"Hoo ho ho ho!!!"

Above the blood pool, there is a thousand-meter-large pterosaur monster with four wings.

It flaps its four wings frantically, creating a very violent storm.

The storm it created was no less powerful than Severn's mental storm, and it also rotated counterclockwise to offset Severn's tornado so that the monsters could get out.

"Don't even think about it!"

After Severn noticed the pterosaur monster's thoughts, he immediately took off his ice ax and threw it towards the pterosaur monster.

The ice ax tore through the air and rushed towards the pterodactyl monster.

The pterodactyl monster noticed the flying ice ax and was about to avoid it.

Not far away, Gunteras suddenly fired a missile and red light, hitting the neck of the pterosaur monster, causing its movement to stop instantly.

This caused the ice ax to successfully penetrate the pterosaur monster's throat.

Although Severn is far away from the pterodactyl monster and the ice ax is in the monster's neck, it still does not affect his ability to control the ice ax with his mind.

Under the control of his mind, the ice ax moved inside the monster's neck, continuously cutting the flesh and blood in a circular motion and deepening the distance. Finally, it cut off the monster's neck directly from the inside, causing its body to fall to the ground, crushing many monsters to death.

"Ahhhhh!! Ten times Kaio Fist!"

At this time, Leo activated the Tenfold Kaio Fist, increasing his power tenfold.

Then he flew towards a monster that was over a kilometer long and extremely fat and bloated, and used Leo Flying Kick to blast the monster's head.

That wasn't the end of it, Leo grabbed the monster's headless body, lifted the monster's body that was more than twenty times bigger than himself, and then smashed it around.

One hit is enough to kill many small monsters.

After countless hits, countless monsters instantly turned into meat!


Leo then threw the headless corpse towards the blood pool, hitting the monsters that had just emerged from the blood pool and forcing them down.


After Leo adjusted his energy, he immediately flew above the blood pool. He slowly opened his arms and stretched them forward, then separated them. Then his whole body emitted powerful energy.

Then compress it on both hands at the same time.

Then his hands merged to emit a beam of light, which fell into the blood pool.

"Leo Beam!"

This move is Leo's strongest light skill. He uses this move to destroy the monsters in the blood pool, making them afraid to come over! !


A terrifying big explosion appeared in the blood pool, setting off a violent tsunami.

In the tsunami of red liquid, many residual limbs of different sizes flew out.

With his powerful energy, Leo bounced away the approaching liquid and stumps, staring at the blood pool, wondering if what he was doing was fruitful.

So he simply flew directly into the blood pool to have a clear look.


Seven noticed that Leo actually took such a risk to enter the blood pool, and couldn't help but feel worried.

The blood pool was so red that even Ultraman's eyes found it difficult to see clearly what was inside.

Leo dived carefully, focusing as much energy on his eyes as possible so that he could see clearly and further.

Just when Leo didn't know how far he had dropped, a lightning beam suddenly appeared below the blood pool and shot towards him!

Leo had just seen this lightning beam and was already hit.

"Boom, boom, boom!!!"

This lightning beam actually exploded into a series of extremely powerful explosions. The terrifying explosion force directly blew Leo out of the pool of blood!

"Ah ah!"

Leo quickly burst out with energy, making himself float in the air quickly.


Leo looked at the pool of blood in shock. The lightning strike just now was enough to seriously injure him before.

"Thump thump thump thump thump!!!"

Then, a monster over a kilometer tall appeared again from the blood pool.

But this monster seems different from the previous one.

It is a huge toad-like monster, its whole body is covered with pustules and rotten flesh, and its appearance is particularly disgusting.

But the strange thing is that its back is actually made of metal, and there are several machines similar to signal transmitting stations.

It's a half-mechanical, half-biological monster!

When this monster appeared, he looked around and rolled his eyes.

Remember the five super star god robots that are killing everyone.

Then the surface of the transmitter behind him kept pulsing with electricity!

"Leo, be careful!"

Seeing this scene, Seven realized something was wrong and immediately warned him.

But the next second, the giant toad monster suddenly slapped the ground hard, and then the transmitter on its back burst out with powerful electromagnetic pulse energy! Spreading around like a tsunami!

When the five Super Star God robots were affected by electromagnetic pulse energy, they instantly stopped all functions and fell heavily.


Seeing this scene, Severn and Leo couldn't help but feel surprised. They didn't expect there to be such a monster.


The giant toad monster made a strange roar.

At the same time, the transmitter on its back continued to emit thunder and lightning, flowing along the metal and skin into its mouth.

Then it spit out suddenly and launched a charged thunder beam to attack Leo!

Leo realized that the lightning beam was very dangerous, so he immediately opened his shield to reach the beam.

However, the barrier could not be maintained, and cracks appeared in an instant, and finally the whole thing exploded.

Hit Leo directly.


Leo screamed in this powerful thunder beam. Now his whole body was tortured by countless electric currents. He felt as if his body was going to explode. Then he became extremely paralyzed and it was difficult to feel every part of his body!


With a violent explosion.

Incomparably dazzling lightning bloomed in the sky.

Finally Leo fell heavily to the ground.


Leo was shaking extremely uncomfortably and wanted to stand up, but his whole body was so paralyzed that he couldn't stand up at all.


"Ho ho ho ho!!"

Seeing that Leo could not move, all the monsters immediately approached Leo, intending to kill him while he was sick.

At this moment, a ray of light fell and swept away these monsters!

I saw Severn falling from the sky and standing next to Leo with an ice ax to protect him!

"Leo, how are you!"

Severn immediately asked about Leo's situation.

"It takes me time to move."

Leo's particularly uncomfortable answer.

"Damn it."

Severn looked at the giant toad monster.

The monster concentrated its thunder and lightning energy again, preparing to launch another thunder and lightning beam.

So Seven immediately picked up Leo and flew into the sky to avoid it.

The giant toad stared at Severn, looking for the right moment to launch a thunder beam.

However, at this moment, a red ball of light suddenly fell from the sky, hitting the giant toad's head directly, causing its mouth to close, and the thunder and lightning in its mouth exploded directly in its mouth!

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