Tsunade's sudden words instantly changed Danzo's expression.

However, what happened next made Danzo even more desperate.

"And you actually use the C virus. Could it be that you have already made some kind of deal with Orochimaru."

Tsunade was looking at Danzo with more and more murderous eyes.

Danzo never expected that Tsunade seemed to have the ability to read minds or have precognition.

He actually knows what he wants to do.

Then he stopped hiding it and said nothing in particular.

He immediately pulled off the bandage on his hand and used hold to attack Tsunade.

But at the same time.

Tsunade burst out with extremely strong overlord-colored Haki, covering Danzo's body.

Danzo now felt as if his whole body had been injected with lead, and his body was extremely heavy.

Make him have to kneel down!

"That's true. Fortunately, I saw the future."

Tsunade breathed out thankfully.

When she was meditating just now, she saw the future a few minutes in the future through the visceral haqi.

She sees Danzo coming to her and giving her water.

As a result, she was infected with the C virus and turned into a zombie.

Finally killed by Danzo.

Tsunade was shocked when she first saw this future.

He didn't expect Danzo to harm himself.

Then thinking about how dirty Danzo's hands were and how concerned he was about the Hokage's position, Tsunade felt that Danzo would probably do this.

As for why Tsunade was able to cultivate the Haki of seeing and hearing to the point of meeting the future.

That's because after borrowing the power of the fire dragon, she also increased the intensity of her domineering power.

It awakened her to the high-level skills of seeing and hearing color, armed color and overlord color's domineering aura.

"Why! I thought you were just a little selfish, but would not do anything harmful to Konoha, but why did you want to assassinate me!"

When Tsunade said this, she felt extremely angry.


The domineering look seemed to echo her anger.

There was a crack of thunder.

The whole room was filled with black lightning.

Destroy floors and furniture!

"What kind of power is this? This is not ninjutsu or chakra!"

Danzo looked at Tsunade in disbelief.

He had never seen such power.

"answer my question!"

Of course, Tsunade could not answer Danzo kindly, but was condescending and aggressive, repeating the previous question.

"Haha, I am doing all this for Konoha! The power you have is too strong! Not only you but also Jiraiya and Naruto, you have lost control!"

Seeing this, Danzo simply broke the pot and expressed his inner thoughts.

"So, you don't hesitate to make Konoha lose its powerful power, but you also want to kill me, so that you can firmly hold the position of Hokage without being threatened, right?"

Having said this, Tsunade's pupils gradually emitted strong murderous intent.

I never expected that Danzo would ignore the safety of Konoha for his own selfish desires!

She really couldn't imagine what Konoha would become if she died.

If Danzo takes the position of Hokage, who knows what he will do!

"I am doing all this for Konoha! Only under my control! Konoha can be better! Why can't you listen to me honestly and contribute the power you have so that I can control it! Then I can I won’t attack you!”

Danzo angrily yelled at Tsunade, completely unaware of his fault.

In his eyes, everything he did was right.

He's doing this all for Konoha!

"Let me ask you another question. Where is Orochimaru? What deal did you make with him? It couldn't be that you just bought a C-Virus potion."

Tsunade ignored Danzo's outburst and asked what she wanted.


"If I tell you, will you let me go?"

Danzo asked after calming down.

"That depends on what you did."

Tsunade replied coldly.


At this moment, Tsunade saw the future again through the sight color Haki.

The expression had to change.

Then he turned his head hard and looked out the window.

"Orochimaru, you bastard! He actually attacked Konoha again. Is this the deal between you and Orochimaru?"

Tsunade gritted her teeth and stared at Danzo with eyes almost bursting with fire.

She never expected that Danzo would do this.

"What do you know!"

Danzo looked at Tsunade in shock.

He did reach cooperation with Orochimaru in this regard.

As long as Danzo kills Tsunade, then give a signal to Orochimaru.

Orochimaru will release zombies to attack Konoha.

When the time comes, there will be no leader because of Tsunade's death, and Konoha will be in danger.

At that time, Danzo would lead Gen out again and take charge of the overall situation to kill zombies.

That way he can gain popularity and naturally secure his position as Hokage!

"You idiot, show me clearly what stupid thing you did!"

Tsunade angrily slapped Danzo.

Then he directly grabbed Danzo and kicked the window open.

Just jump out and quickly jump between buildings.

Arrive at the outskirts of Konoha Ninja Village.

"woo woo woo woo!!!"

At this time, the alarm of an enemy attack sounded in Konoha.

Awakening countless ninjas.

I saw many zombie monsters approaching outside the Konoha Ninja Village.

Javo, zombies, zombie dogs, screamers, hyperemic zombies, fat guys and various evolutions of javo.

There is also someone of the opposite sex among them.

However, if you look closely, you will find that this group of aliens is completely different from the regular aliens.

First, their heads have many eyes.

Moreover, some members of the opposite sex have sickles in their arms, some have shields in their arms, some aliens have legs like locusts, and some even have aliens with mouths on the back of their heads.

This is the alien javo transformed from the C virus.

Whether it is combat effectiveness or efficiency, it is definitely far stronger than the javo transformed by humans.

However, this is not the most important thing.

The most important thing is that behind this zombie army are more than a dozen monsters about tens of meters tall.

This group of monsters looks particularly strange, like a suture of many animals.

Various tails, wings, body shapes, and heads are all different.

Made into various shapes.

Not to mention how weird it is.

"It's zombies! It's monsters! They appeared together!"

"How could this happen! We finally got through the crisis!"

"It's over now, what should I do?"

Many ninjas outside the Konoha Ninja Village were shocked and dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

Suddenly there were many thoughts of ninja losing the battle.

They couldn't help but fell to their knees.

Before the battle even started, despair was already spreading in the hearts of many ninjas.

"Do you see clearly! This is the price of your deal with Orochimaru! He wants to destroy Konoha!"

Tsunade grabbed Danzo's hair and lifted him up so that he could see the scene in front of him clearly.

Danzo looked at the army of zombies and monsters in front of him in disbelief.

He had thought that Orochimaru's zombies would be troublesome before, but he never thought that even monsters would appear. This was completely beyond his defense measures!

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