American Comics: I, the containment object is exposed at the beginning

Chapter 353 The lightsaber that penetrates the earth

Obviously Clark's size is far different from that of a thousand-meter giant monster.

But he can knock such a huge monster down with just one collision!

After knocking down the huge monster, Clark immediately released a heat ray, cutting off the monster's neck, and then swept away the surrounding monsters.

He looks like a god in the sky, easily destroying monsters!

"Who is he? Is this human power? It's impossible, right?"

Arthur looked at Clark in the sky with a shocked face, forgetting to fight for a moment, as a group of monsters around him were about to pounce.

Fortunately, Neptunemon shot over in time and knocked away the group of monsters.

"Master, pay attention to your surroundings."

Neptunemon reminded.

"Okay, sorry."

Only then did Arthur react and concentrate on dealing with the monsters around him.

"He can't be human. Who is he?"

Diana looked at Clark in the sky and had to look curious.

But she still had to deal with the blood pool first.

"Bruce, I'm going to fly into the air and charge up my energy."

Diana looked around. This was not a good place to prepare.

"Okay, I've let the Darkwing Bat pass."

After Bruce Wayne finished speaking, the dark invader had flown to Diana's side, and he was repairing the energy shield at the gap.

"Please, little bat."

Diana immediately jumped on the dark invader's back and let it fly high into the sky.

"Don't blame me for piercing the energy shield."

After looking at the energy shield on the top, Diana raised the Sword of Victory Oath.

"Dude, use all your energy, ahhhhhh!!"

The next second, the Sword of Victory Oath emitted a dazzling light, bursting out with astonishing light energy, spurting upward like a fountain, and the scale was like a huge wave.

Such majestic energy penetrates directly through the top of the energy shield, extending several thousand meters into the air.


Diana took a deep breath. When the Sword of Victory Oath burst out with such majestic energy, it felt particularly heavy. Now she could only change to a lunge, stabilize her body, and begin to control the majestic light energy.

Seemingly aware of this terrifying light energy, many monsters turned their spearheads to attack Diana.

At this moment, there were countless flying monsters, as dense as dark clouds, heading towards Diana.

"Neptunemon, is there any way!"

Arthur asked after seeing this.


After Neptune answered, he immediately ran to the edge of the blood pool, and then waved his spear crazily.

The next second, countless scarlet liquids in the blood pool were lifted up and turned into huge waves.

"Huge tsunami!"

Neptunemon used its unique skill to directly control the liquid in the blood pool, forming a majestic tsunami and heading towards the monster in the sky!

The tsunami contains astonishing power. Just a casual slap will have great destructive power. It will directly swat many monsters back to the ground like swatting flies. Some of the more unlucky ones will be reduced to pieces.

Under the control of Neptunemon, the majestic tsunami formed by the blood pool turned into a seaspout, surrounding Diana and forming a protective wall.

As long as any monster dares to get close, it will be blown away by the seaspout.

This is not bad. If you force a breakthrough inside, you will only end up being smashed into pieces.

After realizing that it was Neptunemon who created this seaspout, many monsters rushed towards Neptunemon to attack.

Seeing this, Arthur immediately ran to Neptune Beast, waved his trident crazily, and instantly slapped the blood pool controlled by Neptune Beast countless times. Every time he slapped, a lot of liquid would be ejected.

When the monsters touch the liquid, they will be knocked away as if they were hit hard.

For a while, no monster could get close to Arthur and Neptune.

Diana, who was at the center of the seaspout, was concentrating on controlling the thousands of meters of light energy, compressing so much energy into a giant sword.

This process is very laborious.

Diana had to concentrate extremely hard to do this.

In order not to be affected by anything, she also deliberately used a distant ideal land to isolate herself from the world.

At this moment, Diana felt that her body and mind merged with the Sword of Victory Oath.

Not only can you feel more energy in the Sword of Oath, but you can also hear the sound of the Sword of Oath and have a conversation with it, making it easier to use it.

It was as if the relationship between them was not just a master and a tool, but close comrades-in-arms.

"Buzz buzz!!!"

The majestic energy of light that was originally uncontrollable at the next moment suddenly compressed rapidly and turned into an extremely huge lightsaber.

The lightsaber is more than two thousand meters long and several hundred meters thick. In addition, it emits a distant light that can be seen even from far away places.

It looks like Diana is holding up the sky with a lightsaber!

"Arthur, Neptune, you can put down this pile of liquid!"

Diana spoke into the intercom.

"Neptunemon, put down the tsunami."

Arthur said immediately after hearing this.


After receiving the order, Neptunemon immediately stopped wielding its spear.

After losing his control, the huge seaspout kept spinning in the air and instantly turned into a huge wave and fell towards the ground.


Originally under Neptune's control, this tsunami contained amazing power, but now it falls directly, which will naturally produce very terrifying destructive power.

Comparable to missile bombing!

Any monster that encounters a tsunami, even if it is only partially sprayed, will have its body washed away.

The entire huge tsunami was captured on film, killing more than 100,000 monsters in an instant!


Diana let out a war cry with all her strength and jumped towards the pool of blood.

Turn the lightsaber with all your strength so that the lightsaber penetrates into the blood pool.

At this moment, there are many monsters trying to crawl out of the blood pool.

But after encountering the huge lightsaber, the group of monsters were instantly smashed and burned to ashes.

Even if there is a monster over a kilometer inside, it can't stop the lightsaber from piercing through him.

Under the influence of gravity, Diana successfully inserted the thousands-meter-long lightsaber into the blood pool.

But this is not the end.

"Whirring whirring!!!"

Diana took a deep breath, concentrated all her strength and raised her right hand. The bracelet of her left hand was attached to the hilt of the Sword of Oath.


The next second, Diana lowered her right hand with all her strength, causing the bracelet on her right hand to hit the bracelet on her left hand violently.


With the sound of extremely violent metal collision, terrifying energy fluctuations erupted from the two bracelets and poured into the Sword of Oath.

At this moment, the giant sword of light that had been condensed into one body suddenly split and exploded, turning into countless white meteor showers, frantically bombarding the inside of the blood pool from all directions!

If this move were used in the world outside the blood pool, each white meteor would be enough to penetrate the earth!

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