Bugsy killed Ulki instantly with one move, making everyone watch.

Now the gang was frightened.

How is this going?

Urki clearly had the upper hand just now, why did he die in the blink of an eye?

This is definitely everyone's question now.

But now is no longer the time to question, they are now covered in fear.

Try your best to run away behind you.

But Bugsy is still continuing to hunt.

"Captain, run!"

Hawkins' crew members were all begging Hawkins to escape quickly, but Hawkins still sat and divined.

"I'm afraid I can't escape. My chance of success in escaping is less than 10%, my mortality rate is 90%, and my survival rate is 10%."

Hawkins looked at the results of his divination and sighed helplessly.

Then he looked at Bugsy getting closer and closer.

Unprecedented fear spread throughout Hawkins' body.

Let him realize that the other party is definitely not something he can deal with, nor can he escape.

Although he was unwilling to do so, Hawkins felt that all he could do was wait tremblingly for his fate to come.

"Damn it!"

After Hawkins cursed, he planned to resist, so he decided to use the fruit power.

At this moment, Bugsy had arrived in front of Hawkins and slapped him with his paw.


The power of this claw was indeed very terrifying, knocking many people away.

But the strange thing is that Bugsy himself seemed to be hurt, lying heavily on the ground, howling in great pain.

"The monster survived his own attack."

Hawkins walked out from Bugsy's paw. He had just stuffed the scarecrow into Bugsy's body.

Unexpectedly, Bugsy's power could not kill him.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Bugsy noticed something and looked at Hawkins, yelled angrily, and continued to attack him!

one strike! Two strikes! Three strikes!

Every attack could not harm Hawkins.

Instead, Bugsy himself was injured.

But this not only did not stop all its actions.

This will only make Bugsy even more angry.

"What kind of monster is this?"

Hawkins looked at Bugsy with his whole body trembling.

Bugsy is now about eighty meters tall. He is particularly strong and taller than the giants in this world.

Coupled with its extremely fierce appearance, it looks no different from the devil.

Now that the scarecrow Hawkins planted inside Bugsy has been used up, it's now someone else's.

Unfortunately it has been used up.

As long as Bugsy attacks again, Hawkins will bear it himself.


Bugsy dug his paw down and made a very deep pit where Hawkins was.

No one knows what happened to Hawkins in the pothole.

"What kind of monster is this? It's so scary."

Luo, who was on top of a building in the distance, looked at Bugsy in disbelief.

He noticed all the changes in Bugsy.

I can't help but tremble at this terrifying monster.

"Is this the monster from Skull Island? I've never seen it before."

Luo said while cold sweat dripped from his face.

"No matter what, let's take the first step. This is not the time to fight."

Luo didn't intend to fight Bugsy and wanted to get out of here quickly.

"Hey! You monster!"

At this time Luo heard a very familiar voice and couldn't help but look back.

They found that it was Kidd standing in front of Bugsy with an angry look on his face.

"You damn monster! What did you do to my subordinates! You actually killed a lot of my subordinates! Do you think this will make it over?"

Kidd glared at Bugsy and shouted.

"I will never let you go!"

After Kidd finished speaking, he released the magnetic force and controlled countless metals to gather together to form a big iron fist and hit Bugsy!

"That idiot, can't he understand the situation?"

Luo didn't expect Kidd to be so reckless and couldn't help but complain.

"It's none of my business, leave now!"

After Luo finished speaking, he immediately jumped to other places.

At this time, Kidd was constantly attacking Bugsy, but his attacks were completely ineffective.

Even if a large amount of metal is dragged in to restrain Bugsy, he can still escape with his amazing strength.

When Bugsy came to Kidd, he pawed over!

Kidd was so frightened that he quickly used a lot of metal to build a shield to resist.

However, there is no way to stop Bugsy's claws!


Kidd was knocked into the air, blood was pouring from his body, and his body seemed to be compressed, not to mention how painful it looked.

And it was so good that he was flying in the direction of Luo.


Luo didn't expect that he would be so unlucky, and Kidd flew towards this side.

So I quickly opened the room and wanted to move to another place quickly.

As a result, he was still a step too slow and was hit by Kidd.

Both of them fell from the roof to the ground.

"Kid! You idiot! Why do you want to die when you know you can't beat him? Why bother me if you just die?"

Luo angrily glared at Kid and shouted.

"Shut up! It's none of my business!"

Kidd was already very unhappy, but now he couldn't stand it when he heard Luo scolding him angrily.


At this moment, the building next to the two of them was suddenly demolished.

Bugsy stood directly in front of them, staring at the two of them.

"Damn! It's all your fault!"

Luo cursed with an ugly expression.

He never thought about fighting Bugsy, but unexpectedly he got involved anyway.

"Shut up! It's none of your business!"

Kidd didn't bother to pay attention to Luo, and directly took out his pistol and fired at Bugsy, but it was of no use at all.

"Let you see the power of my fruit after awakening!"

After Kidd finished speaking, he gave Bugsy magnetism!

This is the ability of the Magnetic Fruit after awakening. It can impart magnetism to objects or creatures that are not originally affected by magnetism, allowing them to be controlled by Kidd.

When Bugsy was about to attack, his whole body was immediately magnetized, and then he flew into the sky under Kidd's control.

Then countless metals flew towards Bugsy, hitting its body crazily.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!"

Bugsy was aroused and became even more angry. He waved his arms wildly and smashed the flying objects one by one.

A lot of debris fell to the ground, and a lot of it hit Luo.

"damn it."

Luo was very irritated and decided to retaliate against Bugsy.

So he immediately opened the room and enveloped Bugsy inside.

Then Luo's knife suddenly became very long, and instantly came to Bagxi, and pierced it directly.

After Luo's surgery fruit is awakened, it can generate a small room, including inside the enemy's body, to carry out internal attacks.

"I don't believe you can withstand an internal attack! Ultra-high frequency gamma knife!"

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