Qing Pheasant immediately reminded Long.

Although their position is that of enemies.

But in this situation, we have to cooperate to have a chance.


After Long understood, he looked at the siren heads who were standing up.

Then his feet moved.

"Vector control, acceleration!"

The dragon disappeared in place at an extremely alarming speed.

Suddenly he was in front of a siren head.

Then punch Siren Head in the head!


The power of Long's punch is very powerful, with the blessing of overlord color and armed color domineering, plus vector operation to enhance the power output.

Directly and forcefully flatten the head of a siren head!

The other siren heads saw this and were about to attack the dragon.

But at this moment, two siren heads suddenly made painful sounds.


The sound seemed to represent a scream of diminished vitality.

Then the two siren heads fell heavily to the ground for some reason and could no longer stand up.

"Is this dead? What's going on!?"

Aoki looked at the siren head in disbelief, completely confused as to what was going on.

In his impression, Siren Head is very powerful. No matter how he attacks, he can only injure him and cannot kill him at all.

But why did he die suddenly now?

"Really, Mr. Long, if you suddenly run away without knowing where you are, it will give me a headache."

Just then a female voice came.

I saw a man wearing a black robe and a beak mask walking out between the two fallen siren heads.

Isn’t this person a plague doctor or someone else!

"Plague doctor!"

After seeing this person, Qingzhi screamed in surprise.

"Well, you know me?"

The Plague Doctor didn't expect Aoki Pheasant to call her name, and he couldn't help but feel surprised.

At this time, Aokiji remembered one of the abilities of the Plague Doctor.

That means any life that touches her, or is touched by her, will die directly.

Presumably Siren Head died because he was touched by the Plague Doctor.

"Sorry, I have to help you when I meet someone I am an acquaintance with. This monster is quite powerful."

Long spoke to the plague doctor in a friend-like tone, and it seemed that they were already very familiar with each other.

"That's natural. These are Siren Heads. Their combat effectiveness is extraordinary. Unless it's the law of cause and effect, there can't be any effective way to kill them."

The Plague Doctor knew Siren Head very well and explained it to the dragon in detail.

"Is it so scary!"

The dragon was surprised after hearing this. It was the first time he heard of such an existence that was difficult to kill!

"Forget it, I will reluctantly help you deal with it. After all, you have provided me with a lot of materials and prepared a very good laboratory for me."

After the Plague Doctor finished speaking, he quickly approached the last remaining Siren Head.

. . . . . .

"Congratulations on the completion of the One Piece Universe's containment of Siren Head. Now the rewards will be distributed."

Garp, Sengoku, Dragon and Plague Doctor all successfully contained Siren Head.

Of course, the plague doctor will eliminate them directly.

"Reward Sengoku, Garp, Dragon, and three Devil Fruits based on Siren Head respectively."

After the screen voice finishes speaking.

Three more devil fruits appeared out of thin air in the hands of the three people who were mentioned.

"After eating these Devil Fruits, you can transform into Siren Head and have 100% identical abilities."

After listening to the explanation on the screen.

The three of them couldn't help but show different expressions.

They all know very well how powerful Siren Head is.

If we can really allow them to have Siren Head-level combat effectiveness, it will undoubtedly be a great good thing and will be of great help to them!

Sengoku and Garp couldn't help but think of the same thing at this moment.

With Siren Head's Devil Fruit, he will be more confident in overthrowing the World Government!

The dragon was particularly confused as to where the sound came from and why more devil fruits appeared out of thin air.

"Hey, do you navy know anything?"

Long asked, looking at Qing Pheasant lying next to him.

After hearing Long's question, Qingzhi just closed his eyes and turned his head, with no intention of answering.

This made Long shrug helplessly and prepare to leave.

"Hey, can you help me send the bodies of these siren heads back? I've always wanted to study them. Maybe they will be helpful to my research."

The plague doctor eagerly made a request to the dragon.

"Well, I'm lucky to have you."

Long agreed, as he was used to the plague doctor's strange research.

What's more, he was able to eliminate Siren Head and obtain these three Devil Fruits all thanks to the Plague Doctor.

It was naturally impossible for Long to refuse her request.

So he controlled the strong winds to float himself, the corpses of the Plague Doctor and several Siren Heads into the sky.

Finally fly away together.

"Master, you have a very troublesome son."

Qing Pheasant said this as he looked at Long's leaving figure.

. . . . . . .

Marvel Universe, in a certain valley.

"Don't let it get away!"

"It's going to you, Strange!"

The magicians of Kama Taj gathered here to hunt down the bird whose time has come.

Facing this kind of creature that can use mental power to attack from a distance, only Kama Taj's magic can resist it, so they took the initiative to contain it!

Fortunately, the time had come and the birds were all gathered in one place, which was convenient for them.

Now the valley is filled with all kinds of colorful magical lights.

Explosions continued in all directions.

There are thunder and lightning, fire, ice, long whip and other moves.

It looked simply dazzling.

However, here, there is only one magician who is very different.

That's Strange.

Because others are bombarding those birds with magic.

Strange swung the scepter of the Apocalypse and beat the birds to death one after another.

Turn yourself into a melee mage alive.


Just then Strange was bitten by something on his shoulder.

It made him let out a very piercing scream.

But there is obviously nothing next to him!

Strange concentrated his magic power in his eyes, and saw a translucent bird whose time has come standing next to him!

This creature will not remain motionless due to the release of its spiritual body.

Instead, they can control their mental bodies to fight while moving.

As a result, some magicians were tricked and died one after another.


Seeing this, Strange immediately endured the pain and quickly formed a magic circle with his hands.

Then it releases powerful magical energy to attack the spiritual body.

Just break it up.


As a result, in the next second, a bird whose time has come fell from the sky and kicked Strange away.

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