"Yeah! He actually knows ninjutsu!"

Tsunade was surprised to see these super beasts actually using ninjutsu attacks.

There are fireballs, water dragon bombs, rock attacks, wind blades, thunder and lightning, and more!

So he immediately jumped around to avoid the ninjutsu attacks.

"By the way, Orochimaru said that he used ninjas to cultivate aliens, and then used psychic beasts as the material for super beasts."

Tsunade immediately understood why these super beasts used ninjutsu, and her expression suddenly became very bad.

When she landed, she quickly rushed towards the super beasts.

She was very fast and kept changing directions and positions while running.

Leaves a lot of afterimages.

It creates the illusion that Tsunade is everywhere.

The super beasts don't know that much, they only know that they will attack Tsunade when they see her.

So he immediately launched attacks non-stop, using various ninjutsu to attack the afterimages of Tsunade that were everywhere.

Although the momentum was huge, there were many big explosions.

But it is impossible to hit Tsunade with one move!


Tsunade approached a head that resembled a sickle and weasel. It had a long head and sharp teeth, but its lower body had a bumpy snake body and several super beasts like centipede legs.

"Fire Red Dragon Bullet!"

Tsunade quickly condensed a fireball and threw it into the mouth of the super beast.


With a violent big explosion sounded.

A very powerful explosion occurred in the mouth of this super beast, and a lot of blood exploded from it.

As a result, it couldn't breathe and fell to the ground in great discomfort.

However, even with such serious injuries, this super beast still stood up and attacked Tsunade.

Tsunade immediately did a backflip to dodge, and at the same time looked at the super beast with doubts as he continued to attack even though he was seriously injured.

"Won't you stop even after being hurt like this? Don't super beasts feel pain?"

Just when Tsunade thought so.

There was a super beast with both arms full of tentacles, and it swung its tentacles and hit Tsunade.

After Tsunade sensed the danger behind her with the help of her Haki.

Immediately move to the right and distance yourself to avoid the attack.

However, at this moment another super beast appeared behind Tsunade.

It swung its tail and slapped Tsunade on the back, trying to knock her away!

Tsunade clung to the super beast's tail, holding back the pain.

Fortunately, she had already used the armored haki to strengthen her body's defense, and then used the power of the flame red dragon to strengthen her haki to further enhance her defense.

That way you won't suffer much harm.

And Tsunade grabbed the tail behind her with her backhand, then used both hands to stand upside down, and then stood directly on the tail.

Just as the Super Beast stopped swishing its tail, Tsunade immediately ran towards the Super Beast's body along its tail at full speed!

The super beast next to him noticed Tsunade's movements and immediately swung his claws over.

It doesn’t matter whether it will harm other super beasts.

It smashed into the ground together with the super beast's tail.


This made the super beast feel quite angry, and he immediately slapped the super beast that attacked him with his backhand.

Then the two super beasts attacked each other directly in this situation.

Because the movement was too big, it also hit the nearby super beasts.

This suddenly led to a rather chaotic scene.

This super beast immediately counterattacked after being hit, and happened to hit the super beast on the other side.

Then when the super beast fought back, it accidentally hit the super beast next to it.

It just kept repeating.

These dozen super beasts suddenly forgot their original purpose and focused on fighting each other.

This actually gives Tsunade a good opportunity!

Tsunade immediately jumped on top of the super beast that flicked its tail to attack her.

Lift your right foot high, harden the armed domineering energy, wrap around the overlord domineering energy, gather a large amount of chakra, concentrate the power of the fire dragon, and strengthen the other two powers!

Three forces are compressed in the foot.

Then he stomped on the head of the super beast under his feet!


The power of this kick was extremely powerful, and it directly crushed the skull of this super beast.

The huge impact penetrated directly into the brain of this super beast, destroying its brain and killing it!

After killing a super beast, Tsunade immediately jumped towards the super beast next to her.

Now this group of super beasts are so busy fighting among themselves that they don't care about Tsunade at all.

This gave Tsunade a good opportunity to punch the other Super Beast through the head!

"What are you doing! Why don't you focus on dealing with Tsunade!"

Just then Orochimaru's voice came.

Orochimaru was seen standing on a tree not far away, glaring at the super beast he had cultivated and roaring angrily.

After hearing Orochimaru's order, the super beasts realized what they should do now.

So he quickly continued to attack the super beast.

Although Tsunade can escape the siege of the super beasts with great difficulty, it also reduces the efficiency of counterattack.

"Really, although they are excellent weapons, without wisdom, if they get together, they will easily lead to infighting."

Orochimaru watched this scene calmly, analyzing the problems of the super beast and recording them for later improvement.


Just then Jiraiya's roar came.

Orochimaru immediately turned around and saw Jiraiya flying over quickly!

"Jiraiya, can you leave the blood pool?"

Orochimaru didn't panic at all when he saw Jiraiya's appearance. Instead, he talked to Jiraiya very calmly.

"You don't have to worry, I've already left my clone there!"

Jiraiya shouted while glaring at Orochimaru.

"Where is your real body! Don't think I don't know that you are just a clone here now!"

"Haha, do you think I will tell you?"

Orochimaru sneered twice, mocking Jiraiya's naivety.

"No matter where you hide, I will definitely find you out. Don't think you can destroy Konoha with these monsters!"

Jiraiya pointed at Orochimaru and scolded.

"Haha, destroy Konoha? Jiraiya, your vision is too small."

After hearing Jiraiya's words, Orochimaru immediately sneered twice.

"Do you know what monsters, viruses, and zombies mean? They are a new force independent of ninjas."

Orochimaru said so.

"Only the ninjas of the five major countries in the world have strong combat power. The ninjas of other small countries are basically weak, and there are even few ninjas."

"So small countries can only rely on big countries and find ways to obtain resources to enhance their own strength. If you tell them at this time that there are new options to enhance combat power, what do you think will happen?"

When Orochimaru said this, he showed a sinister smile.

"What! Are you going to sell these monsters?"

At this moment, Jiraiya immediately understood Orochimaru's intention.

"Haha, that's right. If that happens, the future Ninja World War will no longer be dominated by ninjas, but will be like today. At the same time, the balance between countries will be broken, bringing a new war to a scale that is unmatched by any previous Ninja World War!"

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