Piccolo was tortured by the harsh sound and was unable to continue fighting.

At this moment, all the siren heads distorted the surrounding space, and countless qigong bombs that Piccolo had thrown before appeared in front of them, and then flew towards Piccolo one after another!

Piccolo is now in the pain of being tortured by the harsh sound, unable to dodge so many Qigong bombs.

So he could only be like a target, being bombarded by countless Qigong bombs he created.



As expected of the qigong bombs made by Piccolo, each one was extremely powerful, setting off countless dust and shock waves, and blasting huge holes into the ground beneath his feet.

When all the qigong bombs landed on Piccolo, everything calmed down.

The smoke slowly dissipated, and Piccolo could be seen lying on the ground with serious injuries, seemingly unable to stand up again.

A dozen siren heads saw Piccolo seemingly dead and walked over to check.

Then they looked at each other and made specific sonic exchanges, as if to say who should eat Piccolo.

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

At this moment, there were a few blasts of wind falling from the sky, and more than a dozen light bombs were seen. I don't know where they came from, but they actually fell from the sky.

The siren heads didn't react, they were hit one after another, and they were hit in the head as the trumpet.

Just a light bullet is enough to beat their heads to pieces!

The serious head injuries put the siren heads in great pain, and they immediately lay on the ground rolling back and forth.

Their power comes from the horn. If the horn is damaged, their combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced.

"Tsk, a bunch of rubbish, wasting so much of my time."

At this time, Piccolo, who had been seriously injured and fell to the ground, slowly stood up and spit out a mouthful of blood with an unhappy look on his face.

"If you really thought that I, the Great Demon King Piccolo, would die that easily, you would be totally wrong!"

Piccolo scoffed disdainfully.

"Now that your heads have been severely damaged, you can't continue to become invisible, so you can be my target honestly!"

After Piccolo finished speaking, a terrifying aura erupted from his body.

I saw that Piccolo's whole body was wrapped with electric current, which was concentrated on his hands and compressed to form a light bomb, and then compressed repeatedly to increase the power contained in the light bomb to the extreme! .

Then it quickly threw it towards a siren head, and then quickly made it in the same way, repeatedly throwing it towards the surrounding siren heads to attack.

This kind of light bullet that gathers all his strength and compresses it repeatedly is very powerful.

Far superior to ordinary Qigong bombs!

"woo woo woo woo!!"

The sirens around them couldn't help but emit a mournful sound similar to the sound of a ship's whistle after being bombarded by Piccolo.

The very hard body actually had some cracks caused by the blast from Piccolo.


Piccolo had to frown when he saw that although his attacks worked and caused them pain, they were unable to kill them.

"What is the structure of these guys' bodies? I've attacked them to this point. Why can't I destroy their bodies?"

Piccolo looked at these siren heads in confusion. Their only serious injury was their badly damaged horns.

But the body cannot be completely destroyed no matter what.

"Speaking of which, on that screen, only Abel's sword cut off their bodies, but they didn't die. What kind of monsters are these?"

This made Piccolo realize that Siren Head was not simple, and had to shed a cold sweat.

"Tch, forget it. If you can't kill him, let's use other methods instead."

After Piccolo finished speaking, he looked at the sky and saw only God and Bobo, who didn't know when they came here.

"Hmph, you're finally here. I thought you didn't dare to come."

Piccolo looked at the god and mocked with disdain.

"Don't underestimate me. Although I am weak, I will do what I can."

The god said seriously, looking at Piccolo with extremely fearful eyes.

"Stop talking nonsense! I will contact you telepathically earlier. Here are the things I have prepared!"

Piccolo stretched out his hand impatiently and shouted.

"it's here!"

After the god finished speaking, he took out a universal capsule. After pressing the button, a dozen rice cookers with talisman papers appeared.

Piccolo was worried that he would not be able to destroy the siren head, so he contacted God and asked him to prepare these rice cookers.

"This is a fairy bean. Even you will be tired if you use magic waves one after another to seal an enemy of this level."

After the god finished speaking, he threw a few fairy beans to Piccolo.

"Huh, you're very thoughtful."

Piccolo took the fairy beans, sneered, and ate one for himself.

"Demon Sealing Wave!"

Piccolo then used the Demon Sealing Wave to seal the siren heads one after another into the rice cookers.

This is the only containment method he can think of at the moment.

Demon Sealing Wave is a move that consumes a lot of energy.

To seal a difficult opponent like Siren Head, Piccolo would have to spend a lot of energy to seal it.

After he sealed the last siren head, he happened to eat the last fairy bean, and then he put all the rice cookers into the universal capsule.

"How do you plan to take care of these monsters?"

The god asked curiously.

"Care? Why does Fei do that? Just connect the capsule directly and throw it into the blood pool."

Piccolo sneered disdainfully.

"What, there is still this method."

God didn't expect Piccolo to think so.

"These monsters are troublesome as soon as they appear. It is the best choice to exile them to another world." Piccolo analyzed calmly. "I see." The God of Heaven nodded in sudden realization, and then he looked at Piccolo with complicated eyes. "Piccolo, although I don't understand the containment, you seem to have become stronger because of the containment. So what are you going to do?" Piccolo smiled wickedly at the God of Heaven after hearing this question. "Who knows?" After leaving this rhetorical question, Piccolo flew into the sky and quickly flew towards the blood pool. "God of Heaven, Piccolo is in danger now." Bobo looked at the God of Heaven nervously and said. "Yes, I think so too, but I feel that he seems to have changed a lot, completely different from his father." The God of Heaven looked at Piccolo's figure in the distance with a solemn expression. ... Although this group of monsters looks scary, they are actually not as strong as Leo.

"Hey ahhhhh!!"

Leo used Leo's flying kick to kick through more than a dozen huge monsters that were hundreds of meters long. The continuous explosions also killed many small monsters.

Seven used his powerful telekinesis to create a huge tornado that surrounded the blood pool. As long as a monster dared to approach the tornado, it would be blown back immediately, even if it was a huge monster that was hundreds of meters long.

In this way, he prevented the monsters in the blood pool from spreading to other places.

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