Now most places in the world are broadcasting the battle in the blood pool.

That boundless, densely packed monster like a dark cloud definitely makes everyone feel great fear.

A monster is a huge disaster for humans.

And a large group of countless monsters is simply the end of the world.

Now people's hope is TPC and Ultraman Tiga, so they can only keep praying for support, hoping that they can win.

Especially children, in their eyes, Tiga is invincible, so they will choose to support Tiga unconditionally.

So much support is constantly reaching Dagu's ears. I don't know why he heard so much support. He was originally tired, but he gradually gained strength.

"Did you hear Red Lotus Knightmon? Everyone's support."

Diga stood up hard and asked Red Lotus Knightmon.

"Huh? I didn't hear anything."

Red Lotus Knightmon shook his head, indicating that he heard nothing.

"Really? However, this is all true. No one has given up and still chooses to believe in me. No, there are also my companions."

Dagu looked at the fighter planes in the sky that were fighting fiercely with the monsters.

Through the aircraft body, he saw how hard each pilot worked to control the aircraft.

Especially the members of the victory team were also aware of their mortality. Even Xincheng, which had the highest crash rate, actually performed exceptionally well today and did not crash.

Looking at the hard work of my colleagues and listening to the sincere support.

Dagu, who was originally tired, gradually became full of strength and stood up again.

"I must shoot out a light that can destroy the planet and enter the blood pool to prevent those monsters from coming over. Can I do it now?"

Dagu looked at his hands. He had never tried such a powerful light.

And now he still doesn't have enough energy to exert that much power.

Just when Da Gu was distressed, he saw on the screen that the stars were sending him a message.

Zhu Hoshiclus: Dagu, although I don’t know much about the Ultraman in your universe, I should be able to go to the sun to replenish energy. Now you fly to the sun to replenish energy!

"Go to the sun to replenish your energy!"

Dagu was slightly stunned after seeing this message. He had never tried such a way to replenish energy.

"No matter what, let's give it a try first. Red Lotus Knightmon will support me for a while!"

Dagu decided to give it a try. No matter what, he had to restore his energy.

"no problem!"

As Red Lotus Knightmon said this, he immediately swung his sword to kill the monsters around him.

Then Dagu immediately flew towards the sky at full speed.

Tiga suddenly flew into the sky, leaving many people confused.

I don’t understand why Diga left the battlefield at this time. Was he trying to escape?

"Is Diga running away?"

"No! Even Tiga has escaped, what should we do!"

"Don't talk nonsense! Diga can't escape!"

"Tiga will definitely come back and continue fighting."

Through live television, people all over the world saw Tiga leaving the battlefield.

Some people think Tiga is trying to escape, while others think it's impossible. They all have different ideas.

"Why did Diga fly away suddenly!?"

Xincheng raised his head in confusion and looked at Diga, who was getting smaller and smaller.

"Diga, it's impossible for him to give up the fight. He must have some reason. We have to believe in Diga!"

Lina immediately explained her thoughts, and she chose to believe Diga no matter what.

"That's right. We won't be able to figure it out if we leave first. Let's focus on fighting first."

Munakata remained calm and controlled the team atmosphere.

At the same time, keep firing, shooting at the monsters along the way.

"Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

At this time, Red Lotus Knightmon also went all out.

It spins in place at high speed like a top, constantly firing beams of pure bliss in all directions, bombarding countless monsters.

He will try his best to help Tiga and delay time here!

Seeing the Red Lotus Knightmon showing such great power, the human warriors boosted their morale and tried to fight with all their strength.

TPC Headquarters

All senior officials are now supervising logistical supplies and allocating combat power.

This is a big battle, and the logistics must be in place.

Human fighters are different from blood pool monsters. They are not infinite. They must keep up with the ammunition supply without any gaps!

Now batch after batch of fighter planes are flying back to replenish ammunition, and at the same time, a batch of replenished fighter planes are rushing to the battlefield, trying to make the connection as seamless as possible to prevent the loss of combat power.

"Hurry up! What are you doing so slowly? Don't you know what's going on now! Police Department, don't you usually train!!"

Yoshioka aggressively reprimanded his subordinates who were not efficient in their work, and at the same time, he personally took the lead in transporting supplies and giving guidance on work, so that no one dared to complain.

"Director Sawai, support has been arranged now."

Hui Jian rushed to Saijing to report.

"very good."

Director Sawai now looked several years older in an instant, and the sudden appearance of the blood pool monster made him feel tremendous pressure.

"Captain Hui Jiajian, do you think we can survive this crisis?"

Sawai suddenly asked this question.

"I don't know either."

Regarding this issue, the Intermediary Club cannot guarantee it, but there is still no despair in the eyes.

"But I believe in human power and Tiga."

Hui Jian trusted Diga more than anyone else. Even if he saw Diga fly away from the battlefield with his own eyes, he still felt that he must have a reason.

"Captain, this is a video from the space station. Tiga is approaching the sun!"

At this time, Ye Rui ran over sweating profusely, holding up his iPad while panting, and showed the video to Jian Hui.

in the universe

Tiga flew in front of the sun.

Being close to the sun for the first time, even Ultraman's body made him feel extremely hot.

Then Tiga raised his arms to absorb the sun's rays.

The next second, the timer, which was flashing red like crazy and seemed about to go out at any moment, now turned back to blue.

This is a sign that Tiga has enough energy!

"It actually worked!"

Feeling the power filling every corner of his body, Dagu was extremely surprised.

In this case, if he encounters a situation of insufficient energy in the future, he can choose to get closer to the sun to replenish his strength!

Full of energy, Diga's whole body turned into a ray of light, rushing towards the earth like a meteor!

"I see, Diga is going to replenish energy!"

After Hui Jian saw Diga's actions through the video, he immediately understood why Diga suddenly left the battlefield.

Sure enough, Tiga will not disappoint everyone.

Now, the island that has been turned into a battlefield has no trace of nature anymore. It is full of monster corpses, bomb craters, and fallen fighter planes.

Without Tiga's support, no matter how hard Red Lotus Knightmon tried, it would not be able to deal with so many monsters, and now human casualties began to be heavy.


"Hurry up and skydive!"

"But if you parachute, you'll end up in the monster's mouth!"

Now Feiyan No. 1 and Feiyan No. 2 have been hit and are falling towards the ground.

The current situation is that when you parachute, you have to fight against monsters with your body. If you don't parachute, the plane will be destroyed and people will die. No matter which one, it is a dangerous situation.

However, at this critical moment, a ray of light fell from the sky!

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