American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 475 The disc creature takes the opportunity to attack!

"Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho!!"

The combination of strong winds, tsunamis, and whirlpools was extremely terrifying, like the roar of beasts, or the symphony of calls from evil spirits in hell.

Even if you are not close to the beach, you can still hear this terrifying and tortured sound.

Countless people were so frightened that they trembled and did not dare to move at all.

Tsunamis continuously hit the ground, like magical tentacles, dragging all the affected lives into the sea.

The strong wind is like a ruthless harvester, destroying everything it touches, sweeping everything into the sky, and then causing them to fall into the whirlpool by accident!

If someone observes the sea from a high altitude, they can see a very huge black shadow in the sea. Just a look at it will make people feel scared from the bottom of their hearts!

"Ho ho ho!!"

"Gah ah ah!!"

In this chaotic situation, many monsters emerged from the ground and the sea.

Everyone seemed to be in a hurry to avoid the horrific natural disaster.

The monsters on the earth were frightened by this sudden huge monster, and they quickly ran towards the other side of the land.

I don’t know how many buildings I crashed into and how many people I trampled on along the way.

This makes the situation even worse!

Countless people died tragically on the spot!

The MAC team's fighter jets are now circling at high altitude and unable to land.

The reason is that hurricanes are too powerful and will end up being disintegrated once they get close.

The only ones who can withstand the storm are five Super Star God Robots!

Guntras, Garuda, Gangsisa, Dorukunos and Ribaiyasan.

Fight against the terrifying hurricane and fight monsters on the ground.

Maybe this group of monsters has no intention of causing destruction at the moment.

But their every move will cause huge casualties and must be eliminated.

"Captain, what should we do next!"

A member of the MAC team asked anxiously.

"Everyone landed immediately and tried to find ways to rescue survivors."

The stars can only give this order.

In such storm conditions, the role of fighter planes is very small.

Then Zhuxingtuan looked at the screen. On the other side of the sea, the harvest giant shrimp was rushing over from the bottom of the sea and would arrive nearby in a few minutes.

"We can't let these two monsters fight near here. We have to move them further away."

Zhu Xingtuan and Fengyuan said.

"Feng Yuan, we will find an opportunity to transform later. Let's move the disaster eels and harvest giant shrimps to other places. The monsters on the ground will be enough to be dealt with by the robots."

Morohoshidan said while looking around.

The five Super Star God Robots were in a crushing situation against those monsters, and they were not at a disadvantage at all.


Fengyuan nodded vigorously in order.

Then when the fighter plane landed.

Zhu Xingtuan and Fengyuan immediately transformed into Ultraman and stood on this land that was invaded by disaster weather!

"Ah ah!"

Severn and Leo flew into the sky and quickly approached the sea where the Disaster Eel was.

Then Seven released extremely powerful telepathy and spread it towards the sea. He wanted to use telepathy to pull out the disaster eel!

“Thump thump thump thump!!!”

This caused countless bubbles to appear on the already chaotic sea surface.

The huge black shadow is gradually leaving the sea and surfacing.

At this moment, Leo and Severn finally saw clearly what the Disaster Eel looked like.

It's similar to the one in the picture, but the reminder is even bigger. It's not just 16 kilometers, it seems to be 50 kilometers!

"Why does it look bigger than the one on the screen?"

Leo shouted in surprise.

"It seems that the video on the screen was from who knows how many years ago in that universe."

Severn got the results right away.

But that doesn't stop him from moving.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

The Disaster Eel was suddenly pulled out and felt extremely angry, so it opened its mouth towards Severn and Leo and emitted extremely terrifying sound waves!

This amazing sound wave caused the surrounding sky to shake continuously, as if it could shake the sky to pieces!


Seeing this, Leo immediately released majestic energy to offset the powerful sound wave.

Severn, on the other hand, took the time to increase the intensity of his telekinesis.

Then he flew, taking the disaster eel towards the distance!

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!!"

The Calamity Eel was extremely angry at being carried flying out of control of his body.

He kept spraying blue flames at Severn's mouth.

However, they were all blocked by Leo's energy shield.


At this moment, Severn seemed to notice something and raised his head to look at the sky.

Leo also noticed it and raised his head together.

As a result, they saw more than ten UFOs appearing in the sky and flying rapidly towards the city!

And the strange thing is that these UFOs don't look like metal, the textures look like living things!

When the UFO quickly approached the city.

They reveal their true colors.

They are actually a group of monsters.

They look like jellyfish and are more than fifty meters tall, but their bodies are dark blue. When they fly, they flatten their bodies and look like UFOs.

This group of jellyfish monsters wriggled their tentacles and wreaked havoc. At the same time, they created strong tornadoes underneath their bodies, blowing everything they touched into the sky. Then they opened a huge mouthpart full of fangs on their lower body to absorb the flying incoming wind. everything.

Not only are there people among them, there are also the monsters that come out!

The five Super Star God robots immediately fought back when they saw the sudden appearance of the monster.

It's just that these jellyfish monsters are flying in the air again.

It will move around in the air, making it impossible for the robot's attacks to hit.

"What's going on! What's wrong with this situation! There's an alien monster invasion!"

Leo shouted anxiously when he saw this.

"Hahaha! Earthlings! You are finished!"

At this moment, an extremely wild roar sounded from the ground.

"This is my Black Star, the strongest disk creature! Your earth is destined to be conquered by our Black Star!"

Commander Blake, standing on a jellyfish monster, holding a crystal ball, laughing his head off.

After Severn and Leo eliminated the air jellyfish, Commander Black took advantage of the chaos and picked up some air jellyfish and brought them back to Black Star for study.

These powerful disk creatures with the characteristics of aerial jellyfish were developed.

He was very satisfied with the strength of these disk creatures and thought it was a great opportunity to defeat Ultraman and conquer the earth, so he immediately led them to attack!

"Damn it! At this time, let's make such a fuss!"

Leo cursed anxiously.

"Leo, go back and deal with them immediately, leave this place to me!"

At this time, Severn ordered.

"no problem?"

Leo looked at Severn worriedly.

"do not underestimate me."

After Severn finished speaking, he maintained his telekinesis with one hand and released an energy shield with the other hand to replace Leo and block the blue flames of the disaster eel.

"And don't we still have allies?"

As soon as Saiwen finished speaking, giant harvest shrimps appeared in the sea not far away!

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