
However, their combined attacks were unable to stop Shy Ghost at all, but made Shy Ghost even more angry.

I have always wanted to kill Piccolo who saw his face, but why did he encounter such a big obstacle!

So Shy Ghost rushed towards him at an extremely terrifying speed, which was many times the speed of sound. The huge kinetic energy pressure crushed everything around him.

"What! Why is this monster so angry all of a sudden!"

Klin was so frightened that he almost opened his eyes, sweat dripping down his face.

"Continue the attack!"

Leping shouted quickly.

Then the five people continued to attack the shy ghost non-stop. However, no matter how many times they attacked, they could only knock the shy ghost farther away and had no fatal effect at all.

Piccolo did not attack. He was not only recovering his strength, but also thinking about countermeasures.

"Damn it, how do I get rid of this terrible monster?"

Piccolo's expression was quite ugly. The Saiyan didn't know when he would arrive, but he had no time to distract himself from dealing with this monster, and he didn't want to taste the feeling of being killed.

But after much deliberation, I couldn't think of any good way, which made Piccolo look around irritably.

Finally look towards the sun.

"Wait a minute! Sun! That's right!"

At this moment, Piccolo thought of a good idea. Although it was very risky, it might be feasible!

"Everyone fly into the sky and beat this monster away to the sun!"

After Piccolo finished speaking, he immediately took the initiative to fly up.

Others quickly followed after hearing this.

"Piccolo, you said you wanted to fly into the sky!"

Krillin screamed in shock.

"Yes, the energy of the sun can surpass us. I don't believe that this monster can survive after being beaten into the sun!"

Piccolo said confidently.

"The monster is catching up!"

Dumpling pointed at the back and shouted anxiously.

I saw the shy ghost chasing everyone in the air in a running posture, still very fast.

"What a weird way of flying this is."

Leping couldn't help but feel surprised after feeling the shy ghost's movements.

"Now is not the time to worry about this!"

Piccolo scolded and then accelerated his flying speed, and the others also flew at full speed.


The Shy Ghost watched Piccolo flying faster and faster, roared angrily, and his own speed also increased. He kept chasing Piccolo, and was bound to eliminate him before he would stop.

Piccolo felt the pressure on his back, and sweat continued to form on his forehead.

When did he, the mighty Piccolo Demon King, have ever been chased so embarrassingly? Damn monster!

After flying for a while, everyone has arrived outside the earth's atmosphere. If they continue to fly, they will be completely unable to breathe and their movements will be worse.

So he stopped immediately.

This is quite cheap. When the shy guy sees the target stop, he immediately pounces on it.

"call out!"

However, in the next second, Piccolo and the others disappeared on the same spot. In the blink of an eye, they appeared behind Shy Guy. At the same time, they punched Shy Guy in the back, sending him flying toward the sun.

"Launch Qigong waves with all your strength!"

After Piccolo finished speaking, his whole body swelled violently.

Then he smacked his palms hard and launched an extremely powerful Qigong wave.

The others also used all their strength to launch Qigong waves at this moment, hitting the shy ghost at the same time.

After Shy Guy was hit, he was pushed towards the sun.

He wanted to resist.

But for a while, he couldn't get rid of such a terrible qigong wave.

I can only keep struggling desperately.

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!"

The Shy Guy felt extremely angry as he watched himself getting further and further away from Piccolo. His struggle continued to increase, and his strength continued to increase.


The shy ghost's anger increased to a certain level, and his own power further increased.


Then Shy Ghost used his own power to forcefully detonate the qigong wave. The explosion blew it far away, and the muscles in his body shattered and melted, but they also grew rapidly.

Just when Shy Guy was about to continue chasing Piccolo.

Its whole body was surrounded by extremely hot flames, and a huge gravitational force was pulling it back rapidly.

It turns out that the shy ghost has been brought near the sun and is now being pulled into it by the sun's gravity.

The terrifying blazing flames instantly covered the shy ghost's body.

After Piccolo and the others confirmed that Shy Guy's energy had entered the sun, they immediately flew downwards. The environment here was very bad and it would be too uncomfortable to stay here.

"Uncle Piccolo, can this monster be eliminated?"

Sun Wuhan asked worriedly.

"Okay, the temperature on the surface of the sun exceeds 6,000, let alone the core, which is 16 million tall. I don't believe that monster can withstand the flames of the sun."

Piccolo said this, but he always felt fuzzy in his heart, hoping that he was overthinking it.

"But where did that monster come from? Why have we never heard of it?"

Tianjin Fan asked doubtfully.

"I don't know that either."

Piccolo didn't explain anything about the containment, so it's useless to talk about it now.

"No matter what, just solve it. We can use this method to fight against the Saiyan and push him to the sun!"

Klin said unexpectedly.

"That may not be successful. They are not stupid and will not be so honest."

Piccolo sneered.

The success of this plan is more because shy people are not smart.

If it were Piccolo himself, he wouldn't have gone all the way to chase him here.

Vegeta: "Haha, you are right. This trick of deceiving that thing is okay, but it is impossible to deal with me!"

Piccolo: "Hmph, don't be complacent, I have other ways to eliminate you!"

Sun Wukong: "That's right. Piccolo, you must find a way to hold him back. I will get there as soon as possible."

Tony Stark: "More than this, I want to know where you got so much energy to send that thing to the sun! The sun is very far away!"

Sun Wukong: "It's very simple, just keep firing Qigong."

Nick Fury: "What kind of explanation is that?"

Ancient One: "The rules of each universe are different. Being too entangled is just asking for trouble."

In the Dragon Ball universe, the Saiyan spaceship is gradually approaching the earth.

"They should be arriving soon. I thought these containment objects were no big deal, but they turned out to be just a bunch of people."

Vegeta said disdainfully.

“Didi di di di di!!”

However, in the next second, Vegeta's combat power detector suddenly increased rapidly.

"Twenty thousand? Fifty thousand? One hundred thousand! How is that possible!"

Vegeta saw through the combat power detector that there was an individual with a very huge combat power in the distance. It suddenly exceeded one hundred thousand, and the number was still increasing rapidly!

And the position of that body seems to be the sun!

"Don't tell me that thing is not dead yet!"

As soon as Vegeta had this idea, he detected that the individual was moving rapidly close to the earth. Now its combat power has reached hundreds of thousands!

Putting Vegeta in great fear.

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