American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 419 Throw the siren head into the blood pool

Clark immediately contacted Bruce Wayne via walkie-talkie.

Without a contract with the mirror monster, no one can stay in the mirror world for long.

Once the time exceeds, it will become particles and disappear.

Clark and the others could only stay longer.


When Clark contacted Bruce Wayne, a Siren Head appeared behind him and knocked him to the ground.

Then you can see several siren heads forming a surrounding formation, surrounding Clark, Diana, Arthur and Neptune.

Then their heads simultaneously emitted a cold light.

It actually froze the four of them and the street into ice.

“Buzz buzz!!”

The next second, the ice sculpture Clark transformed into trembled, and then he broke the ice directly from inside and broke free.

Then quickly release heat rays to melt the ice on Arthur, Diana and Neptune, helping them thaw.

Now that the four of them are becoming increasingly granulated, they don't know how long they can last.

On the other hand, Siren Heads have no problem with particleization at all.

"The final arrival!"

At this time, an electronic sound came.

I saw a motorcycle wrapped in a black cloak and charging like a drill.

Knocking over all the siren heads blocking the road in front of him one by one.

Finally, it stopped in front of Clark and the others.

When the black cloak is put away.

Bruce Wayne, who entered survival blast mode, appeared in front of them.

"Get in the car immediately!"

After hearing his words, the three Clarks immediately jumped on the motorcycle.

Arthur did not forget to put Neptune back into the Tyrannosaurus machine.

Bruce Wayne then drove his motorcycle directly into the mirror and returned to the real world.

The real world corresponding to this side is a prosperous commercial street. Suddenly, a group of people came out of the mirror, and many people were frightened.

So Clark immediately took everyone into the sky and landed anywhere to avoid being watched.

"Huhu, I almost thought I was going to die there, couldn't you have arrived earlier?"

Arthur sat on the ground, looked at his hands, and blamed Bruce Wayne.

"Sorry, it's a bit far away."

Bruce Wayne reluctantly apologized.

"Please take them out."

Diana suddenly said this.

"Of course."

After Bruce Wayne finished speaking, he raised his hand, and in his hand was a siren head that was many times smaller.

Because the trumpet head was destroyed, they were curling up in pain.

"This thing is really easy to use. Just throw it out and it will expand and shrink."

Bruce Wayne, take out a small ring on his belt.

This is a prop unique to Ant-Man that can make objects it encounters zoom in or out.

When Bruce Wayne came over to use the Final Arrival just now, he first shrunk these seriously injured siren heads and then took them away.

"You guys take a rest and continue to fight in the mirror world. Clark, please throw them into the blood pool, as well as the hallucination predators I collected."

After Bruce Wayne finished speaking, he handed Clark the siren head and the box containing the hallucination predator.

"Captain as you command."

Clark smiled at the two of them, not forgetting to tease them.

After all, the current Bruce Wayne is indeed giving orders like a captain.

This made Bruce Wayne not know how to answer the question.

"But why can those things stay in the mirror world forever and not become particles? It's really unfair."

Arthur complained as he leaned against the wall.

"I don't know about this, maybe it's a problem with their body structure."

Bruce Wayne lowered his head and thought.

He had thought about letting Siren Head become particles in the mirror world before so that he could be eliminated, but he didn't expect that it wouldn't work at all.

They have been inside for a long time without any signs of particle formation.

So Bruce Wayne changed his mind.

Throw the seriously injured Siren Head into the pool of blood.

Let them sink to another world in the blood pool, and they will no longer be able to make trouble here.

After thinking of this method, he simply threw the hallucination predator over.

As for whether he will come back, we can only tell later.

"Hey! Look!"

At this time, Diana anxiously pointed in the direction they came out before.

Others looked over one after another, and their expressions changed drastically.

They saw Siren Head actually coming out through the glass on the face of the glass building.

Their sudden appearance can frighten people and they run away.

"How could they run out of the glass on their own!"

Arthur shouted in shock.

"That's right! They have the ability to travel through space. They must have analyzed the principles of traveling through the mirror world and reality, and opened up a space channel!"

Bruce Wayne immediately comes to this bold conclusion.

If you could see his face under the mask, you would find that he looked particularly ugly.

"Clark, hurry into the blood pool and let us deal with it first!"

Bruce Wayne urged anxiously.

"Understood, I'll be back in a minute!"

After Clark finished speaking, he immediately took off like a rocket and rushed towards the blood pool at high speed.

Then the Darkwing Bat flew out of the mirror.

The three people immediately jumped on the back of the Dark Winged Bat and quickly approached the siren heads.

As soon as these siren heads came out of the mirror world, they launched sound waves directly to attack the front.

Because they are particularly angry now, they are inexplicably dragged into another world.

Then the companions were injured and taken away, and the humans ran away again, unable to take revenge.

Give Siren Head a much-needed kill and let out his inner roar!

However, just as the sound wave spread, a yellow barrier appeared in front, blocking the sound wave from attacking humans.

That yellow barrier was naturally made by Bruce Wayne using the yellow light ring!

"Mlocculant Karate·Yabu Same!"

Arthur's voice sounded from the air, and countless arrows of water fell from above, bombarding the heads of the siren heads like meteor showers.

At the same time, a lot of light falls to sweep them!

The sirens were unable to react for a moment.

The next second, Bruce Wayne, wearing the Ant-Man suit, suddenly grew huge and appeared in front of Siren Head.

Then he raised his arms, hugged several siren heads at the same time, and pushed them into the mirror world!

The battle in the DC Universe continues!

. . . . . .

leo world

In the world of Ultraman Leo, hallucinatory predators also appear and are distributed in several cities.

They don't have the speed as fast as the Flash or the skills to enter and exit the mirror world as conveniently as the Flash.

So Zhuhoshidan sent members of the MAC team to tell them the location of the Hallucination Predator and what it had become, and asked them to come and collect it.

At first, everyone didn't believe such an outrageous thing, but because of the captain's order, they could only believe it with suspicion.

As a result, when someone's hand was rotten by a hallucinated predator, they found out that it was true!

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