet?"

Clym was shaking so hard that his teeth were chattering.

"How is that possible? That's the sun. Why can't it burn him to death?"

Leping's pupils were trembling constantly, unable to believe this horrific fact.

When they were shocked, a fireman fell from the sky and hit the ground like a meteorite.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

This collision caused quite a stir.

The terrifying impact spread around like a tornado, destroying everything around it and lifting up the earth!

Under this terrible impact, no one knows how many people died on the spot!

After all the commotion ended, everything within a radius of countless kilometers was covered with ruins.

With this terrifying lethality, not even Piccolo could remain calm.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

A terrifyingly familiar roar sounded, and a burning skeleton stood in a huge crater and roared to the sky.

Then the flames disappeared strangely, and the skeleton grew muscles crazily and returned to its original appearance as a shy ghost!

"Don't look at its face!"

Piccolo immediately alerted the others.

Klin and the others quickly lowered their heads so as not to look at the shy guy's face.

Then Piccolo immediately looked over and met the shy ghost's violent murderous intent.


When the shy guy saw Piccolo, he immediately rushed over.

Although it is not as terrifying as the speed when it fell from the sky just now, the energy burst out is definitely higher than Piccolo or even Vegeta!

Seeing this, all the spectators were frightened.

Tony Stark: "How is this possible! The surface of the sun is thousands of degrees, even closer to more than hundreds of thousands, and the core is 16 million degrees Celsius. How can it not burn this monster to death!"

Nick Fury: "Even if you don't believe it, there's nothing you can do. This is the fact. Human power is simply unable to fight against this monster!"

Luffy: "The sun has a temperature of 16 million. Is it so powerful? It's even more powerful than Ace!"

Kizaru: "In this case, even Akainu's lava can't destroy this monster."

Warring States: "Fortunately, this kind of monster did not appear in our world, otherwise we would be dead!"

Warring States didn't dare to breathe now. He still wanted to defeat or control the contained objects and get huge rewards. But now it seems that it is better not to appear some contained objects, otherwise he will not get the rewards at all.

leo world

Fengyuan couldn't control himself now. He couldn't help but sit on the ground and looked at the screen with a trembling mouth.

"What kind of monster is this? Even the sun can't burn it to death! Even Ultraman will die if he gets close to the sun!"

The faces of Zhuxingtan are not much better now, and they are constantly panting. Fortunately, there is no one near them, otherwise they will attract a lot of onlookers.

"Such a terrifying monster, even if Ultraman attacks it with all his strength, he probably won't be able to kill it."

Although he was very reluctant to do so, the stars must also think so. Shy ghosts are really terrible.

Naruto world.

Naruto has been frightened. He doesn't have the joy of controlling the power of the nine-tails now. Compared with this monster, the nine-tails are probably not good enough.

"It's terrible. Fortunately, it didn't show up here."

Jiraiya panted again and again. He used to be very confident after gaining the power of the Six Paths Sage, but now he felt very guilty.

"The only way we can imprison such a monster is if we don't see his face in the first place."

Tsunade analyzed this, with cold sweat on her forehead.

"I don't know if the illusion has any effect on it. If it does, it can make him mistakenly think that he killed the other party."

Jiraiya couldn't help but think about his strategy. Of course, it would be best not to encounter him!

Marvel, Karma Taj.

"It can't be destroyed even if it's beaten into the sun. How should we destroy this kind of monster?"

Wang's pupils were trembling. He really couldn't think of a way to eliminate this monster.

The other magic apprentices were frightened. How could they win when encountering such a monster?

Then they all looked at their only support, Ancient One.

Gu Yi solemnly stared at the shy ghost on the screen and said: "All I can think of is to use the power of the devil to destroy it. If it cannot be eliminated, the only way is to eliminate the memory of this creature and seal it."

After hearing Gu Yi's words, many people felt relieved. No matter what, there was no need to be afraid if Gu Yi was here.

But Gu Yi didn't have much confidence when he said it. She always felt that this was not the limit for a shy person.


All the Asgardian warriors looked stunned, their mouths so big that they almost dropped.

They have been fighting in the nine realms for many years. When have they ever seen such a terrifying thing?

"Brother, do you still think you can deal with this kind of monster?"

Loki asked, looking at Thor with a smirk.


Thor didn't know what to say now. He didn't even dare to get close to the sun. How could he defeat such a monster?

This made Thor, who had always been arrogant, suddenly very happy that he had not encountered such a terrifying monster.

"Lord Odin, if it were you, would you be able to resist?"

Frigga asked Odin.

As soon as these words came out, all eyes were focused on the King of Nine Realms. If even he couldn't fight against such a terrifying monster, who else could?

Odin thought for a moment and then replied: "I'm not sure either, but it's possible to find a way to control it."

Hearing this answer, everyone didn't feel much relieved and couldn't help but whisper.

"That's enough. It doesn't appear in our world anyway, so there's no need to worry about it!"

Odin felt that his authority had been challenged, and he scolded him with great dissatisfaction, and then silenced everyone.

"The most important thing now is that the Frost Giants invaded our treasure house. We need to find out what happened and why the Frost Giants were able to sneak in!"

"Father, please let me fight!"

After hearing this, Thor immediately asked for help. He was hit hard after seeing Shy Guy's behavior and needed to vent his anger, so he happened to take the Frost Giant to vent his anger!

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