American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 420 Leo Brothers, Super Star God VS Siren Head

All members of the MAC team were shocked when they saw the 'slime' that had been turned into daily necessities and quietly corrupted human prey.

They ask themselves that they have seen many monsters and cosmic beings, and their experience is quite broad. What scenes have they not seen before?

But I have never seen this kind before!

"What the captain said is true, there is such a monster!"

"Yeah, it's incredible. It would be incredible if it completely penetrated every place."

The members of the MAC team discussed the hallucination predator one by one.

In one area alone, they collected a lot, all of which were stuffed into special corrosion-resistant boxes.

"But if we are here to deal with these little things, doesn't it matter if we don't care about the Ultraman and monsters that are fighting?"

One of the team members said this.

The reason why he said that.

It's because it's on an uninhabited island near Japan.

The Leo brothers and five Super Star God robots are fighting fiercely with more than a dozen siren heads!

Originally these siren heads appeared in the city.

However, the Leo brothers and the Super Star God Robot were brought to the uninhabited island at lightning speed and at the fastest speed to avoid further casualties.

The two sides immediately launched an earth-shattering battle.

The whole uninhabited island was shaken.

Originally, the defense team and MAC team should have rushed over to support at this time.

However, they were dissuaded by the Star Clans, thinking that as long as they had the support of the Super Star God Robot, it would be enough.

Because other people will only die if the fighter jets approach them casually.

At first, the higher-ups thought it was inappropriate to do this, but it was not until the news from the Star Clusters and the alarming destructive power of Siren Head that the higher-ups agreed.

Leave everything to the Leo brothers and the Super Star God Robot to solve.


Leo slashed the head of the charging siren with a spinning hand knife, and a lot of sparks were fired from behind the head of the siren.

This blow made the siren head squat on the ground in pain.

Then Leo jumped up and hit him with an elbow.

Smash the head of this speaker with force!

At this moment Leo was covered by a dazzling light, and the next second his body started to catch fire!

This was caused by the high temperature and bright light from the siren head.

Seeing this, Libaia-san, who was standing next to Leo, immediately waved his two swords to create a splash of water, extinguishing the flames on Leo's body.

Just after this delay, the two siren heads rushed over like fighter planes and directly hit Libai Yasan.

When Leo didn't react, he punched him directly and knocked him away.

"Bang bang bang!!"

In the next second, several light cannons hit the heads of the two siren heads, destroying their trumpet heads.

This caused the two siren heads to fall to the ground in pain.

The source of this light cannon is Steel Sisa's two machine guns.

He continuously fires lasers, bombarding the surrounding siren heads.

Then those siren heads disappeared one after another and avoided the laser.

Then he quickly came to Gang Xisa to recover his physical form and kicked him out with a kick.


Astra took advantage of the moment when those siren heads regained their physical form, and immediately used Astra Flying Kick, continuously kicking the horn heads of two siren heads.

At the same time, Garuda swung his blade up and pierced the siren head's head.


The next second, several siren heads emitted dazzling bright lights.

The light this time was particularly cold, causing half of Astra and Garuda's bodies to freeze! Hard to move.

Dorukunos and Gunteras then stood in front of Astra and Garuda.

At the same time, it releases light and launches missiles to bomb the group of siren heads.

Then these siren heads distorted the space in front of them, reflecting the attacks of Gunteras and Dorukunos back and falling on them.

As a result, there was a big explosion all over their bodies and on the ground around them!

This is not over yet, the siren heads released very terrifying sound waves one after another.

The sound wave was so powerful that it rushed to the opposite side like a tsunami, crushing and collapsing everything it passed!

The next second, Astra, Garuda, Gunteras and Dorukunos were enveloped by the terrifying sound waves of Siren Head.

I feel extremely severe pain inside and outside my body and my brain. I feel as if I am being grabbed and kneaded by force, as if my body is about to explode at any moment! !

"Bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!"

The three robots exploded with sparks all over their bodies.

This terrifying sound wave caused their parts to vibrate, causing internal malfunctions and explosions!

Garuda and Dorukunos were the first to be unable to bear it and fell to the ground one after another.


At this moment, a ray of light shot out and fell on the ground at the feet of the siren heads, causing a terrible explosion!

The explosion directly shattered the ground, causing the siren heads to fall to the ground.

This light was emitted by Leo!

"Bang! Bang!"

Gunteras continued to emit sparks all over his body, parts failed, and he launched his two fists.

Smashed the trumpet heads of two siren heads!

After delivering this final blow, Gunteras fell to the ground with no function.

At the same time, Libaiasan and Gangsisa ran behind the remaining siren heads that were stuck in the ground and had not yet come out.

One wielded two swords, and the other fired cannons in the face.

Film and Television beat the heads of four siren heads to pieces.

Just when he was about to attack the fifth one.

The siren head immediately dematerialized its body and allowed the attacks behind it to pass through it.

Then suddenly disappeared.

Then he suddenly appeared behind Libaiasan and Gangxisa.

Keeping the virtual body, pass your hands through the bodies of the two robots.

The next second the reporter saw it, it immediately returned to its physical form and pulled out its arm forcefully!

This pull directly caused the two Super Star God robots to be disemboweled, and many parts inside were pulled out.

Steelsisar and Libaiasan fell down powerlessly after receiving such damage.


At this time Leo rushed in front of the siren head and used Leo Flying Kick.

Kick the siren head's horn.

Let the siren head also fall down helplessly.

"Buzz buzz!!"

The next second, another strong sound wave struck, covering Leo like a storm.

Put him in great pain.

Then two siren heads rushed over and hit Leo's chest, knocking him away.

Astra hurried over to catch Leo.

"Brother, are you okay!"

Astra was panting as he spoke, the timer on his chest was flashing, and there was no longer enough energy.


Leo endured the pain in his body and reluctantly stood up.

Then immediately share the energy with Astra. He has unlimited energy and can share as much as he wants.

There are still five siren heads that can still fight, and they are glaring at Brother Leo menacingly.

To avenge a seriously injured comrade.

"Buzz buzz!!!"


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