"Boom boom boom!!!"

The sky, the earth, and the ocean all shook terribly because of the explosion of the Niu Po ​​Fist.

It seemed as if the world was about to collapse at any time!

The range of the vibration extended to dozens of miles.

It made many residents extremely scared.

The creatures living on the seabed were also afraid of this.

"Oh my, I didn't control the strength well. It turns out that it can't be used casually with the Niu Talisman."

Garp appeared next to Akainu at some point, scratching his head helplessly.

"Vice Admiral Garp."

Without the mental attack of Siren Head, Akainu finally recovered and looked at Garp.

"Hey, Sakaski, you got beaten badly. When was the last time you got beaten like this?"

Garp couldn't help laughing when he saw Akainu being beaten so badly.


Akainu could only apologize helplessly.

"Next, leave it to me. Let me show you how powerful these idiots who use horns as their heads are."

Garp clenched his fist joints eagerly, looking at the remaining three Siren Heads.

"I have to get rid of you guys quickly, and then help Kuzan, or I hope that Sengoku guy can hurry up."

When Garp mentioned Aokiji, his expression gradually became serious.

Since there are only two people coming to support, there will always be one who is temporarily without support.

And Kizaru and Akainu are the closest, so they can only support them first.

One of them must get rid of the remaining Siren Heads, and then go to help Kuzan!


At this time, Garp noticed something and looked in a certain direction.

"Is it an illusion? Why do I have a feeling of nostalgia?"

Garp thought puzzledly.

But before he could think clearly.

Three Siren Heads burst out terrifying sound waves to attack Garp.

So Garp could only concentrate on fighting.

At this time, Aokiji was lying on the ground with a look of discomfort.

Since he was dominated by fear and couldn't move.

He was beaten like a sandbag.

Finally, he fell to the other side of the island.

Now his whole body is covered with wounds, and there is no intact place at all.

"Oh my, am I going to die? I really hate myself like this."

Aokiji was now exhausted from the torture. Even if Siren Head had stopped torturing him with fear, he could not stand up and continue fighting.

Looking at Siren Head getting closer and closer, his only choice now was to leave it to fate.

"Just die like this? How annoying."

Aokiji sighed helplessly.

I thought I was already very powerful with absolute zero and increased potential, but I didn't expect to fall to this point.

I am still too young.

As Siren Head got closer and closer, Aokiji felt that he was getting closer and closer to death.

He wanted to fight again and get up to fight again.

But his severely injured body didn't listen to him at all.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get up.

"Swish, swish, swish!!"

The next second, a siren head broke through the ground at an extremely alarming speed and rushed towards Aokiji like a train. The momentum was so scary.

Before Aokiji could come to his senses, the siren head had already appeared beside Aokiji.

A punch was about to fall!

"Hoohoo, hoohoo, hoohoo!!!"

But at this moment, a violent gust of wind appeared.


Siren head didn't care and punched down, causing a big explosion and noise.

The ground around him kept shaking.

When Siren head raised his fist.

But he unexpectedly found that there was no Aokiji in the hole he made!

This made Siren head look around in confusion.

It was best to find that Aokiji was lying not far away, and next to him stood a man with half of his face covered with patterns.

"Why are you here, the most vicious criminal in the world, Monkey D. Dragon!"

Aokiji looked at the man who saved him in disbelief.

He didn't understand why Dragon appeared here, and he didn't understand why he saved himself.

"It seems to be because I don't hate you, not to mention that you are my father's favorite disciple."

Dragon said indifferently.

"As for why I'm here, I just happened to be passing by on my way back from a place that needs a revolution." After Long finished speaking, he looked at the five siren heads opposite. "What a terrible creature, even the three admirals are no match for them, what are these?" Long saw clearly how Aokiji was beaten badly. He had to be shocked. If he wanted to deal with any of the three admirals, it would take a lot of effort. It can be said that the siren heads brought him great pressure. "You'd better leave quickly. These monsters are not something you can deal with." Aokiji kindly reminded. "Thank you, but it looks like you can't leave." After Long finished speaking, the five siren heads began to attack, bursting out very terrible sound waves to attack Long! Long immediately raised his hand when he saw this. "Vector control! Rebound!" I saw that the terrible sound wave, when it was about to affect Long's side, actually returned to the original path and attacked the siren heads! Siren heads didn't expect this to happen, and were caught off guard by their own sound waves. I couldn't help shaking my head in pain.

"Is this what you are capable of!"

After Qingzhi saw Long's new ability, he couldn't help but scream out differently.

"Yes, any energy can be controlled by me."

After Long finished speaking, an extremely violent wind began to blow around him.

And under his vector control.

The strong wind instantly turned into a tornado with astonishing power, instantly enveloping five siren heads in it.

"Buzz buzz!!!"

Due to vector operations.

The energy of the tornado rotated more and more violently, making a sound like a chainsaw.

Today's tornadoes are not so much made of wind.

It is better to say that it is formed by countless invisible chainsaws, which have more amazing destructive power than ordinary tornadoes!

Can smash everything it touches.


In the next second, Long's expression changed.

He felt something was wrong in the wind, as if the prey had suddenly disappeared.

Then at this moment, he was surprised to find out.

The five siren heads appeared around him in a translucent manner and gradually materialized.

They directly used the virtual method to ignore the tornado's attack, and moved to the side of the dragon using the space distortion method.

When they regained their physical form, they immediately raised their fists and smashed them down towards the dragon and Qing Pheasant.

"Vector operation! Bounce!"

The dragon immediately rebounded the power from Siren Head's fist without any reservation.

In this way, even if you touch their fists, you won't be hurt at all!

On the contrary, the siren heads were struck by their own powers and were knocked away and fell to the ground.

"This alone won't work! We have to attack their heads!"

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