American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 474 The result of the battle between giant beasts

[When the harvest giant shrimp and the disaster eel meet, a war will break out. The Calamity Eel is destructive to any ecosystem, so it's up to the Harvest Shrimp to stop it. 】

[The Disaster Eel is very dissatisfied with the interference of the harvest of giant shrimps, and desperately wants to eliminate it. 】

[However, these two giant beasts are quite tenacious. They have been fighting for twenty years. Although they can seriously injure and subdue each other time and time again, they cannot kill each other. Their vitality cannot be explained even by the asylum. 】

[And in different seasons, their strength will change. For example, in spring and summer, the Harvest Giant Shrimp is stronger than in autumn and winter, and the chance of defeating the Disaster Eel will be higher. 】

[On the contrary, the Disaster Eel will be stronger in autumn and winter, and the chance of defeating the Harvest Giant Shrimp will be higher. 】

[The victory of one of these two giant beasts will have different impacts. 】

[After the victory of the Disaster Eel, the area with a radius of 800 kilometers will become a terrifying natural disaster with violent storms, tornadoes, and tsunamis, and it will last for eight months. This would be a huge blow to any life. 】

[The Harvest Giant Shrimp is different. When it succeeds, within eight months, the weather in a radius of 800 kilometers will become sunny, the sea will be calm, and there will no longer be any extreme weather. Moreover, the time it takes for plants within this range to grow to maturity will be shortened and the harvest will be unimaginably rich. There are also animals that will reproduce extremely well. No matter what kind of animal they are, in these eight months, the number, growth rate and quality of reproduction will be far higher than before. 】

[Therefore, the shelter believes that the victory of harvesting giant shrimps is meaningful to mankind. It can not only solve the weather problem, but also solve the food crisis. 】

[So, whenever there is a war between the Harvest Giant Shrimp and the Disaster Eel, the shelter must dispatch a large number of troops to support the Harvest Giant Shrimp and ensure that the Harvest Giant Shrimp can win. 】

[If the disaster eel wins in the end, emergency measures will be taken to reduce the damage as much as possible. 】

The introduction on the screen ends here, letting everyone know the situation of these two monsters.

Terumi Mei: The monster that affects the weather is very similar to my Kyogre.

Fengyuan: And this monster called Harvest Giant Shrimp can actually affect the growth of animals and plants after victory. What is the reason for this?

Tony Stark: This is very unscientific. After winning this kind of battle, a buff or something is left behind, just like the game.

Wang: This kind of giant beast cannot be described by science.

Barry: It seems that this harvest giant shrimp is much better than the previous sea snakes and earth dragons. First of all, the size difference is a hundred times, and its victory can promote the growth and quantity of animals and plants, which can solve the food problem!

Natasha: It is true that many places are too poor to afford food. If we make full use of the benefits of the giant shrimp harvest after the war, the food crisis problem can be easily solved.

Bruce Wayne: If it is used by thoughtful businessmen, I am afraid it can be used to harvest wealth, create employment and so on. But don’t forget that the Harvest Giant Shrimp is a giant beast after all, and every move it makes will cause a lot of trouble!

Clark: Hey, Bruce, don't be too biased. Didn't you see on the screen that the Harvest Giant Shrimp is friendly to humans? Otherwise, why would those people help it win the battle?

Minos: Isn't it for the benefit? If the giant shrimp harvest has no benefit after victory, and the eel monster in front will only bring bad weather, do you think humans will kill it?

Diana: But harvesting giant shrimps will bring a good harvest, which feels a lot like Demeter, the goddess of fertility. The destructive harm of the disaster eel is a bit like Ares or other demons. Are they essentially gods?

Danatus: Impossible! How can two mere rotten fishes and shrimps be qualified to be called gods!

Tony Stark: I'm also concerned about one thing. As mentioned before, the Harvest Giant Shrimp was originally over 16 kilometers in size, but twenty years later, its size shrank to about 5,000 meters.

Tony Stark: The Calamity Eel was only a few hundred meters when it was first discovered, but it has grown to more than ten kilometers. Why is there such a big gap between the two?

Nobita: Are you sick because of the giant shrimp harvest?

Sengoku: It doesn’t feel like it, and judging from the pictures, the Harvest Giant Shrimp’s injuries are more serious than the Disaster Eel’s.

Luffy: What will happen if the Harvest Giant Shrimp gets smaller and smaller?

Loki: No need to ask, the eel will definitely be eaten or killed after being unable to resist the disaster in the end.

Luffy: Hey! I don’t want such an interesting monster to die!

Ancient One: I’m wondering if it’s because the buff after the victory of Harvest Giant Shrimp will reduce its vitality, stimulate the reproduction of other species and accelerate the reproduction, which is contrary to common sense. Will the price be the Harvest Giant Shrimp itself?

Nick Fury: Are you saying that Harvest Giant Shrimp is sacrificing itself to help humanity? Why does it do this? Is it because of the guilt of hurting other people during the battle?

Rogers: Screen said that the Harvest Giant Shrimp is close to humans. This may have something to do with it. No matter what, at least it is on our side and there should be no malicious speculation.

Rod: I agree with that.

Luffy: Okay! I made a decision! If such an interesting monster appeared in our world, I would make it my companion!

Nami: Please don’t randomly recruit incomprehensible creatures as companions! I can't stand the big monster anymore!

[Now let’s predict the universe where harvest giant shrimps and disaster eels will appear in ocean wars. 】

While everyone was talking, the sound from the screen interrupted everyone's words.

[The Disaster Eel and the Harvest Giant Shrimp will appear in the Ultraman Leo universe, so please be prepared. 】

When they heard the sound on the screen, Zhu Xingtuan and Fengyuan couldn't help but change their eyes.

Monsters that are several kilometers away are actually not a big threat to them.

Size does not indicate combat effectiveness.

With the infinite energy of the two Ultramen, they can definitely kill monsters several kilometers away.

But the problem is that the giant beast's movements may hurt many people.

"Captain, maybe this isn't such a bad thing."

At this time, Fengyuan suddenly said this.

"If you think about it, as long as you let the Harvest Giant Shrimp win, you can get more food. This is quite beneficial!"

"What you said does make sense. It has already appeared anyway, so I can only accept it."

The stars looked at the screen, and now these two giant beasts had appeared in their world.

Disaster eels are making waves in the sea near Japanese islands, setting off several huge whirlpools that attract passing ships and drag them all to the bottom of the sea.

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