
Strange was kicked to the ground and had close contact with the soil.

Strange spit out the dirt in his mouth with a look of disgust and quickly stood up.

As a result, he was kicked out by Bird of Time and kicked away his scepter of the Apocalypse.

Then he rushed over, grabbed Strange's neck, and lifted him up.

The moment was up and the bird's strength was so strong that Strange couldn't breathe.

As a result, Strange's face turned red, his eyes gradually turned upward, and he looked like he was going to die at any moment.

There is no strength to use magic at all.


At this moment, a bolt of magic lightning hit the head of the bird whose time had come, directly punching through its head.

Strange was saved.


Strange took a big breath with great effort, greedily absorbing the fresh air.

"You should have been more careful."

Mordo walked out from the side and threw the scepter of the Apocalypse to Strange.

As a result, Strange failed to connect properly and was directly knocked down.

"Can't you be gentler?"

Strange looked at Modu helplessly and said.

Mordo just smiled.

Then he threw out a magic whip with his backhand and shot away the spirit body of the bird that was approaching from behind.

"Get up quickly. This monster is quite cunning and its methods are hard to guard against. Some mages are already dead."

Modu said solemnly.

"If we let these monsters escape, we will be in big trouble."

As soon as Modu finished speaking, he caught a glimpse of a figure running through the jungle quickly, trying to escape outside!

"Damn it! We can't let them escape!"

When Mo Du saw this, he immediately went to stop him.

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

But Strange had another approach.

I saw his hands rubbing and rotating together.

Then the surrounding environment actually changed following his movements.

Whether it is grass, trees, or valleys, they are now like building blocks, being picked up by Strange and rejoined and combined to form other strange shapes.

A complex maze of walls is formed to prevent the bird from escaping when the time is up.

"Mirror dimension, this trick is really suitable."

Modu commented after seeing this.

"Yeah, Huha, those bird-like ghosts, don't even think about running out."

Strange said it with a bit of pride.

Just as he was about to move forward, suddenly a swamp-like cave appeared on the ground behind him, and then a hand stretched out and grabbed Strange.

Before Strange could react, he was caught in the hole.

After Modu noticed the movement behind him, he immediately turned around and saw the black hole closing.


Modu quickly went up, but there was nothing on the ground in front of him except a pool of black liquid.

"Oops, that old man is also in this dimension and he escaped!"

Modu realized that something was wrong and looked nervously at the marks on the ground.


At this time, Strange was falling freely in a dark environment, screaming continuously.

Finally, it fell heavily into a pool of black water.


This space was filled with a stench that made Strange vomit heavily, almost vomiting out his internal organs.

"Why was I brought here? That damn old guy, can't you just calm down?"

Strange complained as he looked at his surroundings and immediately understood what was going on.


The next second, countless black water filled with strong corrosion surged out from all around, rushing towards Strange like a tsunami.

Upon seeing this, Strange immediately opened a magic shield to protect himself and block the flood.

"Die! Die!"

The scary old man's voice came from all directions.

Don't know where he is hiding.

You can tell from its voice that it has a very strong killing intent for Strange.

Obviously, it has a very amazing hatred for the culprit who trapped itself here and has been unable to get out.

"Sorry, I don't die that easily."

Facing the terrifying old man's murderous intention, Strange responded in a very serious manner.

Then he immediately opened the magic circle and shook his arms vigorously to both sides.

Create a very violent storm and isolate the flood waters.

He quickly looked around to find any trace of the scary old man, but unfortunately he couldn't see it anywhere.

Instead, I saw that in this dark space, there were many places where caves were being opened continuously, and a lot of black liquid was compressed into water balls, bombing towards Strange like cannons.

So Strange quickly rubbed the magic circle with his hands, and then slapped the ground hard.

A lot of very powerful thunder and lightning were released, bombarding the water balls in all directions.

Blast each water ball into countless water splashes one by one!

However, this was not over yet. The pool beneath Strange suddenly collapsed, causing him to fall downwards again.

And countless black water surged down together, wrapping Strange in it.

Fortunately, Strange knew very well how corrosive the black water here was.

Immediately cover your whole body with magical energy, forming a protective film to protect yourself.


The black water kept corroding the magic protective film on Strange's body, making a very permeable sizzling sound.

Now Strange is surrounded by black water and cannot stop maintaining the magic shield.

And now he continues to fall, and he doesn't know how long he will fall before his feet touch the ground.

"Okay, you want to hide and play with me, right? Then I'll play with you to the end, just in time to try some new magic!"

Strange's eyes became sharp and he had a bad idea in his mind.

"Darker than black, the pitch black of darkness, fused with my true red, the moment of awakening has arrived! Fall into the realm of infallibility and form invisible distortions! Appear!"


Strange is now using the new magic reward given to him by the screen after defeating the blood pool monster, Explosion Magic.

According to the screen, this move is very powerful.

Therefore, Strange has never dared to test casually outside.

It happens to be in the scary old man's pocket space now. No matter how much damage is done here, it will not affect the outside world.

So Strange decided to test the power of explosion magic here and teach the scary old man a lesson!

This move will drain away all the magic power, and Strange's magic power basically comes from Kama Taj's magic source.

At this moment, he felt that a steady stream of magic power was being drained away, which instantly made him feel very uncomfortable and his body gradually weakened.

"Wipe! Are you so powerful!"

At this moment Strange realized the power of explosion magic, but even more powerful things were yet to come.

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