The size of the harvest shrimp does not look as long as several thousand meters as described on the screen.

On the contrary, it is only one thousand meters long. Compared with other monsters and disc creatures, it is already a giant.

But compared with the disaster eel, it is like an adult compared to a child.

"The situation is critical now. The Super Star God Robot alone cannot deal with so many monsters and disc creatures. Leo, you go to support. I want to take the disaster eel away from that place!"

Seven ordered seriously.


After receiving the order, Leo immediately turned around and flew towards the city!

Now the five Super Star God robots can be said to be one against several, defeating one monster after another.

It's just that the disc creatures are particularly difficult to deal with.

The storms and powerful tentacles they create can't hurt the Super Star God robots for a while.

But they will delay their movements and make it difficult to counterattack.

The MAC team fighters outside the storm circle immediately opened fire to support.

Although in this era, there are many bottlenecks in the research of Super Star God robots and popular technologies.

But fortunately, the data and information are ready-made, and scientists still use those data as a basis to improve the performance and firepower of the fighter.

The Super Star God Robot was slightly supported.

Then Leo arrived, and the battle situation changed!

Leo used Leo Flying Kick in the sky, kicked a disc creature hard and kicked it away.

Then he used the force to do a backflip, and used Leo Flying Kick again to kick another disc creature away.

After two disc creatures were defeated in succession, the other disc creatures reacted and immediately dispersed, so as not to give Leo a chance to defeat them one by one.

However, this also gave the Super Star God Robot a chance to counterattack, and immediately used various long-range attacks to counterattack!

Leo also fired a laser attack!

At this time, Seven was strengthening his telekinesis to contain the disaster eel.

The size of the disaster eel is very large, thousands of times larger than Seven.

To control such a huge body with telekinesis, it is not enough to rely on sufficient energy, but also to be able to control it 100% calmly.

"Be honest!" Seven roared, and the crystal on his forehead released a laser.

It just hit the blue flames gathered in the air by the disaster eel.

The flames caused a huge explosion, and the flames covered the head of the disaster eel!

Let it be hurt by its own attack!

At this moment, the movement of the disaster eel stopped!

Seeing this, Seven naturally would not miss the opportunity, and immediately increased the strength of his telekinesis.

He held the disaster eel high and flew towards the ocean.

At this moment, the terrible natural disaster that had been impacting the land was finally settled.

However, this was not the end.

Because of the disaster eel, many places in Japan were submerged by sea water.

Even if the tide was gradually receding, countless lives and traces of civilization were harvested.

No one knew how much impact this would have.


Seven resisted the discomfort of controlling the disaster eel, so huge body, and accelerated to fly away.

Just want to be as far away from the land as possible.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!!"

During this period, the disaster eel kept roaring.

With such a huge body, the roar was like thunder, resounding continuously, and the sky and the ocean were really shaking.

However, no matter how the disaster eel twisted its body and struggled, it could not get rid of Seven's telekinetic control.

"Roar, roar, roar!!"

At this moment, the disaster eel let out an extremely piercing roar.

The sound waves were like sharp blades, rushing into Seven's ears like a swarm of locusts.

"Woo woo!!"

This caused Seven to feel a particularly severe pain from his ears to his brain.

He covered his ears with great discomfort.

The telekinesis was temporarily interrupted.

"Swish, swish, swish!!!!"

Without Seven's telekinetic master, the disaster eel fell towards the sea like a meteorite.

"Boom, boom!!!"

Such a huge body, the movement caused by falling into the sea is not a little bit.

It's like a real meteorite hitting the earth.

The huge waves almost rushed straight into the sky.

If any life was hit by such a tsunami, even a monster, it might be beaten to death alive.

Seven released the shield to resist the falling waves, while paying attention to the situation in the sea.

At this time, the disaster eel fell to a position thousands of meters below the deep sea.

It shook its huge body and stared at the top with extremely resentful eyes.

Seven has been remembered by it.

It has finally come to this world and is about to show its power.

As a result, it encountered such a roadblock.

How can the disaster eel not be angry.

It has already thought about coming out and fighting back!

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

At this time, more than ten bubbles flew from a certain direction and hit the head of the disaster eel.

Although the volume of the bubble is much smaller than the eel's head.

But it is enough to make it hurt.

The disaster eel immediately turned its head hard.

Then it saw a very small figure flying as fast as a rocket.

It hit its head directly.

The comer is not the mortal enemy of the disaster eel, the harvest giant shrimp or someone else!

The Harvest Shrimp charged at full speed, combined with its extraordinary strength, and used its large claws to deal a powerful blow to the Disaster Eel.

Even though its body was much smaller than the Disaster Eel, it was still enough to knock the Disaster Eel backwards.

Then the compound eyes of the Harvest Shrimp emitted powerful gamma rays, hitting the head of the Disaster Eel.

A very strong explosion was set off.

The Disaster Eel fell completely and fell on the seabed.

"Roar, roar, roar!!!"

The Disaster Eel stood up angrily and spit out blue flames at the Harvest Shrimp to fight back.

However, the Harvest Shrimp immediately moved with extraordinary speed to avoid the flames of the Disaster Eel.

The Harvest Shrimp seemed to know that it was too small and it was difficult to deal with the Disaster Eel in a head-on confrontation.

So it had to rely on speed to win.

It kept swimming and sprinting around the Disaster Eel.

The Disaster Eel didn't know where the Harvest Shrimp was for a while.

Instead, the Harvest Shrimp found an opportunity and attacked its face.

The Disaster Eel was angry and embarrassed. Seven interfered with its front foot. Now it met its mortal enemy again, which made it want to start killing.

So dozens of tentacles appeared all over its body and waved them around frantically.

If it were on the sea surface, you would definitely see dozens of whirlpools appearing out of thin air.

"Bang, bang, bang!!!"

Under such a crazy attack, the Harvest Giant Shrimp was hit mercilessly many times.

Its body was thrown out like a cannonball and fell to the bottom of the sea.

The Harvest Giant Shrimp stood up with difficulty. The attack of the Disaster Eel just now caused it a lot of damage.

There were already many cracks in its shrimp shell, and now the cracks have expanded again, and even fragments have fallen.

You can see the soft tissue inside.

However, the Harvest Giant Shrimp shell has no time to rest.

Now the Disaster Eel once again sprayed blue flames from its mouth to attack it!

The Harvest Giant Shrimp endured the pain and moved to the side.

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