"How could this happen, Orochimaru, why is there such a terrifying army!"

Danzo looked at the vast army of monsters opposite him in disbelief.

He has experienced countless wars and has never seen such a scene.

Even when the blood pool monster invaded before, he hid in Gen's underground base and did not dare to come out. How could he have seen the monster up close in person?

At this moment, he felt very small and stupid.

"You idiot!"

After Tsunade finished speaking angrily, she threw Danzo directly to the ground, regardless of how he was thrown.

Instead, he looked solemnly at the army of C-virus monsters on the opposite side.

"Tsunade, we meet again."

At this time Orochimaru appeared on top of a monster.

"Is this the monster you made? Your taste is very bad, it's very ugly."

Tsunade sarcastically said with a sneer.

"Haha, don't say that. After all, this is difficult to make. You also need to correct your name. They are not monsters, they are super beasts."

Orochimaru said with a smile.

"Let me test the power of my new work with you."

After Orochimaru finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

I don’t know how he did it, but he snapped his fingers so loudly.

Communicate to every C-virus monster.

Let them rush towards Konoha Village!


Here they come!

"Idiot, why don't you hurry up and fight!"

"But! I'm so scared!"

Many chunin and jounin were unable to remain calm at this moment.

The previous C-virus crisis and blood pool monster attacks.

Make a very deep impression on them.

Now they encountered each other again, both of them together, which greatly stimulated their psychological defenses.

Only a few ninjas have the guts to prepare for battle.


At this moment, Tsunade roared loudly and burst out with a very strong overlord-like domineering energy.

Suppress the monster army on the opposite side.

In addition to the zombies that have lost their senses, most of the javo monsters and super beasts that are still conscious are affected by Tsunade's terrifying Haki.

Unable to move on for a while, many javos even fainted.

As a result, the monster army on the opposite side instantly lost one-third of its combat strength.


Seeing this scene, many people had to be stunned, and then looked at Tsunade with various eyes.

"Everyone prepare to fight!"

Tsunade shouted the order with a tone that left no room for doubt.

"I know that each of you is very scared! But think about your families and what's behind you. Are you willing to let these monsters invade our home! We must fight to the end!"

Tsunade shouted angrily.

At the same time, the fire dragon emblem on her body glowed.

I saw Tsunade put her hands in a lotus shape, gathering the energy of the Flame Red Dragon Fist, three different powers of chakra and haki into her hands, creating a fireball full of powerful power.

"Fire Red Dragon Bullet!"

Tsunade fired fire bombs from her hands.

Hit the zombie army that is still coming, causing a very terrifying explosion!

Directly killed thousands of zombies!


After one move, Tsunade quickly jumped in front of a super beast with a snake head, an ox body and a sickle and weasel tail.

She raised her right arm, the weapon color was covered in black, the overlord color was wrapped in domineering energy, the chakra hit, and the flame power of the Flame Red Dragon Fist was compressed in the fist.

Then hit the monster's head with all your strength!


The flame energy produced an astonishing explosion, directly blowing a large bloody hole in the super beast's head.

Not only that, she also uses the characteristics of high-level armed color and domineering.

Pass the power into the super beast's head and attack the inside at the same time!

This super beast was seriously injured and fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Then Tsunade did a backflip and landed on the ground under the shocked eyes of all the ninjas.

"Everyone fight together to protect the village!"

Tsunade shouted angrily.


Seeing Tsunade showing off her power, the ninjas abandoned their fear at this moment and instead boosted their morale.

They all shouted excitedly.

Then he rushed towards the C-Virus monster army on the opposite side, using various ninjutsu, throwing kunai, and detonating talismans to fight!

Now that Tsunade was fighting, the domineering aura she exuded was weakened.

Let the C-virus monsters no longer be restrained and rush towards the ninjas to attack!

Among them, the alien javo was the fastest, running quickly among the ninjas and using various physical techniques to attack ninjas from all directions.

Because the movements of the alien javo are so fast, many ninjas are unable to react.


Only Kakashi captured the movements of the alien javo through his Sharingan.

Immediately use Chidori to cut off the heads of several alien javos.

At this moment, some alien javos formed seals and used ninjutsu attacks.

As a result, some more ninjas were killed and injured.

But now everyone is in a stage of high morale improvement, and they are fighting back desperately without fear of death!

At this time, those super beasts also began to take action.

They walked towards the village but did not attack.

However, even if they do nothing, just because of their terrifying size, every move they make will cause terrible damage!

Tsunade knew very well that only she could fight against these super beasts.

Planning on finding a way to get them further away.

So as not to destroy the village.

At this moment, a large number of extremely long logs suddenly appeared on the ground under the feet of the group of super beasts, and the wood was particularly flat and wide, just covering the feet of each super beast.

Then the wood was quickly transported in the opposite direction to the wooden leaves like a conveyor belt.

He actually forcibly teleported all these super beasts into the distance!


Seeing this scene, Tsunade had to be stunned, and then immediately looked around.

Naruto didn't know when he appeared at the entrance of the village, slapping his hands on the ground with a smile on his face.

Apparently he used Wood Escape.

"Grandma Tsunade! Go ahead and kill those super beasts!!"

Naruto shouted to Tsunade with a thumbs up.

"Naruto, thank you."

Tsunade smiled when she saw Naruto helping.

Then immediately chased the super beasts who were teleported far away.

These super beasts finally reacted after being teleported far away.

He immediately breathed out flames and lightning destroyed the wood beneath him to stop himself.

"Oh my god, you still use this method."

Orochimaru didn't expect such an operation and had to feel helpless.

At this time, Tsunade had caught up and was staring at Orochimaru.

"I swear in the name of Hokage that I will never let you destroy Konoha!"

After Tsunade finished speaking, she burst out with a very powerful force.

"Haha, then give it a try and let me see how your training in the Cosmic Beast Fist goes."

Orochimaru sneered.

The super beasts formed seals with their hands and used various ninjutsu to attack Tsunade!

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