American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 444 Primary school students fight aliens

"Ah, can't we solve it in a more relaxed way?"

When Xiaofu heard what Fat Tiger said, he couldn't help but said helplessly.

"What are you talking about, my husband? As a man, shouldn't you have a good fight?"

Hearing Xiaofu's frustration, Fat Tiger was immediately dissatisfied.

"Hmph, I don't want to waste time."

As an Ice Bearmon, the husband just turned around and held his head, as if he didn't want to talk to Fat Tiger.

If it had happened in the past, Xiaofu would never dare to treat Fat Tiger with this attitude.

But now that he has power, who is afraid of whom?

"You boy!"

This made Fat Tiger very angry.

"Help! There's a monster!"

At this moment, screams came from the sewer.

Immediately interrupt the conflict between Fat Tiger and Xiao Fu.

"Let's go!"

Nobita made a quick decision and immediately sprinted towards the source of the sound at full speed.

The other three followed closely behind.

At this time, not far ahead, there were two workers in charge of the sewer, running desperately.

Their faces were pale, their limbs were numb, and their sweat was flowing like a waterfall.

He looked like he was quite frightened.

In the darkness behind them, there were constant and violent sounds of treading water.

It was also accompanied by a sound similar to metal cutting, as well as strange noises.

I saw a few alien creatures jumping out of the darkness, and they instantly surrounded the two workers, leaving them with no way to escape!


When the two workers saw this, they screamed.

There was nothing to do except lean against each other.

"Don't come here! Don't come here!"

One worker pulled out a wrench and tried to threaten the alien.

As a result, one of the aliens just stuck out its tongue lightly.

He took the wrench away and stuffed it into his mouth.

After a few rejections, some pieces were spat out.

This frightened the two workers.

They knew very well the quality of this wrench, yet it was chewed into pieces so easily.

If those teeth fell on them, would they still survive?

The alien then began to approach the two workers.

This scared them to the point of crying, and their minds went blank, not even a revolving door.


"call out!!"

"Hoo ho ho!!"

At this moment, thunder and lightning, ice cones, strong winds and fireballs came from the other side of the sewer.

Hit the aliens at the same time and knock them away.

As a result, the aliens lay on the ground in pain, some of their bodies were frozen, some were paralyzed, and some were set on fire.

This sudden escape from death.

The two workers were confused.

Couldn't help but look behind me.

I saw four strange creatures walking out slowly.

It was Nobita and the others who became Digimon.

"Hey! There's another monster!"

One of the workers couldn't help but scream.

"What a monster! We are obviously very handsome!"

Fat Tiger immediately shouted dissatisfied after hearing this.

"Okay, forget about the electric beast. By the way, you should leave quickly. It's not safe here."

Shizuka immediately comforted Fat Tiger and gently asked the two workers to leave.


Seeing that they were not here to hurt them, the two workers had to freeze.

Then he quickly reacted and ran towards the other side of the sewer.


At this time, the aliens stood up one after another, staring angrily at the creatures that suddenly appeared.

"Ugh, that's so disgusting!"

After Nobita saw the alien's appearance, he couldn't hold back for a moment and couldn't help but take a step back.

He hated this disgusting monster the most.

Next to her, Shizuka and Xiaofu nodded in sympathy.

"No matter what they look like, just destroy them! Let's see how they move!"

Fat Tiger shouted with great momentum.

Then, with lightning all over his body, he rushed towards the group of aliens like a train.

Before those aliens could react, they were knocked to pieces by the fat tiger and flew far away before landing!

"go to hell!"

Fat Tiger shouted with great momentum and continued to run towards the aliens at high speed, intending to launch a fatal blow.

However, those aliens seemed to be aware of Fat Tiger's strength.

He actually chose not to fight.

He turned around and ran in the direction he came from.

"Don't even think about running away!"

Seeing this, Fat Tiger immediately chased after the group of aliens.

"Fat Tiger! Wait for us!"

Nobita saw Fat Tiger actually running forward by himself, so he quickly chased after him, and the other two people also quickly followed.

The alien is very fast, and with the power of Digimon, it can't catch up for a while.

The four of them chased for who knows how long, running along the sewer, and they don’t know how many blocks they passed through.

It's better to come to a very large space.

This is the central treatment system of sewers. It covers a very large area. There is sewage everywhere and it smells particularly disgusting.

The most important thing is that there are many aliens living here.

They are throwing eggs and chest worms into different sewer routes. They don't know where they will spread and how wide they will be.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

When Nobita and the four of them appeared, all the aliens were on alert and roared in anger, entering a fighting state.

At this moment, there were hundreds of aliens, tightly surrounding Nobita and the four of them.

"Wow! Why are there so many!"

"Are so many people coming to our world?"

Nobita and Xiaofu couldn't help shouting in surprise.

"Look there!"

At this time, Shizuka pointed in a direction tremblingly.

I saw many human corpses lying there, not to mention how miserable the death conditions were.

Seeing the living corpses with your own eyes, don't scare these four elementary school students into anything, let alone how ugly their faces look.

"We have all been suspended for a long time. It didn't take long after the suspension was lifted, and there were already so many victims..."

Nobita looked at this scene in disbelief, his voice gradually trembling.

"Damn! I can't get around you monsters!!"

Fat Tiger roared angrily.

Lightning flashes all over the body!

"See if I can't destroy you!"

"Mjolnir Thunder!!!"

Fat Tiger immediately used the electric beast's special move, causing countless thunder and lightning to fall from the sky.

Like a heavy rain, it blasted through all the walls at the top and fell into the sewer.

Hit the aliens inside without reservation.

"Wait a minute, Fat Tiger! If you act like this, the movement will be too loud!"

At this time, Shizuka shouted anxiously.

"Hey! Really, what can I do?"

Fat Tiger saw the holes everywhere on the top and didn't know what to do.

"Anyway, pause time first, otherwise you will be discovered!"

Nobita anxiously rummaged through his fourth-dimensional pocket to find the time stopper.

As a result of this panic, the search was very difficult and could not be found immediately.

Just when everyone was anxious, a ray of light appeared above, shining on the broken parts, and then everything turned into their original appearance, as if nothing had happened.

This made the four of them confused for a moment.


Then the phone rang in his pocket.

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