"Fufufu! It hurts so much! Haha! You're still pretty good."

Luffy looked at Bugsy and praised.

"Ho ho ho!!"

Bugsy continued to yell at Luffy before charging towards him again and attacking.

This time Luffy was on guard and wouldn't be hit by Bugsy.

And it seemed to be playing, jumping up and down all around.

Dodge Bugsy's attacks again and again.

"I'm here!"

"Hehe! I'm here!"


"Almost hit me!"

Luffy in this situation.

He could actually continue to provoke Bugsy like he was teasing a child.

Bugsy was so angry that he kept increasing the speed and intensity of his attacks, hoping to hit Luffy quickly.

"Wow! It hurts!"

"It's bleeding! It's bleeding!"

"It's not too painful."

However, even if Luffy is hit, his strange style will not change.

When hit, the body will change very irregularly, as if hit by plasticine.

Moreover, Luffy would scream strangely, just like a child.

It seemed that Bugsy's attack was nothing more than a pet playing with its owner to him.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Bugsy's physique is shrinking in a way that is visible to the naked eye.

The audience in the live broadcast room were watching the battle between Luffy and Bugsy and couldn't help but speak.

Rogers: What kind of fighting style is this? very strange.

Rod: It looks just like Tom and Jerry. Is this a funny cartoon?

Tony Stark: Does it make sense for him to fight like this? This Bugsy can't be killed. As long as the ill will towards it is still there, it will keep getting stronger, right?

Star clusters: See clearly, Bugsy's size is shrinking, which means its power is weakening.

Clark: Really! what happened? Aren't they fighting? Why didn't Bugsy get stronger due to his opponent's malice?

Sanji: That's because Luffy is an idiot.

Caludia: Huh? Why are you so cursed?

Nami: No, he's telling the truth. You don't understand Luffy. After he transforms into Nika form, his mentality seems to change. Even in a desperate fight, you can't feel his murderous intention.

Elcid: Wait, are you saying that Luffy doesn't have any ill intentions at all?

Nami: Yes.

Bruce Wayne: I understand. No wonder Luffy wants to take Bugsy to a high altitude. He wants to ensure that Bugsy will not absorb other people's malice, and if he does not spread malice himself, Bugsy will gradually Lose power.

Jiraiya: How could this be done? How could it be possible to fight the enemy without any murderous intention and malice?

Zoro: This is Luffy's special one. His brain structure is completely different from ours, which means he is a fool!

Tony Stark: Ahhhh. . . This is why fools are blessed.

Nick Fury: Idiots can have such a big effect. . .

Piccolo: I feel like Sun Wukong, they are both fools.

Sun Wukong: Piccolo, why are you scolding me all of a sudden?

Piccolo: Because I'm right.

When people in the live broadcast room are discussing non-stop.

Luffy and Bugsy were still fighting fiercely.

It's just that Luffy didn't attack very much. Even every time he attacked, he didn't have any malice, just like playing.

And there is no one else here, which means Bugsy cannot absorb any malice, and his power is constantly weakening.

Gradually, the body size dropped below thirty meters, and the trend continued to decline.

Garp: Hahaha! He is indeed my grandson! Actually can do this.

Warring States: Are you proud of having a silly grandson? I really don’t know whether I should congratulate you or not.

Ace: As expected of Luffy!

Long: Hum.

"Hey! You are really interesting. You can grow up or down. Do you want to be my partner?"

Luffy stretched out his legs and wrapped them around Bugsy's body countless times, pressing his whole body against it.

Looking forward to Bugsy's invitation.

"Ho ho ho ho ho!!"

However, Luffy's response was Bugsy's angry roar.

It kept struggling and attacking, trying to get rid of Luffy.

In the end, Luffy flew out like a UFO.

"Ha ha ha ha!!"

The angrier Bugsy attacks, the louder Luffy laughs, creating an extreme contrast.

Passed, almost half an hour.

Bugsy has returned to his previous doll appearance, lying on the green light ground.

"Eh? It's over like this. I still wanted to play for a while longer."

Luffy said as he jumped in front of Bugsy and then picked up the Bugsy doll.

"Hehe, he is such an interesting guy, just be my companion!"

After Luffy finished speaking, he placed Bugsy directly on top of his head.

["Congratulations to Luffy for successfully taking in Bugsy. Luffy will be rewarded with an ion shark.\

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