American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 53 Piccolo’s last resort, actively seeking death

"No, now is not the time!"

Odin heard Thor's request and immediately refused.

"Why! Our territory was invaded, why didn't we fight back!"

Thor shouted in confusion.

"Things haven't been cleared up yet!"

Odin retorted.

"Is there anything unclear! Now that the Frost Giants don't take us seriously, we must fight back immediately! This is what a king should do!"

Thor was quite puzzled and didn't understand why Odin was procrastinating so much.

As a result, as soon as these words came out, Odin was immediately displeased.

"You are not the king yet. I am still the king of Asgard. If I say no, I can't!"

Odin's words were full of incomparable oppression, leaving everyone breathless.

Thor, who was still full of energy, was instantly suppressed and unable to speak.

Odin snorted coldly when he saw this and looked at the screen again. He was now curious about how the alien from the Dragon Ball universe should deal with such a creature.

DC Universe.

Bruce Wayne kept panting and couldn't calm down for a long time.

A monster that even the sun cannot destroy, such a terrifying creature, luckily it did not come to his world.

Otherwise he simply doesn't know how to fight.

"The only way to contain this guy is to wait for him to calm down and then lock him in the Mirror World. Otherwise, there is no other way."

The legend of Bruce Wayne continues, try your best to suppress the emotions in your heart.

"Batman, are you finally crazy? What have you been muttering and what are you afraid of!"

Bane, who was tied to the ground with all his bones broken, stared at Batman and shouted.

When he first saw Batman's Night Rider costume, he thought it was some new trick, but was instantly killed.

How could he bear this.

"Dressed up like this, are you finally crazy?"

"Shut up!"

Batman roared in annoyance and punched Bane unconscious.

Then he heard the siren and entered the mirror world to leave.


Diana looked extremely serious, and the shyness was more terrifying than she imagined.

Although she is blessed by countless gods, she will never be able to get close to the sun without any problems!

"What kind of devil is this?"

Diana was very reluctant, but she had to be thankful that she had not encountered such a monster.

I can’t help but wonder what the people in the Dragon Ball universe should do.

Among the people in several worlds, the only one who can still remain calm is probably Doraemon.

As for Nobita, he had been frightened and was sleeping.

"Well, I wonder if my props can calm its anger, or teleport it to other places, huh."

Doraemon checked his props, it was the first time he was so careful.

At this time in the Dragon Ball world, Klin and the others lowered their heads in fear and trembled.

Piccolo's words gave them no courage to raise their heads and face such a terrifying monster.

I don’t know what to do at the moment.

"Kill us, are we going to be killed by this monster before the Saiyans come?"

Tianjin Fan clenched his fists unwillingly.

He felt that the monster was approaching, but he didn't even have the courage to escape.

That terrifying energy had completely crushed his courage.

"There is only one way now."

Just then Piccolo spoke.

He looked at the shy guy getting closer and closer, with determination in his eyes.

Then he actually rushed towards the shy guy.

Everyone was stunned when they saw Piccolo's actions, and so were the audiences in other worlds.

Just when everyone thought Piccolo had some way to fight back, they saw him stop directly in front of the shy guy and close his eyes.


I saw Shy Ghost scratching Piccolo's chest with one claw, and then slapped his head with another claw.

Just snap Piccolo's neck and his head flew out.

A large amount of green blood spurted out from the neck!

This scene frightened everyone, and no one expected that Piccolo would actively seek death.

Naruto: "What is he thinking! Why is he actively seeking death?"

Natasha: "I'm afraid I don't know what to do, so I can only commit suicide to stop the shy guy from continuing his actions."

Barton: "No, this is the only way!"

Bruce Wayne: "To be honest, I think this is the only way to do it, otherwise there is really no way to stop this monster!"

Zoro: "What an amazing man! He would seek death without hesitation!"

Ancient One: "What an amazing alien who actually sacrificed his life for the earth."

Fengyuan: "You are so brave, we will remember your piccolo!"

Diana: "If we weren't separated by a universe, I would really like to make friends with such a great warrior."

Sun Wukong: "Well, you don't have to be so nervous. He is truly worthy of Piccolo. He is the only one who can do this."

However, when everyone was feeling sad, Sun Wukong suddenly said such a sentence that stunned everyone.

Sun Wuhan: "Dad, what do you mean?"

Sun Wukong: "Gohan, you have lived with Piccolo for so long, and you still don't know his power."

Sun Wuhan: "That's it!"

Sun Wufan immediately understood what Sun Wukong meant and showed a look of joy, while the others looked confused and couldn't understand what the father and son were talking about.

At this time, Piccolo has been broken into pieces by Shy Guy and cannot be put together completely.

This is not enough for the shy guy, and he will eat all the body parts before he gives up.

Seeing Shy Ghost destroying Piccolo, Krillin and others were trembling and almost couldn't help but stare at Shy Ghost, not knowing what would happen next.


I saw the shy man covering his face and crying non-stop. He finally stopped killing and returned to his appearance of not wanting to see people.

At this moment, everyone finally felt relieved.

Piccolo: "Really, if you don't force me to do this, death will be very painful!"

Piccolo's words suddenly appeared on the screen, leaving many people stunned. Isn't he dead?

Naruto, Chopper, Usopp and Nami: "Ghost!"

Piccolo: "Don't scream, I'm not dead!"

The screen thoughtfully switched to Piccolo's head.

The veins in Piccolo's head popped out, and then a lot of blood suddenly spurted out from his chin, and then he actually grew a body.

This moment left the audience confused and completely confused as to what was going on.

Piccolo: "I have strong regeneration ability. As long as my head is not damaged and I have enough strength, I can restore my body."

When they saw Piccolo, everyone didn't know what to say. He actually had such an operation!

Now everyone understood what the previous conversation between Sun Wukong and Sun Wufan was about. Indeed, what they said was right. This kind of operation of risking death and resurrecting can only be done by people with particularly strong regeneration abilities.

Fortunately, it was Piccolo who faced the shy guy, otherwise anyone else would have really died.

Piccolo walked behind Shy Guy. It seemed that Shy Guy thought Piccolo was dead, so he kept crying.

Then Piccolo's eyes flashed, and he conjured a closed iron cage out of thin air to trap the shy guy.

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