"How did you get it! Really from Wakanda!?"

Tony Stark looked at Natasha in surprise and shouted.


Then Natasha began to explain what happened in detail.

When he learned the specific situation in Wakanda, Tony Stark's mouth had to open to the limit.

My jaw almost dropped.

This amount of information is very large.

He couldn't accept it for a while.

"Wait, are you sure you're not kidding!"

Tony Stark asked quickly.

However, Natasha nodded firmly.

Tony Stark also had to think more.

"Wait a minute, why did you come to me specifically to talk so much and give me a piece of vibranium? It can't be just for charity, right?"

Only then did Tony Stark realize that Natasha had said so much to him. It was absolutely impossible for her to have no purpose!

"I want you to transform my body."

After Natasha finished speaking, under Tony Stark's confused eyes, she raised her wrist.

I saw her hand actually disintegrating into countless particles for a moment, and then merging together again.

"What's going on with you?"

Tony Stark felt something was wrong when he saw this.

"My body is breaking down because I have used my abilities too much."

Natasha explained her situation.

"Although I have developed my brain, my body can't keep up with my strength at all. When facing the blood pool monster, I used my ability many times, and then in order to find out the Hydra during this period, I didn't know how to use it. how many times."

"I already feel that my body can no longer support it and may collapse at any time, so I need you to transform me into an angel like you in order to withstand the side effects of my ability."

After understanding Natasha's intention, Tony Stark nodded.

"Okay, in that case, I understand, it will be a little itchy, so please be prepared."

Tony Stark agreed, after all, he should get something in return for receiving the vibranium.

after an hour.

Natasha spread her wings and flew out of Tony Stark's mansion.

Now she has been transformed into a second generation angel.

No more suffering from physical breakdown.

You can use the super powers after developing your brain 100% perfectly!

. . . . . .

Doraemon universe

In a certain junkyard that disposes of abandoned vehicles, there are many predator buses.

According to their own characteristics, they have captured countless people and gathered them here, preparing to feast.

But just then Fairymon and Vulcanmon fell from the sky.

Save those victims.

"Tornado legs!"

Fairymon stood upside down, spread its legs, and rotated its body at high speed like a tornado.

An extremely violent wind blew.

It actually blew all the predator buses into the sky!

"Fire Dragon Flame Fist!"

Vulcan seized this opportunity.

His fists were filled with flames and he kept punching.

Shoot out many flying dragons formed by flames.

Attack all predator buses in the air.

Beat them all until their whole bodies are on fire, and then drop them heavily to the ground.

The movement was not ordinary, it looked very spectacular!

Faced with the combined attack of Fairymon and Vulcanmon, Prey Bus has no room to resist.

The predatory buses are dead and injured, and it is impossible to continue to cause trouble.

In order to prevent them from being alive, the Vulcan Beast specially made a last-ditch attack and released flames to attack the still-living Prey Buses, completely wiping them out.

To be honest, even if the other party is not a human, but a monster.

But killing the lives with his own hands still made the Vulcan beast feel a little uncomfortable.

Especially hearing their screams tortured the hearts of the Vulcan beasts.

No matter how it looks, its essence is still Daxiong.

So the Vulcan Beast chose to close his eyes instead of anesthetizing himself as much as possible.

Destroy all remaining living Prey Buses.

Fairymon comforted the victims and asked them to leave here quickly.

"Big...Vulcan beast, are you done?"

Fairymon asked as she ran to Vulcanmon.

"Yeah, done, Fairymon."

The fire beast nodded.

To avoid revealing their identities, they decided to call each other by their Digimon titles.

"Nobita, your attack just now was very cool."

Shizuka seemed to sense Nobita's mood, so she tried to change the topic.

"Really, I think so too."

After hearing this, Nobita immediately rubbed his nose with his index finger proudly.

"And Shizuka is also very cute. This outfit..."

When Nobita said that, he couldn't help but look around Shizuka.

The fairy beast that Shizuka transformed into has a special figure, with a bulging front and a curved back.

Moreover, this costume is quite interesting and makes people unable to take their eyes away.

Nobita couldn't help but look crazy.


As a result, Nobita was slapped directly by Shizuka.

He immediately fell to the ground in pain, covering his face and shaking.

"Nobita, how annoying!"

Shizuka said with her arms crossed in displeasure.

Then Shizuka looked at the screen, and now the predator bus in their world has been eliminated.

As for whether there are any that have not been discovered, we can only investigate later.

She watched through the screen that Fat Tiger and Xiao Fu were about to deal with each other as their time had come.

Found out they had it done too.

There were a lot of injuries on his body, and he had obviously been through a fierce battle.

Then the only contained objects left in this world are aliens.

"It's time for us to leave Nobita."

After Shizuka finished speaking, she flapped the butterfly wings on her back and flew towards the sky.


Nobita immediately stood up and ran to keep up with Shizuka.

Press the time stopper simultaneously.

Avoid being hunted by aliens while keeping the two of them from being seen by others.

Then the four Digimon transformed from elementary school students gathered in the sewer.

The sewers are extremely smelly.

It was unbearable for all four of them.

"Why do aliens stay in such disgusting places?"

Xiaofu, who turned into an ice bear beast, covered his nose in confusion.

"Maybe it's because the sewers are complicated and few people come here, so it's suitable to hide them, right?"

Shizuka answered while pinching her nose.

As someone who takes five baths a day and loves to be clean, how can she stand such an environment?

"Anyway, find the aliens quickly and kill them!"

Fat Tiger said cursingly.

"Ho ho ho!!"

Just then, a roar like a wild beast came from the front of the sewer.

Then there is the sound of attacking something hard.

The four people were immediately alerted.

"Right ahead, let's use the time stopper and pause them first, right?"

Nobita immediately suggested.

"No, Nobita, that would be too boring."

However, Fat Tiger was not happy.

"That kind of sneak attack is not a man's style. I want to experience more battles. There are no victims now, right?"

Fat Tiger is indeed the king of children. In this situation, he really wants to show the power of the electric beast and pursue fighting.

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