
Thunder and lightning suddenly exploded in his mouth, causing the giant toad to howl in agony, and its huge body fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Cause a very scary earthquake.


The sudden red ball made Leo and Seven look at it.

"Could it be!"

After Leo saw the red ball, his tone suddenly became very happy.

When the red ball disappeared, a figure somewhat similar to Leo appeared. He was none other than Leo's younger brother, Ultraman Astra!


When Leo saw his brother appear, he immediately shouted excitedly.

"Brother Leo!"

Astra immediately ran to Leo's side and looked up and down at his condition.

"How are you?"

Astra expressed concern.

"I'm fine, I feel relieved when you're here!"

Leo was slightly relieved after seeing Astra.

In this situation, having a new combat force is definitely a good thing!

"Brother, what is going on! Where did these monsters come from, and why are some of them so huge!"

Astra was shocked when she saw the densely packed monsters around her, completely confused as to what was going on.

"I'll explain it later. We have to destroy this group of monsters first and prevent the monsters in the blood pool from emerging!"

Leo also wanted to explain, but time didn't allow it now.

"By the way, Astra, let's use our double flash with all our strength to attack the inside of the blood pool!"

Just then Leo thought of a way.

The power of the double flash used by Leo and Astra together is far superior to Leo's beam!

If this move is used to attack the inside of the blood pool, it may be able to frighten the monsters inside and make them afraid to continue coming.

"Okay, I understand!"

Although she didn't understand what was happening now, Astra trusted her brother and agreed immediately.


At this moment, the giant toad slowly stood up, its pupils full of resentment and anger, staring at Astra and Leo.

Then it gathered thunder and lightning again, planning to attack again and avenge its shame.

"call out!"

However, Severn moved one step faster than it, and immediately released a beam of light, hitting the device behind the giant toad.


The device was destroyed, setting off a large explosion on the back of the giant toad, blasting a big hole in the stinking flesh! Making the giant toad scream in agony.

Then Seven released another light, hitting the huge toad's injured mouth and directly punching through its head!

"Now that the decision has been made, you should act quickly! I will cover you!"

Seven said looking at Leo and Astra.


After Leo finished speaking, he immediately flew upwards with Astra.

Then Severn took off the ice ax from his head and threw it into the sky. Then he fired a green beam from his forehead and hit the ice ax.

The ice ax hit by the beam was actually divided into hundreds.

Under the control of Severn's mind.

Countless ice axes were flying around with Leo and Astra as the center, turning into an extremely sharp protective shield.

Any monster that dares to come close to this range will be ruthlessly cut into pieces by the ice axe!

Many monsters noticed that the ice ax was controlled by Severn, and immediately changed their strategies to attack Severn first.

Facing the incoming monsters, Seven did not panic at all. While maintaining control of the ice axe, he fired cluster beams of light around him, killing many monsters and preventing them from getting close to him.

At this time, Leo and Astra had arrived above the blood pool. After the two brothers looked at each other, they posed in tacit understanding.

Astra knelt in front of her and Leo stood behind, their hands clasped together.

"Twenty times the Kaio Fist!"

Leo took a deep breath and took the risk of using the Kaio Fist twenty times!

Although the higher the Kaio Fist multiplier, the more powerful it is, but the side effects are also extremely serious.

If Leo's strength suddenly increased twenty times, it would be very difficult for his body, but now he must try his best!

"Brother Leo, why did your power suddenly increase so much!"

After Astra felt it, she screamed in extreme shock.

"I'll explain it to you later! Concentrate your strength first!"

After Leo finished speaking, he concentrated all his strength on his and Astra's hands.

Astra didn't ask any more questions after hearing this, but obediently concentrated her energy.

"Ultra! Double Flash!"

A crimson lightning-shaped beam was released from Brother Leo's hands and fell into the blood pool.

The beam of light continued to fall to the bottom of the blood pool, and no one knew what it would touch.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!!"

When the beam falls to a certain depth, an extremely violent explosion suddenly occurs.

The terrifying power of the explosion directly caused the entire blood pool and even the surrounding ground to tremble crazily!

Then the blood pool sprayed out countless water splashes like a waterfall, reaching a height of more than a thousand meters!

Such a majestic water splash fell directly like a tsunami, hitting the ground and causing a terrifying collision.

He directly beat many monsters to death and made the already bumpy ground collapse!

"So strong, is this the double flash power of Leo and Astra!"

Severn, who had already flown far away to escape, looked at the tragic situation on the ground in shock. It was also the first time that he saw a double flash.

"With such power, even Brother Zuofei's M87 beam with all his strength would be difficult to resist, right?"

Severn couldn't help but think this way.

"By the way, can this move prevent the monster on the opposite side from coming?"

After thinking about this problem, Severn approached the blood pool, released powerful telepathy, and entered the blood pool.

Explore the situation in the blood pool through telekinesis.

After exploring the depths of his mind, Severn saw countless pieces of flesh and limbs, and fragments of various materials.

It seems that many monsters tried to come through the blood pool just now, but were eliminated by the double flash.

As he continued to explore deeper, Severn felt that his telepathy was as if he was entering a swamp. His telepathy was tightly entangled, making it very difficult to continue going down.

So Seven stopped exploring and immediately withdrew his telekinesis.

"It seems that it does work. As for whether it does, we can only see later."

After thinking of this, Severn felt a little tired, his steps suddenly became shaky, and he almost lost his balance.

At this time, the crystal lamp on his forehead was flashing.

"No, I used too much telekinesis. Even if I have infinite energy, my energy is still limited."

Severn stroked his head.

Ultraman will not only light up when his energy is low, but also when he is seriously injured or very tired.

"By the way, where are Leo and the others?"

Seven looked around and saw Astra falling from the sky supporting Leo in the distance, so he hurried over.

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