The sudden lightning shocked the family of four.

They quickly looked over and saw a man dressed in red and carrying a box appearing in front of them.

"Hello, good morning."

The visitor was none other than Barry, who waved hello to the family of four with an embarrassed look on his face.

"What do you want to do?"

The man asked as he tried to calm down.

"Well, maybe you won't believe it, but the ketchup in your hands is actually a monster."

After Barry finished speaking, he immediately grabbed the ketchup.

Then he kept shaking his arms up and down vigorously.

Release a strong electric current and shock the bottle of ketchup.

Faced with a violent electric shock, the bottle of ketchup did not explode.

Instead, the surface squirmed and turned into a lump that looked like slime.

This thing is trying to corrupt Barry's hand.

It's just that Barry's gloves and full-body armor were specially developed by Bruce Wayne and are extremely corrosion-resistant.

"Is this the Hallucination Predator? It looks so disgusting."

Barry looked at the 'slime' in his hand and complained.

Then he looked at the family of four who looked confused, which made him very embarrassed.

"Well, it's okay now, bye."

After Barry finished speaking, he quickly turned into a bolt of lightning and ran out.

Barry didn't just go to one house and forget about it. Instead, he followed the same pattern and kept going to every place in the metropolis according to the coordinates given to him by Bruce Wayne.

Many of the phantom predators that appear in the DC universe are in the metropolis, and the rest are in other sporadic cities.

It takes a long time to hunt.

Barry relied on his extraordinary speed to cover several places in almost one minute.

Break into someone's house and take what the hallucinatory predator turned into in front of their eyes.

I don’t know how many jokes were made during this period.

Suddenly bumping into the scene of an affair, the hallucinated predator happened to become a byt. Not to mention how embarrassing it was when Barry took it from the man's hand.

However, the most troublesome thing is the follow-up problem.

If Barry does this, everyone will see with their own eyes that there are monsters in their daily belongings, not to mention how big a sensation it will cause.

In less than half an hour, word of this incident spread throughout the metropolis.

Everyone was in panic, and no one knew whether the thing around them might be some kind of monster.

At the same time, there are also good people who want to follow Barry's footsteps and watch the excitement.

As for how to find it? Of course it was the scorched marks left on the ground when Barry ran.

"Bruce, I've caused a huge stir!"

Barry runs to the top of a building to contact Bruce Wayne.

At the same time, he threw the hallucination predator in his hand into the box on his back.

"There's nothing we can do about it. Only you can run around quickly and shorten the containment time."

At this time, Bruce Wayne is sheltering hallucinated predators in a city far away from the metropolis.

In a certain house, a family was watching TV and chatting. They didn't even notice that their shower gel jumped into the mirror.

mirror world

That bottle of shower gel became a hallucinatory predator.

Then someone appears out of nowhere.

He's wearing Ant-Man's suit.

"This thing is really powerful."

Bruce Wayne's voice comes from Ant-Man's helmet.

He pressed his neck and opened his helmet, revealing the Night Rider's helmet.

Now Bruce Wayne has become Night Rider and also put on Ant-Man's suit.

His method is to reach the location of the phantom predator in the mirror world.

Then zoom out and enter the real world, bringing the hallucination predator to the mirror world.

Bruce Wayne throws the Hallucination Predator into a prepared special box.

It also contains many hallucinatory predators.

"Okay, let's go to the next place."

After Bruce Wayne finished speaking, he jumped on the back of Darkwing Bat.

He then looked at the screen showing the location of the hallucinated predator.

Then looked at another screen.

There it shows Superman, Arthur and Diana fighting a bunch of Siren Heads!

This is Bruce Wayne's plan. Bringing Siren Head to fight in the mirror world can avoid unnecessary damage to the real world.

It takes a lot of effort to do this.

At first, he and Darkwing Bat could take some by surprise and get some into the mirror world.

But the siren heads behind seemed to be aware of it and were on guard.

As a result, Diana and the others needed to fight first and divert their attention before they could find an opportunity to pull them into the mirror world.

In the mirror world, in a small town.


Diana shouted while wielding the Sword of Victory, throwing out countless meteor-like blades.

Drop and bomb towards the siren head in front!

These siren heads exploded with intense sound waves, causing the pile of meteor blades to explode in the air and turn into countless light spots before they even touched them.

At this time, Arthur stood beside the siren heads, with water on his right hand.

Then he threw the water out with all his strength!

"Murloc Karate! Hit the water!"

The water in Arthur's hand shot out like a cannonball.

That's not all yet. There was a basin next to him, and he quickly put his hands in it to grab some water.

Then his arms rotated like windmills, constantly throwing water out!

"Boom! Boom!"

Some siren heads were hit one after another.

The water hits their trumpet heads and explodes with astonishing destructive power.

The trumpet head was dented in half!

This is the most important source of power for Siren Head. Once this is destroyed, he immediately loses most of his power and his body is shaky, unable to continue fighting.


Diana seized this opportunity and swung her sword continuously, throwing out many blades turned into light, hitting the siren head on the head.

Adding insult to injury to their already damaged horns, ensuring they can no longer use any abilities!


At this moment, the buildings behind Arthur continued to be destroyed.

If you look carefully, you can see that there are two siren heads, rushing towards Arthur at full speed. When they get behind him, they punch him!

Move at high speed, coupled with its own strength.

The power of Siren Head's punch is huge!

However, when the fists of the two siren heads were about to hit Arthur.

Their legs were suddenly hit, causing them to lose their balance and fall heavily.

"Well done!"

Arthur shouted looking the other way.

Neptunemon was seen spinning his trident on the street.

Turns out he was the one who made Siren Head fall.

At this time, two light waves fell from above, hitting the heads of the two siren heads one by one.

Blow their horns off.

The source of the light waves is Clark in the sky.

He formed a triangle with his hands and used the Qigong Cannon.

This move is more powerful than the heat rays released from both eyes, and is very suitable for destroying Siren Head's head.

At this moment, Clark saw that his body seemed to be turning into sand, dissipating little by little.

"No! Bruce, our time in the Mirror World is up!"

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