
The phone kept coming from the fourth-dimensional pocket.

After rummaging around for a while, Nobita finally took out a phone and immediately pressed the connect button.

"Nobita, what are you doing? Why are you making such a big fuss? Fortunately, I arrived in time and used the recovery light to restore the things you destroyed. Otherwise, I will see how you explain."

Dorami's scolding voice came from the other end of the phone.

It turns out that the light just now was Dorami using the recovery light outside!

"Dorami, thank you!"

After hearing Dorami's words, Nobita immediately looked grateful, then thought of something and looked anxious.

"How is Doraemon!"

"Don't worry. Brother is currently undergoing repairs. It will only take a few days to repair. I'm worried about your situation, so I'll come back and take a look first."

Dorami replied with a smile.

After hearing the good news, Nobita breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Doraemon can be fixed.

"You just go ahead and have a great time down there, I will help you take care of the outside."

Dorami encouraged.

"Yeah! No problem!"

After hearing this, Nobita immediately hung up the phone.

"Ho ho ho!!"

At this time, the Alien Queen recovered from the lightning strike and roared angrily at Nobita and the others.

Sudden massive lightning strikes.

But after killing many aliens, how could he not make the Alien Queen angry?

She immediately let out an angry roar, urging all members of the opposite sex to kill the intruders.

"Here it comes! Fire Dragon Flying Kick!"

"Thor's Hammer!"

"Tornado Kick!"

"Snowball bombardment!"

The special moves of the four elements were used at the same time, bombarding the aliens in all directions.

The sewer was very lively at this moment, and everything was shaking due to the explosion, as if it might collapse at any time.

At this time, on the ground, Dorami used various props to block the sounds coming from this area.

At the same time, it hypnotizes nearby people and makes them sleep immediately, thinking it is a dream.

In this case, no one will notice what is going on here.

"I hope everyone is safe and sound. Let's go and have a look."

Dorami thought so.

Then she put her head into her pocket, trying to reach the fourth-dimensional pocket in Nobita's hand to check the situation there.

Then when she appeared in the sewer.

I saw alien corpses everywhere.

Some were frozen, some were punched through the body, some were burned to death, and some were cut by sharp blades. There were all kinds of death conditions.

This made Dorami almost vomit.


Just then the scream of the Alien Queen sounded.

I saw all kinds of hideous wounds all over the body of the Alien Queen.

Then he fell down weakly.

And there were four Digimon standing next to them, panting, it was Nobita and the others.

"Nobita! Are you okay?"

Dorami immediately ran towards Nobita and the others, not forgetting to pick up the fourth-dimensional bag and immediately took out the medical kit.

It would be nice to treat them immediately.

"Ah, it's Dorami. You're here too. Don't worry, we'll be fine."

Nobita maintained his Vulcan appearance and gave a thumbs up.

"Although this alien queen is very capable of fighting, we still destroyed her!"

Fat Tiger raised his arms and showed off his muscles.

"However, there are still a lot of chest worms and eggs leaking out. I don't know how many people will be killed..."

Shizuka lowered her head, her words full of worry.

"Don't you have a screen like that? Can't you see where they go?"

Dorami asked curiously.

"No, that screen is gone, because all the aliens that came have been eliminated, but the aliens they gave birth to will not be counted. It is up to us to find them ourselves."

Xiaofu shook his head and replied.

"Ah, it's still like this, but it doesn't matter. Since that screen won't help you anymore, then I'll help you. I can use my props to find those aliens!"

Dorami said this after thinking for a moment.

The four of them immediately showed happy expressions.

"There happen to be a lot of alien corpses here. As long as I use props to record their blood components, and then use them to find creatures with similar components."

Dorami explained her method in detail.

"Really! That's great! You really deserve to be Dorami!"

After hearing this, everyone immediately praised Doraemon with joy.

It actually made Dorami scratch her head in embarrassment.

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go back to Nobita's house first. It really stinks here."

After Dorami finished speaking, he took out any door and took everyone back to Nobita's house.

["Congratulations to the Doraemon Universe for destroying the Predator Bus, the aliens and the time has come, now the rewards are settled\

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