There were countless monsters inside the blood pool that were approaching upwards.

But it was instantly wiped out by countless powerful white meteors.

No one knows how many monsters died here.

The white meteor will not stop after killing a few monsters, but will continue to spread towards the depths.

Countless white meteor showers are now continuing to fall towards the depths of the blood pool. I don’t know where they will fall and when they will stop.

Outside the blood pool.

"Ha ha ha ha...."

Diana squatted on the ground exhausted. If it weren't for the Sword of Oath, she would probably lie down on the ground to rest.

So she immediately activated the distant Utopia so that she could recover her strength immediately.

"How are you?"

Arthur immediately ran to Diana's side to protect her.

"I'd love to say I'm fine, but I'm really, really tired right now. I haven't been this tired from playing in a long time."

Diana smiled helplessly.

The last time I was very tired, I still had to deal with Ares.

But even when dealing with Ares, she had never been so tired.

"You are really too much for me."

Diana looked helplessly at the Sword of Victory Oath.

She learned more about the sword.

"So have we succeeded now? Will monsters continue to appear in the blood pool?"

Arthur asked, looking at the blood pool worriedly.

"I don't know. We'll have to see if they show up again."

Diana was unsure and could only look at the pool of blood.

Fortunately, however, no monsters continue to appear in the blood pool where monsters would have appeared.

"Deal with the monsters around first, and then let's take a look."

In the distant ideal countryside, Diana recovered some of her strength and was eager to continue fighting.

Now is not the time to focus on the blood pool.

Not all the monsters on the ground have been cleared yet!

. . . . . .

Marvel Universe

"Have you seen it? We need to have the power to blast through the earth in order to prevent the monsters in the blood pool from continuing to emerge!"

Tony Stark said while launching crystal vine missiles to bomb the surrounding monsters.

"Are you kidding me? Where do we have this kind of power?"

Rhodes shouted anxiously.

"I do not know either!"

Tony Stark expressed helplessness about this, where could he have such a weapon.

Just as he was talking to Rhodes, a monster several hundred meters tall stretched out his hand and grabbed Tony Stark.

No matter how much Tony Stark resisted, he couldn't break free.

Just when the monster was about to crush Tony Stark to death, Thor fell from the sky and smashed the monster's head with a hammer, smashing its head into a pie and sinking into its body, causing it to collapse heavily. Down.

Just enough to let Tony Stark go.

"Hey, little Iron Man, how are you?"

Thor asked looking at Tony Stark with a proud look on his face.

"Thanks, but you can call me Iron Man or Tony Stark."

Tony Stark said helplessly that he didn't like the title Little Iron Man.

"I will remember it. Leave those big monsters to me."

Thor now looked cheerful.

He felt that after picking up Mjolnir, his strength had improved and he was stronger than before.

For most people, he can take down giant monsters of several hundred meters that are very difficult to deal with with one hammer.

But for that kind of thousand-meter monster, he needs to put more thought into it.

Such an advantage that was far superior to others made Thor's heart feel a little bit floating.

"Hey guys, there's a lot of monsters approaching town!"

At this time, Barton's voice came from the intercom.

On the fighter plane, Barton could see many monsters gradually approaching the town.

Although many people are desperately trying to eliminate monsters, there are too many monsters and many fish are still missing.

So Barton could only ignore his physical condition and kept firing arrows, turning into many meteor showers to bombard the group of monsters.

Nick Fury also ordered the fighter planes to go over and shoot with machine guns.

However, this is only a drop in the bucket.

"I'll be there right away!"

Although there was no walkie-talkie, Thor, who was next to Tony Stark, still heard what he said, so he immediately picked up Mjolnir and let himself fly into the sky.

"Speaking of which, where is Loki?"

Thor looked at the ground in confusion.

He had previously seen Loki using Frostmourne to fight monsters, but why was he missing now? Where was he?

At this time, many monsters poured into the town and were wreaking havoc everywhere.

There was an endless stream of screams all around.


"Who can help me!"

"my child!"

At this moment, the peaceful and happy town turned into a purgatory.

Under the destruction of so many monsters, civilization visible to the naked eye is quickly turning into ruins.


A mother and son looked at a monster several hundred meters tall with fear on their faces, looking like a cow.

The monster did not see the mother and child, and was just walking normally. However, its foot was about to step on the mother and child.

This made the mother and son hug each other in despair, close their eyes and wait for death.

However, after waiting for a few seconds, the imaginary feeling of being trampled did not appear.

This made mother and son have to open their eyes in confusion.

As a result, they saw that the monster in front of them turned into ice and kept taking steps. Its icy feet were only a few centimeters away from the mother and child.

At this moment, the sky over the town was filled with countless cold air, and countless snowflakes fell from the sky.

Many monsters began to be frozen into ice.

No matter how huge it is, it cannot escape the fate of turning into an ice sculpture.

This made many panicked people feel particularly confused. They looked at the surrounding ice and snow and ice sculptures with blank expressions, not understanding what was happening.

"People on Earth, you no longer need to be afraid. With my Asgardian god, Loki, here, you will not be attacked by monsters!"

At this moment, Loki stood on top of a giant ice sculpture of a monster several hundred meters tall.

He was speaking loudly to everyone.

After everyone heard Loki's voice, they looked at Loki blankly.

"I am Loki! Your great god! I will protect you from monsters!"

Loki said with a proud look on his face.


"Is there really a god?"

"Is he here to save us?"

In despair, if a god came to the world to lend a helping hand, most people would probably believe in that god.

This is the situation now. Originally, the surviving people in the town would be slaughtered by monsters, but Loki appeared to save them.

This shakes their materialistic spirit.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

However, just then the roar of monsters came, and many monsters were seen approaching the town.

This suddenly made many people panic.

When Loki saw this, he just smiled proudly.

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