Sun Wukong had learned about Abel's sword, and even if his energy was obviously higher than Abel's, he still couldn't resist it.

He tried using the Kaioken, using a more powerful ki than Abel, to build a barrier against Abel's black sword.

But he couldn't resist it at all, and he watched helplessly as the barrier was cut off!

This convinced Sun Wukong that Abel's sword had the power to cause damage regardless of the gap.

Don't let him dare to confront you head-on.

But even so, it made him excited.

"After being resurrected just now, you have become stronger again! Let me see your limits!"

Sun Wukong shouted with excitement.

Neither he nor Abel knew how long they fought and how many times they killed Abel.

Every time Abel is resurrected, he becomes stronger.

This is probably not because Abel has the same bloodline as a Saiyan.

It's because Abel's sealed power is recovering bit by bit as his connection to Qi deepens.

But I don’t know how long it will take to fully recover.

"Turtle Style Qigong!"

Sun Wukong immediately flew into the air and used Turtle Style Qigong.

Huge blue light waves fell from the sky like meteorites and hit Abel!

"Turtle Style Qigong!"

However, Abel actually used the same move and launched Turtle Style Qigong to attack!

After many battles with Sun Wukong, he actually learned Turtle Style Qigong!

After the turtle qigong from both sides collided, they were evenly matched for a moment!

"Twenty times the Kaio Fist!"

At this moment, Abel roared angrily, and he actually used the Kaio Fist ten times!

After fighting Sun Wukong for so long, he has learned Kaio Fist and can use it skillfully.

Abel's combat power instantly increased a lot after being hit by twenty times the power of the King of Kai.

The Turtle Style Qigong became even more powerful and full of destructive power. It instantly suppressed Sun Wukong and pushed back his Turtle Style Qigong!

"Super Saiyan!"

So Son Goku transformed directly into Super Saiyan 1!

He actually suppressed Abel's Turtle Style Qigong wave instantly.

Abel watched helplessly as the Turtle Style Qigong he launched was pushed back, with a look of unwillingness on his face as he tried to push it back.

But he couldn't do it at all, he could only watch himself being overwhelmed by the Turtle Style Qigong.

“Boom, boom, boom!!!”

At this moment, a big explosion that was far more terrifying than hundreds of nuclear bombs combined filled this spiritual and time space.

Let everything around you continue to shake and explode!

When everything calmed down, there were huge potholes all over the place, and Wukong was the only one floating in the air.

Sun Wukong returned to the house and saw Abel running out of the coffin.

Even though he had just died, he was still staring at Sun Wukong with a fierce fighting spirit on his face.

"Come! Come again! I will definitely defeat you!"

Abel raised his black sword and pointed at Sun Wukong and said.

"No, I won't be able to get out if I stay here any longer."

Sun Wukong looked at the time in the spiritual time room.

He has been here for two days, which means he has been practicing for two years.

In the first year, he took Sun Wufan to practice here and let Abel go out to stay.

Give Son Gohan a year to master the full power of Super Saiyan 1, then let him go back.

Then Abel came in and practiced fighting with him day and night.

In the end, Son Goku not only improved his strength a lot, but he was also able to perfectly utilize the power of Super Saiyan 2, which was called Super Saiyan 2 Full Power.

And Abel's strength is also improving rapidly, and he has learned Sun Wukong's Kaio Fist and Turtle Style Qigong.

Sun Wukong really couldn't imagine how powerful Abel would be if he was given enough time, and whether he could match him.

"Remember what we said."

After finishing speaking, Sun Wukong opened the door and walked out.

"Yeah, no problem."

Abel answered as he carried the coffin and walked out.

Outside, the gods welcomed Sun Wukong and Abel out.

He looked at Abel a little warily, and then looked at Sun Wukong.

"Wukong, Bulma has repaired my spaceship and is ready to leave for Namek at any time."

The god said.

Sun Wukong has already decided that in order to resurrect Krillin, he must go to Namek to find their Dragon Balls.

According to Kaio, Namek's Dragon Balls are more powerful than those on Earth.

So Sun Wukong wanted to take a gamble and see if he could resurrect Krillin again.

Originally, I wanted to resurrect Tenjin Rice first, but the Dragon Balls on Earth have already resurrected Sun Wukong, so I have to wait a year before he can use them again.

"Okay, let's go, Abel, I'll introduce you to my companions."

After Sun Wukong finished speaking, he performed the Wu Kong Technique and flew up.

Abel actually also flew up.

"Wukong, do you really want him to protect the earth together?"

The god looked at Sun Wukong nervously and asked.

"Well, no problem. Although he is very irritable when fighting, he is actually very easy to talk to."

Sun Wukong replied with a smile.

"Humph, what happens to the earth has nothing to do with me. I only identify with the strong. I have lost to you countless times. I listen to you, as I should."

Abel sneered disdainfully.

"But after I defeat you, it will be your turn to listen to me."

"Well, no problem. If one day I lose to you, I can do whatever you want me to do, except bad things."

Sun Wukong agreed readily.

Then wait for Abel to leave the Celestial Temple and go to Bulma's home.

"Sun Wukong, you are really messing around."

Bobo next to the god said with cold sweat.

"Yeah, I don't know if I can get used to it."

The god nodded.

He already understood the origin of the contained objects, and actually let the contained objects from another universe, with uncontrollable factors, serve as a fighting force to protect the earth.

Only Sun Wukong dares to think like this.

Forget it, God can't stop this kind of thing. After all, he is very weak and can't interfere much.

I can only choose to believe in Sun Wukong.

Now Bulma's home is filled with Kame Sennin, Kiki, Piccolo, Leping and Dumpling.

Everyone is waiting for Sun Wukong to arrive.

"Wukong, you're here!"

After Leping saw Wukong, he immediately said hello, but when he saw Abel, his expression suddenly became not very good.

"Sun Wukong, do you really want this man to come out?"

Piccolo looked at Abel and said.

"It's you. I lost to you too. If I have a chance, I must fight you again!"

Abel stared at Piccolo excitedly and said.

"When I come back, I'll stay with you anytime."

Piccolo sneered disdainfully.

"No problem. As long as Abel doesn't leave the coffin too far, he can communicate and get along easily."

Sun Wukong said with confidence.

"I have already agreed with him to help keep an eye on the blood pool to prevent the monsters inside from escaping. Then Leping, Dumpling, and the remaining aliens and humanoid monsters will be left to you."

Sun Wukong looked at the two and said.

"No problem, we have already entered the spirit and time room to practice before you, and we have become stronger. A mere humanoid monster is nothing!"

Leping and Diaozi pointed at themselves with their thumbs, telling Sun Wukong not to worry.

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