After seeing Leo and Astra, Severn immediately flew over. Leo looked particularly hard at this time.


Leo kept gasping for air. Every time he took a breath, he felt a special burning pain from his chest to his lungs, and every part of his body was screaming, as if he was about to collapse at any time.

This is the price of using Kaioken 20 times.

No matter how powerful Leo is, he still can't withstand 20 times his own strength.

"Brother Leo, are you okay? What happened with that move you just made? The sudden increase in strength is very taxing on your body!"

Astra was worried about Leo.

"Don't worry, I'm fine, I just need to rest for a while, hahaha..."

Leo said half-heartedly.

"Astra is right, Leo, what you need now is to rest."

By this time Severn had come over.

"Seven, why didn't you turn on the light?"

Leo looked at Severn's flashing crystal lamp and said in surprise.

"Excessive consumption of telekinesis is not a problem. Now there will be no more monsters emerging from the blood pool. What we have to do is to clean up the remaining monsters."

Seven looked at the remaining blood pool monsters and got into a fighting stance.

"Okay, but afterwards, you must explain clearly what happened."

Astra also took a stance, ready to fight.

"I'm going too. Although I feel very uncomfortable, I can still deal with these monsters."

Leo won't just rest nearby, he also has to get into the fight.

. . . . . .

Tiga Universe

Ultraman Tiga and Red Lotus Knightmon fight against many blood pool monsters.

In this world, they are the only two who have the ability to fight against so many monsters, and they don't have the unlimited energy and buff amplification power of Seven Leo, so they have a hard time fighting.

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

Red Lotus Knightmon fired a beam at a group of monsters that were about to run out of the island, killing them all. As a result, the next second, he was knocked away by a huge tail.

Before Red Lotus Knightmon could stand up, a thousand-meter-large monster that looked like a Tyrannosaurus rex but was more bloated and had distorted facial features stepped down on Red Lotus Knightmon.

At this moment, Tiga flew into the monster's mouth, fired the Zepeli Ao ray, and directly penetrated the monster's throat, causing it to fall dead on the spot.

"Yeah! Ha!"

Then Diga switched to the powerful form and actually pushed the body of the Tyrannosaurus rex and rushed towards the other monsters at full speed.

Diga is using the huge body of the Tyrannosaurus Rex corpse to crush other smaller monsters.

This kind of operation can indeed crush countless monsters into meat paste in an instant!

"Boom, boom, boom!!"

But just after Diga crushed countless monsters, he suddenly suffered many missile attacks and was blown away in countless explosions.

I saw a monster with extremely short arms and legs, a round body, a body made of metal, all over the turret, a head like a lizard, and a huge monster that was 1,000 meters tall.

This monster was firing missiles all over its body, bombarding Tiga mercilessly.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!!"

The horrific explosions were like dazzling explosions, covering nearly half of the island in gunfire.

Under such bombing, not only Diga was seriously injured and fell to the ground, but many monsters were also killed by the explosion.


Lina in Feiyan 2 immediately launched a Texas beam to attack the robot.

But for this gigantic thousand-meter-long robot, Feiyan-2's attack was too weak.

Although TPC has now mobilized many Feiyan ships to support them, even the Atdis has brought them over and bombarded them with the cannons formed by the Max power system.

It can only fight against monsters less than 200 meters in size.

It won't help at all if you encounter something bigger.

"Damn it, where did so many huge monsters come from? How are we going to fight them!"

Seeing so many monsters in all directions that were beyond recognition, Xincheng screamed in annoyance.

"We can only fight with all our might."

Zongfang is also sweating profusely now. He, who has always been calm, doesn't know what to do at this moment. There is no other way but to fight to the end!


At this time, Diga let out a war cry and stood up with all his strength.

Looking at the thousand-meter-large robot in front of him, it was constantly firing missiles into the distance.

This island is not far from the mainland. Its missiles have fallen on cities on the mainland, setting off countless big explosions. It is unknown how many people died in the explosions.

In order to protect that group of people, Tiga had to stand up no matter what.

"Don't underestimate me, don't underestimate humans!"

Dagu roared with all his strength, then raised his arms, crossed them on his forehead, and lowered them hard.

The next second, Diga immediately switched to the air type.

Then Diga turned into a ray of light, passed through countless missiles at full speed, flew in front of the huge robot, and then got directly into a gun port.

"Buzz buzz!!"

The next second, a dazzling light emitted from part of the muzzle of this huge robot.


Then there was an explosion inside the giant robot, and all the muzzles were spraying explosive fire waves.

Immediately afterwards, countless cracks appeared on the surface of the robot, and finally a huge explosion directly occurred, turning into countless fragments. The terrifying explosion wave directly killed many nearby monsters.

Looking carefully, Diga's figure was thrown out and landed heavily on the sea.


Seeing that Tiga was seriously injured, the Red Lotus Knightmon immediately waved the knight gun to destroy the monsters it encountered while flying towards Tiga.


Seeing that Diga was seriously injured, all the members of the victory team had to be extremely worried.

"Master, are you okay?"

Red Lotus Knightmon slowly helped Tiga up and expressed concern.


Dagu reluctantly spoke out, wanting to prove that he was fine.

But the flashing red light on the timer on Diga's chest had exposed his situation.

"Damn it, I still have to keep fighting. Monsters are still emerging from the blood pool, but how can I stop monsters from continuing to emerge from the blood pool? Use the power to destroy the earth to shock me? But how can I do it now? "

Dagu is very anxious now and has no idea what to do. He now feels that he is extremely incompetent and cannot protect the earth at all.

"Come on Tiga."

"Tiga will definitely win!"

"Come on!"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Diga felt that there were many children's voices in his ears, but the voices were very clear, and there were more and more, and they even came in any language.

"This is?"

Diga looked around in confusion, not understanding what was going on.

However, what Dagu didn't notice was that the battle here had been known to many people. Now, there were many news media helicopters in the sky that were not afraid of death, broadcasting live broadcasts of the situation here.

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