American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 355 Take the opportunity to be the savior

The monster approached the town like a wave. Seeing this, countless residents in the town were frightened and kept retreating.

The previous scenes of monsters massacred and ruined were still vivid in their minds. Fear dominated their bodies and minds, causing them to instantly fall into the bottom of despair.

"Dear weak people of Earth!"

Just then Loki's voice came, attracting everyone's attention.

"Monsters are scary, right, but don't worry, with me, Loki, you will be safe!"

After Loki finished speaking, he raised Frostmourne high.

I saw Frostmourne emitting a wave of light blue energy that spread around, then turned into countless light spots and landed on every frozen monster.

The next second, something very strange happened!

The dead monsters reappeared one after another. The only difference from before was that they were now covered in light blue and wrapped in air conditioning.

If any ordinary person dares to get close to them, they will feel extremely cold.

This is another ability of Frostmourne, which locks the souls of dead creatures in Frostmourne and transforms them into an undead army.

Loki has killed countless monsters before, including many huge monsters. Now he has a powerful army of undead monsters!

Densely dense monster souls occupied the town. Everyone was frightened when they saw this and didn't know what to do.

"Legion of the Undead! Listen to my orders!"

At this time, Loki was holding Frostmourne high and giving orders like a general.

"Destroy those monsters outside!"

Loki shouted the order.

The monster undead legions made extremely eerie howls and rushed toward the monster tide outside the town.

"Ho ho ho ho!!!"

When the monsters in the blood pool saw a large group of monsters rushing over, covered in ice, similar to themselves but feeling completely different, they thought without any hesitation and launched an attack directly, destroying everything that dared to block their progress!

Even my own compatriots are no exception!

When the monsters in the blood pool came into contact with the undead monster army, they used various attacks to knock them all to the ground one by one, and even continuously destroyed and exploded their bodies.

Just like an ice cube, it can be easily shattered if dropped.

However, the strange thing is that the undead monsters whose bodies exploded did not stop or be eliminated because of this, and their body parts were still moving.

Sharp claws, thick tail, strong feet, and even a head without body support.

It was obviously just a single limb, but it still carried powerful power, attacking the group of blood pool monsters on the opposite side and even killing them one by one.

Not only that, the destroyed undead monsters quickly returned to their original state and entered the battle without any hindrance, killing all the blood pool monsters in front of them!

No matter what methods the blood pool monsters on the opposite side use to destroy the bodies of the undead monsters, they cannot stop their attack.

Even if it is broken into pieces.

As long as a cold wind blows, they can quickly return to their original shape.

At this time, snow continued to fall in this area, and strong winds turned into a violent blizzard.

Many blood pool monsters kept turning into ice sculptures under such a snowstorm.

"Hahahaha!! Humans have seen it, this is the power of my Loki! As long as my god Loki is here, you will be in peace! Now give me your due faith!"

Looking at his masterpiece, Loki was very satisfied, his vanity swelled, and he couldn't help shouting with high spirits.

During this period of time, he has been studying the various uses of Frostmourne and has become completely proficient in its use.

As long as the power of Frostmourne is still there, the undead army will be resurrected no matter how many times it is destroyed. They are originally souls, and the so-called entities are just created by the freezing of cold air.

Conventional means cannot destroy the undead army.

Now there are more and more blood pool monsters, which are destroyed by the undead monster army and then converted into members of the undead army.

In other words, Loki now has a large number of powerful monster legions from another world.

Seeing Loki's monster army showing off its might, everyone in the town was shocked. Some people even dared to take photos and post them online.

"Is this God! Sure enough, my belief in God is useful. God has come to save us!"

"But don't you believe in God?"

"It doesn't matter, the most important thing is that God will save us!"

"It's just that this method of releasing monsters is different from the God we know."

"What does it matter? No matter what means God used, He saved us."

"His name is Loki. From today on, I will believe in Loki!"

"That's right! I officially announced my withdrawal from Christianity! I will follow the god Loki! Those guys have no use except asking me to pay money!"



Countless people were impressed by Loki and shouted Loki's name.

Looking at the humans shouting his name all around, Loki felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

As the god of trickery, he is very aware of human nature.

When human beings encounter a terrifying force that they cannot resist, if someone gives a helping hand, then that person will become a god!

And this is what Loki wants.

Listening to the people around him waving flags and cheering for him, Loki thought of the past when Thor was cheered by everyone for his outstanding fighting prowess in the arena.

People in Asgard who are martial and powerful will be sought after by many people.

This resulted in Loki, who was born with a poor physical constitution, destined to be unable to get the attention of many Asgardians. Even if he had achieved success in his strategies and magic, he would be regarded as a heretic.

Now here on earth, with his super strength, he is sought after by many people, making the extravagant hopes he has never had come true, and getting a huge sense of satisfaction.

"It's a pity that the scale is only this small. If this group of monsters can spread to a wider area, then I can spread my reputation to a wider area."

Loki thought slightly regretfully.

"Whirring whirring!!!"

At this moment, a fiery ray shot out from a distance. When it passed through the town, one-third of the town was burned to ashes!


After seeing this, Loki immediately looked towards the group of monsters not far away.

This look made his face look particularly ugly.

It was clear that his army of undead monsters had the upper hand just now, but suddenly a thousand-meter-tall creature appeared, with an appearance like a cow, limbs like mountains, and a body like mountains. There were several craters on its back, constantly emitting smoke and hot air.

This giant bull monster stirs up fiery winds and thick smoke with every breath it takes.

Its appearance caused the temperature in the area of ​​​​100 meters to instantly rise a lot, causing the field of Frostmourne to lose its function!

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