Luo's long knife was covered with strong electric current, impacting Bugsy from the inside!

For a moment, Bugsy felt particularly uncomfortable and stood frozen in place.

"Damn monster!"

Just then Kidd's roar came.

I saw Kidd controlling a lot of metal to gather together to form a cannon, aiming at Bugsy.

"Dare to hurt me! You are seeking death! I will show you my most powerful trick!"

After Kidd finished speaking, a powerful magnetic force was compressed in the cannon.

"Electromagnetic gun!"

I saw a shell fired from the cannon.

The speed of cannonballs is many times faster than those fired by ordinary cannons! Like a meteor, hitting Bugsy creates a very powerful explosion.

Blow Bugsy away directly.

"Hehe! What a monster! It must be so uncomfortable!"

Kidd laughed triumphantly after seeing Bugsy being blown away.

"What a terrifying power. Is this Kidd's current strength?"

Luo looked at Bugsy flying out with a shocked expression.

Then he looked at Kidd who was laughing wildly.

I had to be very vigilant in my heart.

This terrifying destructive power will result in death without a burial place even if it is only touched.

Now Kidd has been regarded as the most difficult enemy by Luo. If we fight in the future, we must be careful!

"Huh? Ahhhh..."

At this moment Kidd seemed to see something, his original laughter turned into sluggishness, and then gradually turned into shock.

After seeing the change in Kidd's expression, Luo had to be stunned for a moment, and then immediately looked towards Bugsy, and then he understood why Kidd was so shocked.

Because Bugsy's size is constantly expanding, he looks more and more terrifying, no longer like a bear, but more like a demon.

Now Bagxi is over 60 meters tall. You can see it at a glance from the Shampoo Islands.

The residents on the island looked at such a tall and terrifying Bugsy with great fear.

Everyone had to be stunned.

They couldn't help but wonder if they were dreaming?

Why did I suddenly see such a terrifying creature?

What will happen to them?

Shock, fear, sluggishness, numbness, and all kinds of emotions filled everyone's body and mind.

Let them stand blankly like puppets, not knowing how to react.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Kidd looked at Bugsy in disbelief, his whole body shaking.

The electromagnetic gun is his most powerful trick. He has tested its power. Several warships lined up side by side can penetrate them in one go.

The power is many times more powerful than traditional cannons.

But such a powerful weapon could not harm Bugsy, which almost made Kidd's heart collapse.

"What kind of devil fruit is this? No, is this really a devil fruit?"

When Luo looked at Bugsy, his jaw was trembling and his upper and lower teeth were chattering.

This feeling of fear reminded him of himself as a child, feeling particularly powerless.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

Bugsy's roar was extremely heavy, like countless thunders, resounding throughout the Shampoo Islands, causing all the ground to tremble crazily.

And the surrounding sea was boiling and bubbling.


"Run away!"

"But where to escape to!"

"Let's talk about escaping!"

At this moment, everyone reacted and quickly dispersed and ran away.

They didn't know where they were going, they just wanted to get as far away from Bugsy as possible to avoid being killed by such a terrible monster.

"Ho ho ho!!"

Bugsy gradually looked at Luo and Kidd, and gradually raised his claws, planning to attack.

Both Luo and Kidd were frightened by Bugsy's terrifying aura. They forgot to move for a moment and watched Bugsy raise his arms.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Just then a very hearty and continuous laughter came.

I saw Luffy, who had transformed into Nika, running quickly with a very abstract posture.

While running, I kept laughing.

It is in very obvious contrast with Bugsy's terrifying aura.


Bugsy suddenly heard such loud laughter and couldn't help turning his head in confusion, and saw Luffy running over quickly and crookedly.

Luffy suddenly braked and stopped in front of Bugsy, then put his face close to Bugsy and kept looking at him.

"You are Bugsy. You look very handsome! Why don't you fight me?"

Luffy said with a smile.

Then Bugsy didn't wait for him to react.

His hands quickly stretched out and wrapped Bugsy's whole body like a rice dumpling!

Then Luffy's body spun like a windmill, throwing Bugsy into the sky.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

Then Luffy's feet kept turning like tires, and he ran into the sky and chased Bugsy.

"Master Luffy? That idiot doesn't know how powerful that monster is. He will suffer a lot!"

Luo said anxiously after seeing this.

"Don't worry, it won't happen."

Just then Zoro's voice came, and Zoro and the others were seen slowly walking over.

Zoro then looked to the sky.

"Although I have to admit it, maybe only that idiot can deal with that monster."

After hearing Zoro's words, both Luo and Kidd felt baffled and confused.

At this time, Luffy ran into the sky and immediately released the energy of the green lantern ring.

He used the green lantern energy to build a huge arena platform in the sky, and there were propellers rotating at high speed around the platform, and even a large hot air balloon on it.

Let the entire arena float in the sky!

Bugsy fell heavily on the arena platform, then quickly stood up and roared angrily.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!!"


Unlike Bugsy's anger, Luffy still laughed wildly.

Then he jumped onto the arena and kept jumping up and down.

The ground he stepped on would become rubbery, like a trampoline.

"Let's fight here! Let me see how capable you are! Hahaha!"

Luffy pointed at Bugsy and laughed and provoked.

"Roar, roar, roar, roar!!"

Bugsy roared angrily at Luffy, then quickly rushed towards him to attack.

Luffy immediately retreated and dodged Bugsy's attack, avoiding Bugsy's attack again and again.

Seeing this, Bugsy exerted force with both feet and rushed towards Luffy like a rocket.

His head hit Luffy's abdomen, making Luffy into a very exaggerated \u003c shape!

Then Bugsy bit Luffy's stomach hard.

Luffy screamed in pain, and his eyeballs, tongue and mouth flew out!

"Don't bite me!"

Luffy shouted while punching Bugsy away!

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